
Saturday 2 November 2019

Rhododendron Bush.

The night that our beloved Penny the Jack Russell passed away, is a night that will be forever etched in the hearts of my son and I.  Her passing impacted on the both of us in ways that I believe has made us better human beings.  Penny taught us lessons of pure love that shall always resonate.

When it came to the spreading of her ashes, my son wanted to be alone.  Alone with his thoughts and the magic of Penny's spirit.  I respected his decision. Tristan spread a portion of her ashes at the places that meant so much to the both of them.  The date was April 6, 2019.  Slightly over five months since she went to sleep.

He then brought over the remainder of her ashes for me to scatter.  On April 9, 2019, I spread her ashes in the wind.  I went to the places so symbolic of Penny's buoyant enthusiasm for the allurement of the great outdoors.
April 9, 2019, was a breezy day.  Her ashes whirled and settled in the open field.  A field so fitting for the inquisitive nature of a curious dog.  I sensed her still playing, still running, in that open field.
I kept some of her ashes to scatter back at the gardens of the place I live.  On the journey home, I wandered through the local park.  I noted a rhododendron bush in full, magnificent bloom.

I felt compelled, felt an overwhelming desire to get closer to the rhododendron bush.  I lovingly sprinkled, in a circular motion, some of Penny's ashes around the roots.

I showed the above photo to my son and told him of how I'd had this powerful, spiritual sensation that seemed to emanate from the rhododendron bush.  My son recognised the bush.  Until then, I had no idea that, three days earlier, part of his ceremonial journey had led him to the park.  Tristan felt compelled, felt an overwhelming desire to get closer to the rhododendron bush.  He lovingly sprinkled, in a circular motion, some of Penny's ashes around the roots.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019, marked one year since the passing of Penny.  My son and I think about her lot.  Yes, we both shed tears.  Yet through those tears, there be joy for all the love she shared with us.  There is no finality.  Penny's love lives on forever.  The sanctuary of the rhododendron bush is such a special place.  A special place that makes us understand Penny's spirit, Penny's love, is watching over us.

Thank you, Penny.  We love you.


  1. It's great that you both had such a bond with Penny. I hope your health is improving.

  2. I swear, dogs are angels on earth. I have no doubt her spirit is keeping watch over you and Tristan. Hugs. And good to see you back. I've missed you!

  3. This is beautiful. And of course she watches over you both, and will do forever.

  4. Dogs are the best thing that can ever happen to a person. I learnt a lot from dogs. Especially their ability to instantly forgive and to always try to be happy. Dogs are more human than humans.

  5. Penny was blessed to have you and Tristan care for her. She will live forever in your hearts.

  6. Hi Gary - so glad you've let us comment ... and lovely to see the nostalgic post ... Penny brings out so many memories for me of times past with my beloved animals. We do sometimes get drawn to things by some invisible spiritual force ... as the two of you do here ... take care and enjoy those memories ... wishing you the best - cheers Hilary

  7. That was God leading you both to that bush.
    Penny will always be in your hearts. And she waits for you to join her one day, because yes, all dogs go to Heaven. Especially ones who were such a blessing as Penny.

  8. She was a magnificent dog, friend and inspiration. I miss her witty blog comments and puns. A modest internet superstar indeed.

  9. Dear friend you've been missed. Penny was a member of your family and blessed your days with her presence. I know how broken hearted you have been and I'm so sorry for all you've been through this past year. Life can be tough and our dear fur babies make the days a bit easier. Your tribute to Penny is a wonderful way to remember her. ~ Diane

  10. It's good to hear your voice again, Gary, and to be able to comment on your post. Penny was special and I'm so glad you shared her with your friends all over the world. I hope your health has been improving steadily.

  11. That is so touching. Penny was family and she always will be.

  12. Your post has brought tears to my eyes Gary. It's so good that you had such a special bond with Penny, she was a very special little dog and though you may not be able to see her she'll be with you and watching over you both in spirit x

  13. It's so important to have a time of remembrance for those we love, and that includes our beloved furry friends. How remarkable that both you and Tristan were drawn to the same beautiful rhododendron and the same actions. Our loved ones are never gone as long as they live in our hearts, and Penny certainly lives in your hearts - and ours, too, Gary. Wishing you peace, my friend.

  14. What a loving and inspiring story.

  15. Thank you for sharing your journey. I have no doubt you were both led there for a reason. Life is connective in more ways than we will ever know. Synchronicity at it's finest. I am weepy eyed now.

  16. We all miss her. I'm so glad she brought so much joy and love in your lives. Sending you lots of heartfelt hugs xo

  17. A dog's love is as non-judgemental as it gets. And Penny seemed to be the exemplar of that. You were all blessed to have each other!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s justly jocular Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  18. This was beautiful to read Gary, I recalled when my dog then my cat passed away. such unconditional love they had for us. Thanks for sharing this with us. Hope all is well with you.


  19. I think it is wonderful and special that you and your son both spread Penny's ashes in the same spot-without either of you knowing. Magic and love. This is a beautiful tribute to such a star. :)

  20. What a beautiful and spiritual spot. And what consolation.

  21. I'm thankful today for the modern technology that enables me to have a friend I've never met across the ocean whose writing makes me weep more often than not. Today was one of those times. You are a very special person, Gary. Now every time I see a rhododendron I will think of Penny.

  22. Hello Gary, never scary always flairy...

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019, marked one year since the passing of Penny. You know I loved your dog, don't you. I still can't believe such a loving creature had to leave this planet. Well, one day we will, too... WAIT, BLUE! Let's keep things light today! OK, so it's been way too long since we last spoke. Just so you know, I haven't forgotten about you sir. Be good, okay? (the right answer is "of course I won't")

    (not Scooby Doo)

  23. Thank you for sharing Penny with all of us throughout the years of blogging. She blessed you then and blesses you still. A tender tribute to a dear friend.

  24. Losing a pet is so hard on all of us.

  25. Thanking you for all those kind, thoughtful comments. I'm going through a very tough time. Not only am I still waiting for the sentence on that idiot that assaulted me, I've now been diagnosed with potential cancer in my right kidney. Hope you understand my lack of interaction.

    Thank you, my friend.


  26. Beautiful! Penny is checking in on you both!
    Take care of yourself, Gary - sending all kinds of positive vibes!!!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you so much. Penny is watching over us, for sure. Thanks for the positive vibes. You take very good care and have a wonderful weekend, my thoughtful friend.


  27. What a wonderful coincidence, but sweet Penny, her loss cuts deep. I know, I still miss my little girl, Patches.
    I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts. The big C seems to be cutting a swath through many lives this year.
    Hold close your faith!
    Love, Renee

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you for your thoughtful response. I understand how much you miss your beloved Patches as my son and I greatly miss our beloved Penny. They get into your hearts and stay there.

      It's been a most daunting week. Yet, despite it all, I remain positive and thankful they discovered that lump on my kidney. If I had not gone back to hospital in regards to other issues, I'd of been none the wiser.

      The idiot that attacked me got 26 months.

      Bless you, Yolanda.

      Gary x

  28. Take care of yourself … my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you very much, Jan. And all the best to you and your loved ones.


  29. Strangely, I'm happy your comment app is back on. For some weird reason I'm comforted knowing I can jot a note to you. Best of success with your impending surgery. I'm glad you're doing okay. I know you miss Penny terribly, but I think she's watching over you. Take care, dear friend.

    1. Hey Joylene,

      I've had the comment section closed on a number of my recent blogs. Partly due to exhaustion from the hospital fatigue and partly because I've felt bad about not being well enough to comment much on other folks' blogs.

      Thank you so much for your kind comment in regards to my impending surgery. I know that maintaining a sense of humour has helped immensely. Indeed, knowing that the spirit of Penny watches over my son and I, has been of magical comfort.

      Thank you, Joylene, my amazing friend.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.