
Friday 2 September 2016

I'm Going To Take Off, Eh!

If you read my last post, you might of worked out that I've endured over three weeks of bureaucratic bullshit, to the bullshittiest extreme.

Oh yeah, I applied to have an extra layer of security on my British passport, despite the leniency period that's still in force during the time I was scheduled to take off to Vancouver. Doing what I thought was the right thing turned into me battling with a bunch of "do not reply" emails.  Over three weeks of frustration, anger, panic attacks, anxiety, mood swings, as I battled with misinformation overload.

How I've managed to keep it together is thanks to you and my constant positive visualisation of greeting my parents on the other side of Customs at Vancouver International Airport.

What happened to me should of never happened in the first place.  I was determined that justice would prevail.  When I first got rejected for Canada's Electronic Travel Authorisation aka "eTA", I had no idea what was wrong.  To make the situation even more aggravating, I hadn't a clue what they wanted from me in regards to documents, despite my several pleas asking them what they wanted.

My head went into speculation overdrive.  Why was I being denied an eTA?   Had the authorities found out about my kinky parties that involved covering myself and any willing participants, with maple syrup?  Maybe they found out about my rendezvous with a moose?  Or maybe, just maybe, they noted the time on Spanish Banks beach in Vancouver when I got caught by a police officer illegally consuming a Molson Canadian beer in a public place.  The police officer yelled at me, "Down that beer!"  I reacted by downing the beer, not onto the ground, but down my throat.  I recall he was not impressed but did sort of chuckle.

It did transpire that they'd decided that I had permanent resident status in Canada and thus, I was supposed to board the plane with an up to date Canadian Resident Card, complete with a photo.  I'd never even heard of such a card.  What a crazy, confusing caper.

Today, I'm feeling rather smug.  I must keep my smugness and my silly grin under control.  After just over three weeks of sheer torment, I have defeated the Canadian bureaucratic monster!   Today, I received, not one, not two, but three emails from the Canadian immigration authorities.  Here's the gist of those emails.  "Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's review of your Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) is now complete. Your eTA remains approved.  You remain authorised to travel to Canada by air."  They also stated within one of the emails that they conceded that I had been experiencing technical problems with the account I had to set up with them.  I actually received an apology for any inconvenience caused.

It figures, yesterday I went and got a whole bunch of documents sorted.  I spent almost an hour with a professional photographer as she had to get my photos just right for the Canadian government photo specifications.  After a frantic day and at much expense, I sent all the information required to the Canadian High Commission in London to prove that I actually don't live in Canada.  Then, today, I got those emails.  What a difference a day makes.
In the words of those two Canadian legends, Bob and Doug McKenzie, I'm going to "Take off, eh!


  1. Bon voyage! Hope you have a good trip.

    1. Hey Pat,

      Thanks for the bon voyeur, um, voyage. I'm going to good trip the heck outta' here.

      Thank you, kind sir.


  2. Go and enjoy! Get away from the madness. And tell Canada where they can put that eTA. (When you're leaving of course...)

    1. Hi Alex,

      Indeed, I most certainly will. I might be going to the madness. I shall make mention of the eTA farce, upon my return to England. Justin Trudeau and I need to have a nice, little chat!

      Thank you, Alex.


  3. It's about time they fixed all that ridiculous red tape. Now you can relax and put this all behind you. Still though...print those emails and laminate them. Love Bob & Doug McKenzie!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Oh yes, I am now removing the red tap that covered my computer screen. I shall really savour my trip back to my other home. I could print all those idiotic emails and cover the entire town!

      Thank you, JoJo.


  4. Well, I certainly HOPE they apologized!!! Our Canadian rep would be complete rubbish if they hadn't!!
    So glad the visualization and your determination worked and now you can relax before the flight!
    Bon voyage, eh! #arf

    1. Hi Jemi,

      It may well of been a standardised email apology, formulated by a robot. As least they, or whatever it was, apologised for any convenience caused by technical problems. Technical problems I pointed out to them nine times.

      Visualisation, determination and the pursuit of justice, eh! :) I can now feel okay at the check in, just like I should of done in the first place.

      Thanks, eh and #arf

      Gary :)

  5. I simply don't understand why you had all those problems with the authorities, though. One would think that the rumoured combination of maple syrup parties and undoubtedly multiple rendezvous with moose and other assorted Canadian wildlife would have caused your request to be expedited to "Highest Priority" status.

    Seriously, I hope you have a great trip, a wonderful vacation, and a super reunion with your mom and dad.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      You make an excellent point, my esteemed friend. Indeed, based on me being very much involved in a number of Canadian stereotypes, they should of beavered away and given my Priority Status and the Order of Canada.

      Thank you for your very kind words. I can now go to the airport without feeling like some criminal.


  6. I am so happy you get that "peace of mind" eta before your trip begins. Enjoy your trip to Canada. I love Canada.

    1. Hi Ann,

      Thank you for that. Oh yes, what a caper to get that peace of mind. I shall now enjoy my trip to Canada and not be freaking out at the check in counter at Manchester airport. I love my second home that is Canada.

      Thank you, Ann.


  7. Fantastic Gary - I'm so pleased for you ... just dream on now .. and look forward to seeing your parents, then that wonderful holiday time with them. Savour each and every minute and day ... that is such wonderful news. Good luck - and with lots of thoughts and a farewell blogger's hug! Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thanks and now I can have a nice dream and forget about the nightmare. The savouring shall be especially sweet now.

      I appreciate your kind, thoughtful words and you very nice emails. Oh, you do a great blog, by the way!

      Hugs and gratitude,


  8. It's all behind you now, forget it and have a wonderful holiday, you deserve it.

    1. Hi Eileen,

      It most assuredly is. Quite right, move on and focus on a wonderful holiday.

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Eileen.


  9. After all that hassle, just think how wonderful it will be to finally hug your parents on arrival. Have a great holiday :)

    1. Hi River,

      For sure and now I can look forward to that family reunion. Thank you for your kind holiday thoughts, River.

      Gary :)

  10. You need your holiday Gary after all you've been through. Have a wonderful time and ENJOY YOURSELF, safe travels.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Exactly, Yvonne! I may need a few holidays, one after another, after that crazy ordeal. Thank you for such a nice comment, my lovely friend.


  11. I'm so glad you've finally got everything sorted Gary - beaurocracy can be a complete b*****d sometimes. I had to laugh at the "down that beer" though :)

    I hope you have a safe journey - go hug your parents and have a wonderful time :)

    1. Hi Eunice,

      Thank you and just in time. I would have been super nervous at the airport even though I'd done nothing wrong. Bureaucracy can be a load of bollocks!

      Down that beer! Ah yes, my crazy, youthful daze, um, days.

      Thank you for your kind wishes, Eunice.

      Gary :)

  12. At least you got the typical Canadian apology. We're sorry for everything it seems. Have a wonderful trip and visit with your parents. Take pictures....we all want to see.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Yeah, I did get that eventual apology after they finally realised it wasn't me messing up, it was them. You know a lot of folks don't even know where Canada is. I hope the pilot knows where it is, or he might say, "sorry, eh!"

      I shall be taking some extra photos. Might take some photos from inside the Canadian Immigration building in Vancouver. Maybe not.

      Thank you, Delores and welcome back to the weird world of blogging.


  13. Well there you go...Canadians eventually say "sorry"...LOL. So happy everything has turned out alright! Have a wonderful trip.

    1. Hey Martha,

      Well there you go, eh. Of course, the vast majority of Canadians needn't be sorry about almost anything. The noisy neighbours below Canada, well that's another story!

      Thank you for your nice comment. Almost time for me to trip away.


  14. I'm amazed that you received an apology! It's because Canadians are so darn nice in spite of that bullshittery. I wish you a lovely visit with your parents. I volunteer to be covered in maple syrup!


    1. Greetings Janie,

      I think I go an apology from a Canadian robot. Of course, one of the main reasons I'm so damned nice and you are in awe of me, is because of all those years I lived in Canada. Seriously, thank you for your nice wishes. Oh, before I go, here's some virtual maple syrup!

      Love n'stuff,

      Gary :)

  15. How sweet it is to be vindicated! Huzzah! In a couple of weeks when you're flying over Edmonton, gimme a wave, eh?

    1. Hey Debra,

      Getting a lot of amazing comments from Canadians, including your amazing self, of course, eh! I took on the mean bureaucratic machine and I won. Hell, at this rate, I might make the playoffs!

      I'm in the cheap seats aka, the wing. When we fly over Edmonton, I shall give you a big wave, eh! I wont make mention of the Eskimos losing to the Stampeders....

      Gary :)

    2. Oh Jesus yeah, didn't they get trounced! *shakes head sadly*

    3. Oops, Debra! Then again, remember when the Edmonton Eskimos were a major force in the CFL. You do realise that most people who might read our comments will not know what the hell we're talking about, eh! :)

  16. Now, is the time to move forward with a light heart. You can pack with confidence knowing all will be well. I had to laugh at the maple syrup parties and of course the downing of the Molson, hey I would have done the same thing downing it means chugging it I guess it my part of the world. Not actually putting it down. Still laughing at the image. It is good to know your sense of humor is still running strong.

    Now relax and enjoy the adventure. Of course I expect to see pictures upon your return.


    1. Hi Truedessa,

      Quite right, True. I can now go through the formalities, the check lists and know I'm not just potentially going through the motions. Nothing like a sticky party. Downing it does mean chugging it when I lived in Canada. Of course, I decided that the cop's request was subject to interpretation. For sure, my sense of humour, my sense of irony, sure helps keep me going.

      I shall now relax and actually look forward to the check in moment. Wonder what sort of pictures! LOL

      Thank you, Truedessa.

      Gary :)

  17. That's a relief, Gary. I have to say, I can never believe the bureaucracy over here. Forms and petty rules for everything and it all takes forever! Glad you managed to hack you way through the jungle in the end. Have a great trip!

    1. Hi Ian,

      A huge relief, Ian. Why I had problems in the first place can be traced back to a lot of technical errors, which they have duly admitted to. Ah yes, I certainly recall the bureaucracy and the form filling. I recall trying to sort out an accident claim with ICBC. It only took about six months!

      Thank you for your kind wishes, good sir.


  18. Replies
    1. Hey Barry, old chap,

      Thanks! I have been informed that they will let me back into the UK so I can keep you and another certain chap, under control. Yes, I know, good luck with that!

      Cheers, Barry.


  19. So pleased to hear you can head off on your travels, Gary. Have fun and enjoy!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you so much for those very nice words. I shall indeed have fun and enjoy my time there.

      Thank you, Suzanne.


  20. I didn't know Canada was so picky about approving things, but hope your trip is a good one. I can't sleep when I fly so I watch old movies and new ones if they are on the list. I also monitor the progress of the flight, just in case. . .Hope the reunion with your parents makes up for the bureaucratic mess. And, welcome back to Vancouver! You'll see some changes, for sure.

    1. Hi D.G.,

      They've become rather picky and I do understand that. However, they totally messed up my application for an eTA. Bureaucracy and wacky technology taken to a whole, new bizarre level.

      I watch the flight path on the screen. I also look at the window and stare at the wing. Rather comforting to see the wing.

      All concerned in Vancouver and other parts of BC, have joined my in a collective sigh of relief. Looking forward to being in Vancouver, my home for 25 years. Oh, I sure know about the changes. I was there just after the winter Olympics and I got totally lost in downtown Vancouver.

      Thank you, my thoughtful friend.


  21. Great news, Gary - hope you have a wonderful time xx

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you, Teresa. I have a hunch I'm going to have a real wonderful time. Plenty to talk about!

      Gary :) xx

  22. How exciting! I hope you have a fantastic time. Take a lot of pictures;-)
    Happy trails!

    1. Hi Diedre,

      Very exciting! Now to wipe that smug look of my face :) I shall been taking loads of pictures. Happy trails reminds me of a song...

      Thank you, Diedre.

      Gary :)

  23. Wonderful, wonderful news.
    I am so glad.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you and wonderful outcome I thought might not happen.

      I appreciate your nice words, Sue. Cheers.


  24. Seeing your parents again was worth the trouble you had getting there. Tell them you love them and tell them "hi" for me.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      Indeed, now my parents, my friends and family, can actually see me over there. I'll tell them I love them and you betcha', I'll say hi from your good self.

      Thanking you kindly.


  25. Good news. May the week(s) of your vacation go smoothly. You earned it.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      Thank you and here's to 19 days of fun. I think I might need a vacation after my holiday!

      Thank you, my lovely friend.


  26. Replies
    1. Hi Caren,

      YAY!!!!, eh! :) Thanks and ENJOY, I sure will.

      Thank you, Caren.


  27. Yay! So happy for you. So... are you just visiting or moving? :) Your patience paid off, in spite of the things you say you did. He he he he. i am laughing over downing that beer. I didn't find anything wrong with that, per se! I am fighting my own battles with our passport authorities, with, as you said, a misinformation overload. Waiting to see how it all works out.

    Hugs, Gary! Enjoy your trip!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Thank you, my nice friend :) I used to live in Canada. The reason I'm here in England is a long story, ex Belgian wife, English son etc. etc....

      I have so much patience I should become a doctor. I know, that didn't quite work. Yes, a touch of sarcasm in regards to some of the things I got up to back in my hippy, trippy daze, um, days, in Vancouver.

      The passport authorities are causing anxiety nightmares these days. Misinformation overload and all those, "do not reply", emails. Here's hoping for a most positive outcome for you, dear Vidya.

      Hugs and trips,

      Gary :) x

  28. HOORAY!! I'm doing a Canadian style Rawkn Robyn dance for you, dear friend. And by "Canadian style," I mean that I'm fantasizing about maple syrup as I shout "Eh, eh! Go Gary! Go Gary!" You need and deserve this break.
    Happy thoughts and safe travels to you.
    Virtual Canadian Hugs.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      HOORAY!! EH! :) I'm liking your Canadian style dance! Make sure the Mountie doesn't step on your twinkle toes :) Plenty of maple syrup to go round and back around again.

      Oh yes, I would never of imagined that this break would be such a hassle. Now I can just go and savour the maple syrup, um, savour the trip.

      Virtual Canadian hugs, back atcha'!

      Gary :) x

  29. So pleased it worked out OK Gary, have a wonderful time. Come back refreshed and don’t forget to tell us all about your trip. Hugs to you and Miss Penny xx

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thank you and I'm bordering on delirious. I really thought I'd not get this sorted out properly in time for my hoped-for trip. I shall come back refreshed and rejuvenated. I'm sure I'll have a few interesting stories to tell.

      Hugs back to you, my kind friend.

      Gary xx

  30. My theory is that government agencies are in place to test our endurance. You've passed! Yay! And when there's a next time, which there always is with government agencies, you'll look back with nostalgia on this hard-won battle and think, "That wasn't so hard. Now how in the #!** am I going to deal with them this time?"

    Enjoy your visit on my side of the planet. Wave to the south and say hi.

    1. Hey Lee,

      Wow, your theory may just have some credibility. I think the endurance test was like running a marathon everyday for just over three weeks. Glad I passed before I passed out. I shall recall this weird episode in my life and realise I took on a government's bureaucratic monster. Yes, even Canada has bureaucratic monsters, that lurk behind mysterious, perplexing emails.

      Oh, you own that side of the planet! Cool! Yes, that's right, you will be to the south in the state of Confusion, sorry, California. That would be the state below Oregon and just above Donald Trump's favourite country, Mexico! "Hi, y'all and have a nice day!"

      Thank you, superstar author, Lee.

      Gary :)

  31. Hi Pat in the Hatt, a rhyming cat and a moose or two, just for you,

    I shall so enjoy now, my fine Canadian friend. I think some bureaucratic idiot was overdosing on maple syrup.

    Thank you, Pat.


  32. Glad you got it situated. Happy travels and stay safe. Don't talk to any terrorists. But I don't know what one looks like.

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thank you and that was one aggravating situation. Ah yes, it would be the terrorists that caused all of this. It's because of them I needed that extra layer of security. So, they kind of screwed up my head for over three weeks without even knowing about it.

      Thank you, Shelly.


  33. Yay. Hope everything is now smooth sailing, err flying. Have a wonderful time.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thanks for the Yay! A smooth take off, eh...

      Appreciate your kind words, Medeia.


  34. What wonderful news that it all worked out! Have a safe trip. I lived in Vancouver for a year when I was just out of college, and I loved it there. One day, I want to go back. I know all about the immigration stuff. I have a permanent residency card for the US. It took over two years to get it while I had to sit and wait... at home, not at the office!

    1. Hi Christine,

      Thanks for that, Christine. Wow, neat stuff about you living in Vancouver for a year. I'm sure you will go back to Vancouver.

      That's a long wait for that card. In my case, they wanted me to get a card very quick. Trouble is, I'd already booked my flight and had never heard of the card they expected me to have. What a crazy world!

      Cheers, Christine.


  35. Hi Joylene,

    My parents live in south Surrey, but because they live so close to White Rock, what the heck, they consider they live in White Rock. Yep, a Province that's in two time zones. Wonder if I ever mentioned to you that we had friends in Vanderhoof.

    Oh, I shall be as close as 741.8 km. from you good self. I'm going to be in Kelowna on September 23 for 8 days.

    Those bureaucrats and their idiot technology needs a total overhaul. My harrowing tale is by no means unique.

    Thank you, Joylene.

    Gary, eh!

  36. Congrats Gary! Glad you got it all straightened out. It will be a great trip for you and to spend some quality time with your folks...

    Happy Travels!

    1. Hi Micheal,

      Thank you, good sir. It was over three weeks of hell to get it straightened out. Now I can most certainly have a great trip and savour the quality time with my friends and family.

      Appreciate you commenting, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  37. Replies
    1. Hi Ivy,

      Thanks and I reckon it will be a safe, fun time!

      Gary :)

    2. I think it will be both as well.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

    3. Hi Ivy,

      Five days to boogie boogie time. Being so close to the time I go, I've been well away from my computer.

      Thank you for the follow up comment to your other comment :)


  38. Wow! You got an apology? That wouldn't have happened in the States. At least I don't think it would've happened in writing from the States. Maybe verbally. ;) Have a fantastic trip. Goodness knows, you deserve it!

    1. Hi Elsie,

      Yes, I got an apology. I'm pretty sure it was a standardised apology that was sent via an email.

      Here's an actual quote from the email, "Sir, Madam,

      Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. I am pleased to follow up on your request:

      The message that you have indicated is the result of a technical problem that has now been resolved. You should be able to view the status of your application using the Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) Check status tool without further difficulty. Please try again.

      Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and please let us know if you experience further technical difficulties.

      We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."

      I would of quite liked a grovelling verbal apology from Justin Trudeau! :)

      Thank you for your supportive comment. I reckon I will need a vacation after my upcoming holiday.

      Gary :)

  39. This is wonderful news Gary. Light at the end of the damn stupid tunnel at last. I'm glad you were able to persevere, knowing how hard that will have been for you. Now bugger off and enjoy yourself! - Xx

  40. Hey Michelle,

    Thanks and it sure is some wonderful news. I almost thought I'd never see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was horrendous as I battled against a bunch of idiotic, "do not reply", "ne pas répondre" emails. The good thing is my French has improved. Mon dieu! I shall bugger off on Monday morning, September 19, from an airport very near to your good self.

    Thank you, Michelle.

    Gary Xx :)

  41. Glad you stuck with it and persevered. Yeah! Good work! Hope you have a fantastic trip! :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      My perseverance was severely tested by such a crazy caper. I'm almost keeping my smugness under control as justice prevailed. Thank you for your kind words, Jess.

      Gary :)

  42. Twisted tales of torment, oh how I can relate to the freeing oneself from all the red tape and bullshittiest extremes of any System! I'm so Happy you have prevailed, we simply must Celebrate... break out the Maple Syrup! Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

    1. Hi Dawn,

      Perfect alliteration, my thoughtful friend. Indeed, a celebration is in order for all those who have been perplexed by the incomprehensible red tape machine. Maple syrup is on its way to the Arizona desert.

      Thank you, Dawn.

      Gary :)

  43. So glad it is all sorted out. I'm so sorry about the horrible experience you had. I hope you have the most wonderful trip back to Canada. As you approach your flight back, remember to do breathing techniques to help you preamble any problems. (not sure if that is the correct use of preamble) (HUGS to you and Penny)

    1. Hey Sharon,

      Thank you and yes, it was a horrible experience that should never of happened. I've no doubt my trip will be extra wonderful. I shall be doing some weird preamble breathing in the taxi on the way to the airport. Hope the taxi driver doesn't get too freaked out by it all! :)

      Thanks for the hugs and here's hug back from Penny and I, her fictional human.

      Cheers, Sharon.


  44. I'm glad to hear everything worked out well in the end, no matter how long and difficult the process was.

    1. Hi Carrie-Anne,

      I appreciate your thoughtful words, my lovely friend. It was quite the battle getting through such a ridiculous process. Thankfully, somehow, I got there.

      Thanks, Carrie-Anne.

      Gary :)

  45. Imagine if you tried coming to the U.S? We're going to build a wall. :)

    1. Hey Eve,

      Too late! Canada has already built a wall to prevent desperate Americans trying to get into Canada due to some sort of Presidential situation :)

      Thank you, Eve.


  46. Your life!!!!!!

    But seriously. Gary, I love coming here and reading anything/everything you have to say. I look at you and you inspire me. You really do. Just had to say that.

    1. Hey Morgan,

      Oh yep, my life, I'm a walking sitcom! :)

      You are way too nice, my amazing, courageous friend. Thank you very much, eh.

      Gary :)

  47. Hi Gary, hope your trip goes well. I am also an anxious person and changes make me fret! Just read dear Penny's post hope she isn't too lonely without you, change is hard! Look forward to hearing about your adventure in an upcoming post! I'm sure everything is going smooth as silk! ~ Diane

    1. Hi Diane,

      I have returned and am now trying to recover from some Canadian flu and a wonky right elbow. Yikes and thankfully, after a rather surreal trip to BC, I now am back in the company of the delightful Penny :)

      Thank you, Diane.


  48. Replies
    1. Hi Misha,

      It was an interesting visit and there were some wonderful times. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant weekend.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.