
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Blogger Burnout.

Oh yeah, no doubt you've been noticing my lack of blogging.  It's a combination of things as to why my eagerly anticipated posts have been so sporadic over the last year.  I'm still contending with this ridiculous chronic fatigue.  I'm also experiencing blogger burnout where, even though I've got all sorts of crap I could write, I just can't be bothered.

If I see another blog hop, blog fest, or any mention of that dreaded alphabet thing, I might just find the energy to scream real loud.  Of course, I scream real loud and freak out all my neighbours.  So, I shall scream, real loud, in my head.

I do understand that you might be into all those blog hippety hoppety things.  You might say that you enjoy the interaction and the sense of community.  That's fine and I respect that.  It's just not my scene.  Never has been, despite my rather ironic take which does good natured satirising of all things, hippety hoppety.

I've been so disillusioned with blogging that I didn't even bother to let you know that as of February 21, 2016, this rather obscure blog reached its ninth anniversary.  Yep, nine years of somehow keeping this blog going.

Now, for no reason, whatsoever, I shall type away some random, bordering on inane ramblings. Hopefully, such ramblings will help shake the blogger cobwebs.
I remember when I moved to England.  I went and checked out the local butchers shop.  The sign boasted that they were, "Family Butchers."  This conjured up a rather gruesome scene in my mind. Here's "Makends Meat", operated by Mr. and Mrs. Makends, family butchers!

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, is a very small, short dog.  Being a very small, short dog, there are times that she seems to vanish within the home. I go to look for her.  "Penny, Penny, where are you?"  Trip...stumble, fall over said dog who is loitering around my ankles.  The number of times I've stumbled over the dog.  Sometimes, I wonder if she deliberately trips me up.
Ah, there she is. Up on the sofa staring at the horse.  At least she can't trip me up when she's on the sofa.

"Oops, where did she go?"  Trip...stumble, fall over said dog who is loitering around my ankles......


  1. Happy anniversary to you and Penny. Family Butchers definitely sounds bad.

    1. Hey Pat,

      Thanking you kindly, good sir. Yes, family butchers can sound rather sinister.


  2. Happy 9 years! I can understand blog burnout. But my issue is just not knowing what to say right now. I've skipped a few Monday posts lately, just feeling uninspired. Wednesdays are easy. I don't have to say anything if I don't want to. Just post links. My cats are excellent at disappearing. And hiding under my feet. Especially the black cat. She manages to lay across the stairs and try to murder me in the middle of the night. I suppose it should be incentive to turn the lights on, but I find it relaxing to walk through the dark house. Until I almost fall down the stairs.

    1. Hi Shannon,

      And here I go, commenting almost a week after you so kindly commented. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! :) I know we have an empathy going, my kind friend. I think that taking a blogging breather is just what's needed. Maybe I should just put up a few links because I haven't got much to say either. Mind those cats and those stairs! *meow!*

      Thank you, Shannon.


  3. Hi Gary - congratulations on your blogging journey - you've been through tough times - the ups and downs of life ... I just hope yours will rise and shine and the heaviness will lift. I only do the blog hops/tours I want - very few in the scheme of the blogging world ...

    The important thing is ... we are here and will be here for you ... to me that always gave me comfort through some of my dark days. Penny is wonderful to have around ... and your sitting room looks very welcoming - no wonder she sits with her Queenly presence on the sofa ...

    Take care and enjoy the longer days and more sun ... the family name of the butcher is fun ... made me smile ... all the very best ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thanks for the congratulations, my lovely friend. Indeed, it's been a very tough time with lots of upheaval that has left me knackered. I appreciate your thoughtful words. I also understand your angle on blog hops etc. I just prefer the free for all sort of blogging that isn't involved with all those blogger hippety hoppety stuff.

      The support I'm receiving from you and noted in the other comments, is most heartening. I was slightly concerned that some might take offence to what I state.

      Penny has taken over my swanky new apartment.

      Thanks for smiling on my family butchers and their name :)

      Here's to the lighter days of spring.


  4. Happy blogversary Gary. Don't worry about your blog, blog as and when you feel like blogging, if you don't feel like blogging then so be it. I am an expert at deleting blogs, I don't do that anymore as I've learned to regret it. My latest is one of a trilogy, the other two are hidden :)

    I often feel down and then I don't want to blog either. There is a reference in my latest post about neighbours. I'm not brave enough to let the world know how they are upsetting me right now.

    You have many blogging friends here and although I have only recently found your blog I hope you will count me in as a friend.

    You have a beautiful home Gary and Miss Penny is absolutely gorgeous. She looks very regal on your sofa!

    P.S. What's a blog hop? :-)

    1. Hi Eileen,

      Thank you for the anniversary wishes :) Good advice and yes, I shall not worry about my blog. If the mood brings me to publishing something, anything, than, so be it. Oh my, in regards to your blog :)

      Of course, verbalising your concerns via your blog can be cathartic. I'll check out your blog. Hope you're sitting comfortably when I actually get over there and comment.

      I consider it an honour to have you as a friend, Eileen. Thank you.

      Thanks for the nice words about Penny's home. Wherever she chooses to sit becomes her regal place.

      A blog hop? I've heard it's similar to a blog fest! What's a blog fest!

      Gary :)

  5. That's what dogs do...
    Happy nine years. Wow. That's a long time.
    Blogging should never feel like a chore. It should be fun. I do look forward to your random but always amusing posts, along with your comments. Don't burn yourself out so much you never come back.

    1. Hi Alex,

      Yep and there's been a bit of dog do if I don't take her out for a walk in time.

      Thanks for the happy nine years. Yes, it has been such a long time for a blog.

      In my case, blogging had started to make me feel guilty because I've been struggling to maintain a proactive balance. I feel bad when I cannot get to as many blog as I'd like to. Thus, I'm trying to get some semblance of a balance back. For sure, it's no fun when it starts to seem like a chore. Your words are appreciated. I would never get so burnt out that I would completely vanish. Be warned! :)



  6. Wow! Happy Anniversary, Gary! We love you!

    And what a cozy home! :) Does Penny help? She looks so sweet sitting there!

    Makendsmeat. Neat!

    Hugs to you and Ms.Pawesome Penny!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Wow and thank you. I sense the love and yes, I love all my blogging friends? LOL

      Thanks about my home. Penny helps by keeping me exercised. I try to sit down on her chair, her sofa and she promptly tells me to stand up and jog around the room.

      Makends Meat. Aha.

      Hugs back to you from the both of us.

      Gary :)

  7. No matter how infrequent your blogs, they are always worth reading. Happy blogoversary and don't push yourself if you're feeling blogger burnout. Rest, relax and rejuvenate! Hugs to Penny too.

    1. Hi Debra,

      Awe, thanks for that, eh. That's very kind of you. Your anniversary wishes are appreciated. I shall take it easy and not create undue pressure to post. A breather is in order.

      Penny sends you a virtual hug.

      Gary :)

  8. Happy 9th Blog-versary! I've always enjoyed your posts (and Penny's) and hope you feel better & keep them up. My cats used to get underfoot too. I always felt like such a clumsy oaf for stepping on them - yet they were literally twining around my ankles!

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Thanks for the wish on my ninth year! :) Penny, bless her, has taken over this site whenever I feel super exhausted. I shall be rather sporadic for the foreseeable future. A chance to refresh. Cats and dogs, a conspiracy to trip us up, perhaps :)

      Thank you, Lexa.


  9. 9 years is a great feat here at your blog street. The cat has t ripped me a time or two, I think they do it on purpose for the fun view.

    1. Hi Pat in the Hatt,

      Nine years
      Of cheers
      The cat trips you
      How very true
      Takes over your blog
      Instead of a dog.

      Thanks for that, Pat in the Hatt.

      Gary :)

    2. Scooby Doo!
      And Grumpy Blue
      Just stopping by to HELLO you
      Yes, that's a new verb.


    3. Ah Scooby Doo
      With Grumpy Blue
      I've been HELLOED
      A new verb mode

      Hello and see you soon
      Maybe before noon

      Gary, Gary, never contrary...

  10. Happy Blogoverary!! I was getting burned out last summer because I kept looking at the blog as work. Now, I remind myself it's for fun. I refuse to follow rules and will forever do whatever I want. It's my blog. I'll hop or not hop if I want to, and you should too.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks for the anniversary thoughts. Good point and yes, blogs should be fun. Of course, what rules! Blogger anarchy is the way forward. Yes, hop if you wish. Maybe I should have a non-blog hop, hop :)

      Thank you, Elizabeth.


  11. Happy 9th Blog-versary to you and Penny. I'm with you on the blog hop thing, I don't do them either - I have a handful of blogs which I've been following regularly for quite a while and that's it. I'm not doing the A to Z thing this year either, it takes up too much time.

    My two dogs are okay in the house but tend to trip me up when I'm out walking with them, though I have a cat which is both good at disappearing AND tripping me up. Sometimes I think she has a long-term plan to see me end up in hospital.

    I've never thought of a 'family butchers' in that way until now :)

    Sorry to read you're still being plagued by the chronic fatigue, maybe you'll feel a bit better when the better weather comes? For a bit of light relief have a look at the links on the most recent page of my blog :)

    1. Hi Eunice,

      Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Yes, the blog hop thing is something I find rather tedious. Much prefer individuality and a bit of a free for all within the blogging world. Delighted you aren't doing that idiotic A to Z. It does take up too much time and hijacks the blogging world. Enough, already! :)

      Ah, of course, sometimes dogs have been known to trip us up when we're outside. I can relate to that. The cat is all part of an evil plan and going to hospital these days with the way this horrible government is running things, you'd end up waiting for several eays.

      Mr. and Mrs. Makends have a special meat recipe just for you :)

      I appreciate your kind words. Hopefully, better weather will be just the tonic.

      I'm sorry its taken this long to reply. I shall be visiting your blog soon, I state almost convincingly :)

      Take care and thanks again, Eunice.


  12. Nine years is quite the accomplishment. I've a blog of no direction so I can give no tips and I certainly won't mention a hop involving letters. But I do enjoy the different voices I have met along the way. Cheers.

    1. Hi Ann,

      Thanks and nine years of doing this. I prefer blogs like yours of no particular direction. I like bloggers who do variety. Thanks for not mentioning a blog that involves 26 letters. The various blogging personalities is quite the learning experience.

      Thank you, Ann.


  13. Feelings of being obligated or meeting expectations take the heart out of everything. We all get burned out, but when you feel pressured, you burn out quickly. I took a blog vacation and came back to only post when I've got something to say. Poor Penny. Always there with you while you look elsewhere for her.

    1. Hi Dana,

      I'm beyond feeling obligated. Besides, we really don't need the undue pressure of going around in circles and reciprocating all the time. The balance is a tough one, but I've decided to just back away from the cynical politics that I sadly notice within the blogging world.

      I'm like you, help, yes, I will post when I feel like it. That blog vacation was just what you needed. Even a quick side blog thrown in for good measure.

      Yep, Penny's there and there and here and where...

      Thank you, Dana.


  14. 9 years is a great achievement, congratulations on that. I think the best thing to do is blog when you feel like it or are able to. I don't do any alphabet blogging myself. I certainly enjoy reading yours, and the lovely Penny of course, posts always make me smile.
    Ramble away as far as I'm concerned! All the best, Gary.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you for that, Suzanne. You are correct. It's best that I blog when I have the energy to do so. Alphabet thing equals yuck! Thanks for such thoughtful words.

      Penny and I shall ramble on, whenever we can.

      All the best to you, my lovely friend.


  15. Happy anniversary.
    Blog burnout happens to us all I think. I do hope yours recedes.
    Penny may or may not trip you deliberately. One at least of our cats DOES. And then tells my partner (piteously) that he has just been kicked.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you.

      Blogger burnout most likely catches up with all bloggers, eventually. I'm sure my burnout will recede. Some of it because blogging has felt rather monotonous after nine years.

      I'm sure Penny tripping me up in unintentional. When I trip over her, she often lets out a little yelp. Sneaky, sneaky cat! :)

      Thank you, dear Sue.


  16. Happy blogiversary!
    Everybody experiences some blogger burnout, I think. I've been experiencing it for a while, usually only posting when I have a good idea. And I do like blogfests/hops, partly because they give me something to write about when I have no ideas.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      I thank you kindly.

      I also think that all bloggers experience some eventual form of burnout. I'm sorry you've been experiencing that sense of blogger burnout. I totally understand the blog hops and fests thing. It works for you, but for me, I'd just rather leave my blog blank :)

      Thanks, Sarah.


  17. Happy anniversary! Understand burnout. This blogging stuff is a commitment for sure. By the way, Sir Poops passed on Friday.

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thank you. I know you can relate to the burnout. Blogging can be too much of a commitment and can get in the way of the 3D world.

      I'm so very sorry to know of the passing of Sir Poops. I have read that post and rest assured, my kind friend, I shall be over to your site soon.



  18. Hi Gary. You may have noticed that every now and then I 'go walkabout' and don't look at my (or any other) Blog for a month or so and, guess what? - it doesn't matter! Don't feel that you have to apologise for not being around; just do what makes you happy. You don't even have to reply to this post! It's unimportant.
    Congratulations on reaching a special landmark. I am pleased when you visit my Blog but it's fine if you don't.....
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’ (if you want!!)

    1. Hi Barry,

      Yes, good sir, I'm very aware of your walkabouts. Something to do with beer and Belgium etc....Yes, you're right, in the scheme of things, it doesn't matter. I wont apologise for being rather absent. I find it most amusing when there are some bloggers who actually apologise when they haven't posted for a few minutes. Like I give a shit!

      Thanks for the congrats, Barry. Of course, you know me, sometime in the foreseeable future, I shall darken your blog's doorway....


  19. Happy 9th anniversary of your blog! I just realized my 10th is this June. Damn. Glad you blogged though, and I'm with you, I don't participate in A-Z and 99.9% of blog hops.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thanks and wow to you this coming June! Thanks for understanding. Here's to us bloggers who do our own thing!


  20. I am sooooooooooo with you my dear friend!!! Sooo with you! I have been experiencing "blogging burnout" for quite some time now and have considered making this, my almost 7th year (congratulations on NINE!!!!), my last year, but haven't officially decided. I am with you also about the hops, etc........I am sooooo sick of the "look at me!" "look at me!" blog posts and the backstabbing....ohhhhhhhhhhhhh the backstabbing!!!!! Anyway, your home is just are IMMACULATE and try not to trip over that darling dog and know that you are GREATLY LOVED!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Hi Caren,

      Holy crap, my lovely friend! You're reading my mind! Well done on almost reaching your 7th year of blogging. Well done for seeing what's really going on out there in blogland! A lot of bullshit and folks desperate to accumulate false followers totals via this supposed interaction via all those inane bog hops.

      Thanks for the nice words about Penny's home she kindly shares with me. With that, Penny trips me and I go flying into my computer screen....

      Hugs and thanks so much, Caren.

      In solidarity,

      Gary :)

  21. I agree with Alex, don't burn yourself out completely. Your posts are always fun. What the hell do the doctors say about this inability to sleep. At least you don't have to pay for their advice unlike my southern neighbours. I cannot believe there is nothing out there to help you. Pat Penny for me and congratulations on 9 years. Make blogging fun again Gary, please do.

    1. Hi Jo,

      Exactly and I wont totally burn myself out. The only one putting pressure on me is me. I do try to mostly do fun blogs.

      It seems that when it comes to chronic fatigue, it's all a guessing game. There are those within the medical profession who think that chronic fatigue doesn't actually exist. Sadly, I still haven't an answer. Thankfully, I'm getting no answers for free. Penny will be patted for you. I do hope that this rather strange blog posting does bring back a bit of the fun factor.

      Thank you, my kind friend, Jo.


  22. Blog whenever you feel the need and POOF we'll be here. 'Cause even once in a blue moon post from you is fun. Penny is adorable. She may or may not be tripping you on purpose. She's not telling :)

    1. Hi Martha,

      How's it goin', eh! :) You bet and I will blog when the mood hits me. Or maybe the dog can take over, once again. I shall do a post about a blue moon, methinks.

      The adorable Penny adorably trips me up. Yes, of course, she just does a doggy giggle...

      Thank you, Martha, POOF, I'm outta' here....

      Gary :)

  23. Dear Penny, leave the poor man's ankles alone, okay?
    I'm intrigued by the "Family Butchers"
    Is it a business owned by a Family?
    Or THE Family? (mafia clearing house/chop shop?)
    Or do they (oh yikes), butcher whole families?

    1. Hi River,

      Ankles have been left alone for the past few minutes. Then again, she's sleeping on the sofa.

      Generally speaking, "Family Butchers" are indeed, run by a family. Mafia Meat, aint that neat.

      Yes, you've done some lateral thinking and all sorts of gruesome scenes can be conjured up. I like it!

      Cheers, River.


  24. Hang in there with the blog Mr G . You interact with other bloggers far better than I do and nine years is impressive indeed. As for being tripped by Penny I have the same issue with one of our cats who likes to stand as close as possible behind you so if you go to move backwards even by one step you are doomed to fall. This makes the cat panic and run around in circles, but an hour later he is back me trying to kill me off.

    I might do the A to Z again this year (sorry about that) but it is the only blog group thing I do and I always remain bitter and twisted the entire alphabet.

    1. Hey Mr. R.,

      I shall hang in there, along with my ensemble of bats, as in bats that fly. My interaction has been rather sporadic over the last year. Yet, after nine years, I need a recharge, so to speak.

      That cat of yours is all part of the cat conspiracy. Be very careful, good sir.

      You do the dreaded alphabet thing in the spirit I like. Bitter and twisted is the way forward!

      Thanks, Rob.


  25. I'm with you on the blog hops and whatnot. I'm also with you on the sporadic posting, but I have a pretty good excuse, and I haven't put this out anywhere online, I'm expecting a baby in early April. So, blog whenever the feeling strikes, I understand, and hope you understand if I can't make it to every post.

    1. Did The Green Pickster say... he's expecting a baby? That's wonderful news. Now all we need to do is hope the baby takes after his/her Momma. Wink wink.

      I don't hip. I don't hop. I do flop. Don't spread the word.

    2. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      A pickle after my own heart, as such. You do indeed have a darned good excuse. I see the affable Blue beat me here because I was thinking the same thing as the affable Blue. I'd like to be your agent if you're having a baby. Seriously, best wishes to you and your beloved.

      I totally understand what you mean and I'm sure you understand I haven't exactly commented on all your posts. However, I shall come and visit before the end of the year :)

      Thank you, Pickle and thanks to Blue for that extra word or two...

      Gary :)

    3. Don't mention it, Gary. The Green Pickster will be a wonderful Dad.

    4. Hey Blue,

      Okay, no mention. I'm suddenly thinking about pickles and ice cream...

    5. Hey, hey Blue
      It must be true
      The cravings
      Are the ravings....

  26. Happy anniversary. This blog will never be obscure - you and Penny are wonderful bloggers with lots of people eager for your next post. I understand blogger burnout though - first and foremost, you should enjoy it.

    In our house, it's the cat who likes to trip us up, or to put his tail under our feet so that he can yelp really loudly and scare the hell out of us!

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Thank you, kind friend. I suppose my blog is obscure in my head. I shall never concern myself with my followers total being rather low after nine years. Nope, doesn't bother me :) Of course, my eagerly anticipated musing in regards to my blog is rather tongue-in-cheek. Blogger burnout sure can sneak up on us. I do enjoy doing the occasional post. I guess it's the time consuming part of trying to be interactive. Heck, its taken me nine days just to get back here and comment back to you.

      Another mention of a cat and there sneaky tripping and yelping to scare the heck out of you.

      Thank you, Annalisa.


  27. I'm experiencing blogging burnout for a while now; so what do I do? Blog more. Not exactly, I have Phyllis and Hank blogging for me. I blog once a month. Which is one post more than I was doing. For some time now. I started blogging in 2008, I think. In 2010 I blogged 174 times. Last year I blogged 27 times, and that was mostly Phyllis and Hank.

    Nine years? That's impressive. I know it's hard sometimes, Gary, but please don't stop. How else would I get to see photos of beautiful Penny? Seriously, we need you.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I sensed you could relate to blogger burnout, Joylene. I realise you've slowed down in your blogging. Actually, your blogging pattern is rather similar to what mine is now. You do have Phyllis and Hank to submit blog posts, which keeps the momentum going. I know I can rely on Penny to take over when its been quite some time between blog posts.

      Yes, nine years. Your words are most flattering. I wont totally stop and neither will the adorable, photogenic, trippy dog, Penny.

      Thank you, dear Joylene.


  28. I scream iny head quite alot, actually. My cat Mandrake does the being underfoot thing quite a bit. My theory is that he accidentally killed his previous owners this way, thus ending up at the cat shelter.

    1. Hey Riot Kitty,

      I can hear that screaming in your head! Mandrake should write a book.

      Thanks for the Riot, Kitty.

      Gary :)

  29. Nine years... That's what I call an achievement. Congrats. Now, all we need is a pill to get rid of that chronic fatigue once and for all. Yes?

    1. Howdy Blue,

      Yes, good sir, nine years. Thanks for the congrats. Ah yes, what a pill that would be. The fatigue is making us both fatigued about being fatigued.

      Thank you, Blue.


    2. That's so true I'm fatigued about being fatigued.

    3. Yet, you Blue
      Always do
      Challenge the debility
      With persevering ability.

    4. Just don't ask me how...
      Gotta go now!

    5. Mr. Blue
      I see you
      I wont ask
      Too much of a task.

  30. Gary,

    Oh my friend, I always enjoy your posts and your comments but, I do know how you feel. That a nice tidy place you have there and you know what I have the same candles you have on my coffee table. If you ever want to talk you know where I am.

    Wishing you peace and light...

    Congrats on your blogging anniversary...

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      I know, my kind friend, that you relate to how I've been feeling. Thank you for the compliment in regards to my place that's actually Penny's place :) Lovely candles we both have on our coffee tables. I hope we can talk soon.

      Thanks for the anniversary congrats.

      Peace and hope, your way,


  31. We've always laughed about not being able to find our dogs. We don't trip over them. We just don't notice them stretched out on the sofa or curled up in a chair. How do we miss fifty to seventy-five pound dogs? I scream in my head, or shout at no one. You don't have to do bloggity hippity hop thingies. I enjoy Battle of the Bands. When I don't enjoy it, I'll quit doing it. The A to Z challenge is not for me. Sometimes I feel quite pressured by blogging and think I'll stop, but I always go back to it. Where else can I complain about my ex-husband?


    1. Hi Janie,

      Oh my, sitting on curled up, comfortable dogs is a shock to your and their systems. I just scream in my head and listen to the echo....I certainly will maintain my distance from all those hippity hoppity bloggy thingys. Battle of the Bands is okay. The A to Z is total crap as far as I'm concerned. It goes on way beyond April.

      I think it's good to step away from blogging every so often. Hmmm...maybe I should post up about my ex-wife. Thanks, Janie.

      Love n'stuff,


  32. Happy blogiversary. Your blog and blog readers are always here for you before and after a burnout.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I'm grateful for what you've stated. I hope that this burnout will soon be gone.


  33. Hello Gary, congratulations on making it to nine years – that takes stamina! I can’t deal with all the hippety hoppety things either. I sometimes wonder why I blog at all but the answer to that really is simple it’s because I get to ' with lovely folks like you – that alone makes all the effort worthwhile.

    I love the way Penny is looking away from the camera with such disdain! She reminds me of one of those old-time Hollywood starlets “I want to be alone darling, now stop tripping and stumbling over me!”

    Have a lovely weekend. xx

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thanks and yes, it has taken stamina, especially during the times it felt monotonous. Oh, those hippety hoppity monstrosities! Still, I echo your kind thoughts about the interaction we share.

      Penny the diva dog! :) She just read your comment and repeated you words in regards to Hollywood starlets!

      May you also have a lovely weekend and now it's the weekend after the weekend you were commenting about. Sheesh, Gary!


  34. That is supposed to say - get to 'chat' with - not sure where the chat went! :-)

  35. I always love stopping in to your blog and reading your posts- whether you allow comments or not. Amazing that you have been blogging for 9 years! Wow! I can see how you could feel burned out- especially with the chronic fatigue. I hope you start to get your energy back.

    You are very good making people smile and laugh- so keep posting whenever you feel up to it. :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      You are most kind, lovely Jess. Indeed, I left the comments switched on! Nine years of so many different emotive styles of writing. The chronic fatigue is so frustrating. I thank you and may my energy return.

      I appreciate want you wrote. I do try to make folks smile and laugh at the irony of life. I can see me posting within the next month :)

      Take care, Jess.


  36. 9 years is a long time - I think you deserve a break from all the nonsense. But you know you miss us when you go away. It's the curse of the beast. Fun to be with friends, but obligations sometimes make it feel more like work than fun. So step away until it feels like fun again! We love you and definitely miss you when you step back, but we are always thrilled when you return.

    Happy Anniversary! You too, Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Yes, nine years is a long time in the blogging world. Heck, it almost took as long to reply to your thoughtful comment. I do deserve a break because I'm somewhat disillusioned by some of the more superficial sides of blogging. Yes, curiosity brings me back to my blogging friends such as your very kind self, Yolanda. Stepping away, getting a breather. Just the tonic I need. Thank you for such thoughtful words.

      Penny and I thank you for the anniversary wishes.


  37. I'm with you on the dreaded alphabet thing.

    Nine years, wow. Very cool. Sorry about the adrenal fatigue. I've been there and it's no day in the park. You have my new email so do drop me a line if there's anything I can do to help, or if you want to chat/vent/be silly.

    Hugs & Bugs,
    - Me

    1. Hi Ivy,

      Thanks for being with me in regards to that silly alphabet thing. I keep hoping it will go away.

      Nine years of interesting blogging. Thanks and you understand how debilitating such fatigue can be. I shall chat with you via email, hopefully, real soon, my amazing friend.

      Hugs and bugs, minus the slugs, back atcha'

      Gary :)

  38. Hi Gary, my hirsute friend! Sorry to hear that you're still suffering with fatigue. Hopefully some remedy can be found and you'll be back to pre-burnout Gary! In the meantime, try not to tread on Penny, she's far too cute for that.
    I'll try to get in touch soon.
    All The Best,
    Dave (aka Andy Fordham).

    1. Hi David,

      Always a jolly good occasion when you, dart player of the finest calibre, hits the bullseye with your comment. As you will know, this ridiculous fatigue continues and the medical profession just scratch their collective heads. Penny is indeed too cute to tread on.

      A delight chatting with you, yes you, The Viking!


  39. Nine years? Go You! Happy Bloggerversary or however that is supposed to be spelled. I'm sorry to hear you're still battling with fatigue. It's been far too long, my friend. Remember that we are still here for you and no matter how hard you try, you'll still be a part of this community! :)

    1. Hi Elsie,

      Oh yes, nine years. Thanks for the Bloggerversary wishes, Elsie. Indeed, this fatigue has gone on for well over a year now. A baffling mystery. Your words resonate and okay, no matter what, the blogging community beats in all our hearts.

      Thank you, Elsie.

      Gary :)

  40. 9 years!-the end of a cycle, say numerologists. Happy Blogoversary! I hear you about the blogennui, just not caring anymore, and fatigue. You hang in there, pop in when you feel like it so's we know you're still kickin'. That's pretty much what I'm down to now.
    And you and Penny have a lovely home.
    Peace, Love and Understanding,

    1. Hi Laura,

      Nice year and it all adds up in numerology. Thank you for the Blogoversary wishes. I sensed you might relate to the blogging disillusionment. I recall you were once quite prolific, Laura. I shall pop in every so often and heck, even visit your thoughtful site :)

      In peace, love and solidarity for the new beginning,


  41. After nine years you deserve a little burn out or a BIG burn out. Maybe you just a horse of your own to stare at. They've been know to induce a meditative and relaxing state. Here's to a return to your former peppy, enthusiastic self ASAP.

    1. Hi Lee,

      Thank you and perhaps a BIG burnout is in order. I shall go and stare at the horse, of course. Somewhere within my surreal mind, a story is screaming to come out. I shall return, yay! :)

      Thank you, Lee and yes, I'm still your starstruckest fan!


  42. I understand blogger burnout. I think it's been five years for me, and I'm running out of funny stories to share on my Mama Diaries blog. (My kids are teens now, and not quite as funny.) Nine years is a long time! Congratulations for sticking around that long! I'd miss you if you took a permanent leave, so I hope you keep going, even if it's just once in a while.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Blogger burnout does seem to catch up with most bloggers. Teens are funny in their own way. I'm still a teenager in my head! I'm taking a sabbatical from my blog. Although, I shall try to comment on your site and others, hopefully. I will return...

      Thank you, Sherry.


  43. Yay! We finally get to make comments! So get the blogger burnout syndrome and have backed off on mine. One reason, we're getting ready to sell our house, two, I want to finish my current WIP, so blogging takes a back seat to that. However, I still must pay attention to the blogs I truly like.... Hugs to you!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Oops, doh, I left the comments switched on for this posting! :) There are many reasons for blogger burnout syndrome. Sometimes, the reasons make sense because there are other priorities in your life. I really appreciate you commenting, Lisa.

      Hugs and all the best,


  44. Nine years, by the gods well done that man and dog! It's an achievement and you've touched many people over the years I'm sure (no charges brought yet, but there's time for that). I completely understand the fatigue and the flatness too, the fact that you got on here and wrote something so entertaining is brilliant. Have you looked into mindfulness at all? It's really helped me in the past year or so. Sending hugs from up north dearie to you and the Penster. X Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Nine years of keeping folks guessing and nine years of having the dog take over when I can't be arsed to write. You will know that it can be quite the effort to post up something when fatigue rears its ugly head. Mindfulness is something I should check out. Thank you for that suggestion, dear friend.

      Hugs and I hope you can take it easy,

      Gary :)

  45. Well geez, I think you deserve a break, maybe a long one! Good grief, 9 years is a heck of a long time to be blogging! Just stick up a sign that say's "Gone Fishing" or whatever and take a nice long vaca from bloggin it might help your noggin... and your doggin... hugs to you and Penny!

    1. Hi CraveCute,

      I think posting about once a month will be about right for the next while. Nine years and yes, it has taken its toll. I think I've "Gone Camping."

      Penny and I, her mere human, thank you for the hugs, Diane.

      Hugs, your way,

      Gary and Penny :)

  46. You trip over Penny because she is your shadow and loves you!
    Btw, I like your house! Very CLEAN and neat! xxx

    1. Hi Kim,

      Me and my shadow! :)
      Thanks for the nice words in regards to my house. House proud and Penny proud.

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary xxx!

  47. Congrats on the 9 year bloggerversary.

    You do sound burned out. Maybe a break from blogging wouldn't go amiss.

    1. Hi Misha,

      Cheers for the congrats, my kind friend.

      I'm truly burned out. A break will be just the tonic I need.

      Thank you, Misha.

      Gary :)

  48. The alphabet challenges are blog butchers. You don't know what a small dog is till you see Fiona.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Yep, they are butchering the alphabet! I thought Fiona was a cartoon dog! :)

      Thanks, Eve.

      Gary :)

  49. Hello, Gary. Happy belated 9-year blogging anniversary. I suffered Blogger burnout for quite a long time. I think it is a condition of writers in general. it is difficult to keep up with it sometimes when life gets in the way, so to speak :)

    1. Hey Keith,

      Apologies for the lengthy delay in responding, good sir. Thank you for the blogging anniversary wishes. Indeed, life in that world of 3D reality can get in the way of blogging :) Nice to see you here, Keith.


  50. Hi, Gary,

    Sorry to hear of your burnout... I think we all go through it at some point or another. NINE YEARS ... WOW that is quite an accomplishment. I am going six myself and still can't believe it. Blogging when you started must have really been something. I came in at the peak of the "Golden age" I think. Blogging has certainly changed and since ebooks came out, not for the better. To much pushing of "their" books. Thankfully most of my blogger buddies are great and I only visit them...

    Hope you're zipping around soon!

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thank you and yes, I've no doubt that we all experience the sense of burnout, of tedium. Nine years and I did need a break. Blogging, way back then, seemed to be much more free-spirited. These days, there's a lot more of those blog hops, which I do find rather irritating.

      I totally relate to your thoughtful words, Michael.

      My zip shall zap, fairly soon. In the meantime, the dog has told me she'll attempt to take over :)

      Thank you, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  51. 9 years Gary? I think you deserve a medal. Blogger burnout is high on my list of afflictions. 3 months since I last blogged and my blogs are no longer interesting via the written word probably people just leap to the bottom of the page to miss the hundreds of photos :) I think I more keep mine going as a record for myself these days. I'm sure I truly do bore everyone to death mostly and people are so kind to keep returning! Well my time Scotland will be over soon and it'll be back to the warmth of Oz in 6 weeks. Keep plodding on with the blog Gary, even if you 'think' you blether on inanely I can't be the only person to read every word or pause to admire your lovely sitting room ( with fame on the couch) Take care mate!

    1. Hi Rose,

      Yep, nine years and still counting. I sensed you related to the blogger burnout syndrome. In a way, you can consider your blog a bit of a diary. An email to the world. I go from a satirical leaning at times. To make it easier for anybody who might of checked out my blog, sometimes I highlight the good bits to make it easier. Heck, I've even stated that if someone has skimmed down to the last sentence, I don't blame them.

      Quite the Scottish adventure for you. And yes, eventually, chronic fatigue not acting up, I shall visit your site. Oz welcomes your return with a parade in your honour :)

      You are most kind, Rose. I do try to make my sporadic posts almost interesting :) You take care! Strewth!!


  52. Hi Gary! Hi Penny! I hope you two are taking good care of each other and know that you're being thought of. I'm sending positive vibes your way. Take care and be well. Don't worry about a return visit. Just take care of each other.

    1. Hi Elsie,

      We both thank you for your very thoughtful comment. Penny and I appreciate your well wishes. Thanks for your understanding and in turn, we send you peaceful, pawsitive vibes.

      Penny's alleged human,

      Gary :)

  53. I haven't been around Blogland much lately, so I was sad to find this post. I see that Penny has been holding the fort though and look forward to more. You may trip over her, but she's a good friend!!!!! :)

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Lovely to see you, my friend. I will get better because I have to make it so. Your support is priceless. Thank you. I shall now go and trip over the lovable Penny :)

  54. Hi there...been battling the black dog myself, but wanted to visit.

    1. Hi Riot Kitty,

      I really appreciate your visit, my kind friend. Ah yes, the black dog is howling in my head. I hope you are okay and please focus on all that is positive aka pawsitive, as Penny would state.

      Gary :)

  55. Hello Gary!
    You should know by now, that switching off the comment section simply means that I backtrack to the previous post. If that one is also switched off, then I backtrack again...and again...and again...until I get to a post where I can comment. Ha! Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!
    It's been a long time since I visited your place so I wanted to swing by and say hello.
    As you know, we're in the home stretch of the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
    At the moment, most brilliant and busy-bee bloggers in BloggyVille, are in "brain-fry mode". The brains are non-existent...fried to a crisp! That will explain the rambling...
    Blistering Barnacles! (I've always wanted to say that...YAY!!)I'll probably be a "burnt out blogger" at the end of this month.

    Happy 9th Blog-o-versary! you should have a bloghop to celebrate. *giggles*

    Take care.
    Hope Penny is okay!

    1. Hey Michelle,

      Doh, I knew I should of switched off the comments on this post and every post before that, dating back to February 21, 2007! LOL

      Indeed and I'm equally guilty of not visiting your blog. Hello to you and I see you real soon on your blog. Well, sometime before the end of the year :)

      Ah yes, the home stretch of that alphabet monster is over, well almost over. Time for you to reflect upon just how amazing the alphabet is to you, yes you!

      Thanks for the alliteration for the nation.

      The Irony Blog Hippety Hoppety! Not!

      You take care and Penny is just pawesome, um, awesome, thank you.

      Gary :)

  56. I hope all is well with you, Gary! Thinking of you and Penny and hope you are both relaxing and enjoying life. You made it through the A-Z without posting a thing. :) Easy to get burnt out for sure. I love the photo at the top of your blog.

    Have a week filled with smiles.

    1. Hi Jess,

      How very kind of you to make another visit. Oh, what's this about the A to Z? Kidding! Glad you like the latest header photo, Jess.

      Be well, my lovely friend. And a wonderful week ahead for you.

      Gary :)

  57. hey gare-bare! hope everything is going good with that blog you promised us on the 1st! where is it? where or where art thou?? thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog. us friends, old and new, always got each other's back :)

    1. Hey Tammy aka Tam-bare!

      Everything is now good because your adorable self visited this archived post! :) Hey, blame the dog for the delay. Okay, the dog had to delay the post because she's looking after me.

      On an almost serious note, stay remarkable, Tammy. Those who truly care, understand your passion for the written word. Yep, we shall all stick together, so to speak.

      Thank you, Tammy.

      Gary :)

  58. Belated congratulations on your blog anniversary.

    1. Hi Danielle,

      Thank you for the congratulations on my, our should I say, Penny and I, on our blogging anniversary :)

      A peaceful long weekend to you and your loved ones.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.