
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

After The Blood Test.

Yes indeed, I'm attempting to make some sort of triumphant return to the wonderful world of blogging.

I've been struggling with constant fatigue.  Fatigue that lingers around like a bad smell.  I've been like this since before Christmas. I knew I needed medical consultation. 

Through the wonders of our universal health service, I got my situation coordinated, hopefully for the betterment of my well being.  Saw the doctor two Thursdays ago who arranged for me to have three blood tests with the nurse on the Friday.  Blood test results were ready last Wednesday.  I saw the doctor on Friday to go over my blood test results.

One blog test, sorry, blood test was to check out my liver and kidneys.  All was fine with that test.  Another test was for my thyroid.  All was fine with that test.  The third blood test was for my blood sugar levels which were a bit too high.  

This means I now have to go on a low-fat, low-sugar diet and see how that goes.  In the meantime, I shall be discussing my lifestyle on April 2 with a "Practice" nurse.  This has me a little worried because I'd rather see a real nurse.  It reminds of the time I was working for a mental health charity.  I was introduced to this one lady.  I asked her, "What's your job?"  She replied, "I'm a complimentary therapist."  To which I responded, "Okay then, pay me a compliment!" 

I'm having a heck of time with this fatigue.  Yet, getting something done about it makes me feel that little less exhausted.  I'm grateful for the emails and the private messages on "Farcebook" checking up on how I'm doing.   It's most heartening and I'm truly grateful.

During my absence, I still find I've got blogs on the brain.  Did I mention I went for a blog test?  The test determined I was going to have to reapply for my blog license.  This means I'm back to "Learner" blogger status and will be monitored by the watchful eyes of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! 

Somebody asked me for directions the other day.  I forgot I wasn't in North America and gave the English dude directions in North American.  "Could you please tell me how to get to Stoke on Trent?" he inquired.  "Sure thing", I said.  "Go four blogs down and make a right turn.  Proceed another three blogs and make a sharp left.  Then again. considering that Stoke is about eleven miles west of here, you might be better off to Blog Hop onto a bus."   Did I mention I still have blogs on the brain?  


  1. Hopefully they tested your hemoglobin and or iron levels! Fatigue can be a real bitch. I got so bad last year concentration was impossible, and three naps a day, the only way to survive. Wishing you nothing but the best -- wishing you answers. And as usual, you're coming back and I'm fading away - going on an iindefinite break. Happy Spring!

    1. Hey Yolanda,

      I've had several tests and some of it still seems to involve more test to check out the tests. My iron levels seem okay. Anyway, thanks, dear friend. A lovely Spring weekend to you.


      Gary :)

  2. I hope your health issues get sorted out. It is exhausting being tired all the time.

    I didn't know that there was a North American way to give directions.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Thank you and I'm still exhausted. Working on getting better.

      In Britain, they don't refer to "blocks" when giving directions :)

      Enjoy your weekend, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  3. Sounds like diabetes. Are you thirsty? My mother described it, many years ago, as having a glorious thirst. Never happened to me and I have had diabetes for a while now. Hope it all works out OK. Keep us posted.

    1. Hi Jo,

      The test that indicated high blood sugar is indeed pointing to the possibility of diabetes. We shall know more when I have another blood test in about six weeks time. I'm not that thirsty. Just constantly tired. Thanks for your supportive words, dear Jo. Have a very nice weekend.

      Gary :)

  4. I have cancer in my bone marrow and it has caused a form of leukemia, so I know how some things beyond our control can make us feel tired. I am sure they checked your blood count.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I'm sorry to read of your ailments. It must be tough and yet I know you have a positive, resilient attitude, good sir. They have been most thorough in several blood tests. They have yet to conclusively pinpoint my cause of constant exhaustion.

      A peaceful weekend to you and your loved ones.


  5. Hi, It was only natural of me to think of you in the upcoming A-Z. You were so sweet to me in last year's event. Now I see you have been ill and feel bad it's been rough. Prayers and high hopes the docs will get to the bottom of things. Stay optimistic! And personally, I think it's fantastic Penny and Jack Russel are monitoring things :)

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Ah yes, the alphabet challenge is now in full swing. I'm glad to have been able to interact with you during that event. I shall continue to focus on positivity. I'm sure I will get it sorted out. Penny, the amazing dog, is keeping me on my paws, um toes :)

      Thank you, my lovely friend.

      Gary :)

  6. Bone-aching, soul-sucking fatigue is truly sucky. I so hope that some relief is found for you. Look after your important self. You are loved and missed.

    1. Hi Sue,

      It's been so bad that it has taken me twelve days to reply to you. Still not sure what's wrong. I have been to another appointment with a nurse. Yes, a practice nurse. According to her, I'm fairly healthy. Sort of frustrating not knowing what's wrong.

      Thank you, dear Sue.

      Gary :)

  7. Hi Gary - good to have the update - and glad blogs at least are still on your mind .. I hope they can quickly establish what's going on ... and help you to better health, and more importantly to feeling better ... So pleased Penny is around and taking care of you ... all the very best - as you know many of us will be totally preoccupied with that alphabet thing ... but we're here for you and all who are not doing too well in life .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Updates and blogs on the brain. I think I need more help than just exhaustion :) I'm eating more healthy food. I think it's helping. Along with Penny, I might just get this sorted.

      Oh yes, the alphabet thing. HELP! Thanks, dear Hilary. A peaceful Easter to you.


  8. Sorry to hear you've been so tired Gary, I hope the various medics and your low-fat low-sugar diet help you to better health. And I just love the American directions in bog-speak :-)

    1. Just re-read my comment, I must still have been half asleep when I typed it - I meant 'blog-speak' not what's actually there! lol

    2. Hey Tigermouse,

      Thank you for you kind thoughts, dear friend. I'm sure a better diet and more exercise will help. Actually, "bog" speak might be about right. LOL

      Take care and peaceful wishes, your way,


  9. Pleased Gary it was nothing too serious and I hope the fatigue will subside with the change of diet.
    You have well and truly missed. Good luck and good health.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you, my kind friend. I hope that all the changes I'm making will help reduce this relentless exhaustion. Good health to us both.

      A peaceful, positive Easter to you, dear Yvonne.


  10. Lucky for us that you've been around the blog just a few times. You're also a chip off the ole' blog which makes us Klahanie readers very happy. The blog world is a much better place with you in it. I hope this spring will be healing. P.S. Please tell Penny to walk you once in awhile to keep the "b" out of Leek. Even with fatigue, you manage to bring us smiles. Feel better.

    1. Hi Rebecca,

      I knew I could rely on you for a few blog puns :) I need to blog my memory and record it in my Captain's blog. Perhaps the spring will bring a blossoming tonic. I shall focus on trying to get better.

      Not "b" shall be added to Leek :)

      Thank you, dear Rebecca. You are a marvel! :)


  11. You're still a professional blogger!
    Glad it's just the blood sugar levels. You can easily control that with diet.

    1. Hi Alex,

      There you go, twelve days later and I finally reply. Professional blogger? Penny might disagree :) Thank you, Alex.

      I shall easily get the blood sugar levels under control. The nurse indicated that I'm actually quite healthy. Now I'm confused.

      A good Easter to you and your loved ones.


  12. What is a "complimentary therapist"...I ask completely ignoring that I'm asking that question on the internet. They have to come up with a better word than "practice." That implies that with enough sessions you'll graduate to an amateur nurse, then eventually a professional.
    The best of luck with the diet change, dropping sugar is a toughie, but I'm sure with the help of a "Proficiency Maintenance" nurse (I consulted a thesaurus and that was the best I could do by ways of improving that nurse's title.).

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      Ah yes, what the hell is a complimentary therapist! :) I went to a hotel and got some complimentary towels. Although, they didn't say anything. Practice makes perfect, states the nurse as she pokes me in the wrong place. Did that sound right...

      Thanks and I'm hoping that the advice from the "Proficiency Maintenance" nurse will be of help. I thought a thesaurus was one of them loud critters from Jurassic Park...

      Take care and thanks for the laugh :0


  13. I was thinking maybe low Vitamin D levels from lack of sunlight? I know my levels are very low and I am always tired too. I've started taking a multivitamin but I really don't notice a difference. I hope you get it all sorted out! Glad you are back!

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Lack of sunlight? In England? :) I am taking a vitamin D supplement. I haven't notice any difference either. I still need sorting out. Shall keep staying focused on getting better. Almost back.

      Have a lovely Easter.

      Gary :)

  14. Fatigue strikes me from time to time, and it's not from lack of sleep either. I turn to caffeine, but I know that's not a good thing. I hope your future blog and blood results are alright.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Ah yes, caffeine. I have been told to cut back on caffeine. Oh no, what shall I do! Thanks for your supportive words, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  15. Hopefully you are all fixed up soon. Blog on the brain is never bad haha

    1. Hey Pat,

      Thank you and a fix is what I need. Blogs on the brain, I shall try to refrain :)

      Thanks, good dude.


  16. Yeah blood sugar can have a huge effect on energy. I hope the change in diet helps!

    1. Hi Misha,

      Indeed it can. I have never been this low on energy. Here's to the healthy diet and maybe an actual blog return by me or what the heck, the dog :)

      Thank you, Misha.


  17. I am hoping that with the new diet, you will find your energy again.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      I sure hope the new diet helps. Low energy is becoming very frustrating. Have a lovely long weekend, my dear friend.


  18. It's always nice to hear from you! And now we can comment. Win-win. Hope you're fully energized soon.

    1. Hi Martha,

      Its equally nice to hear from you. Yes, I broke down and switched the comments on for this post :) I hope to become an Ever Ready battery.

      All the best and thanks, Martha.

      Gary :)

  19. I'm sure Penny will be a firm, but fair, monitor as you re-enter the World o' Blogs. I hope your energy returns soon!

    1. Hey Debra,

      Penny is pawsitively pawesome in helping me. Then again, that would be between her several doggy naps :) I so hope the energy returns soon. I feel bad about my lack of interaction.

      Take care, eh.

      Gary :)

  20. More advice. Have your D and B levels checked. I was feeling much like you after a hard surgery and felt weak. Guess what--D and B very, very low. Now I am on super D, taking one pill a week, and daily B. But, it takes a long time to build those levels up, I am told, 6 months!

    1. Hi loverofwords,

      I appreciate the advice. My D and B levels are fine, thank you. However, I am now having a balanced diet and hoping that will help.

      Take good care of yourself, my kind friend.


  21. It's hard to believe you have the blogging claws so deeply embedded in your brain, Gary, but I'm kind of glad you do. I'll be looking forward to your posts.

    I sure hope you start feeling lots better soon. Chronic fatigue can sure cramp a person's style.

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Oh yeah, blogs on the brain. Another bloggy day in England. I shall endeavour to actually start posting before the year ends.

      Fatigue is so debilitating. I am most frustrated and yet I'm doing something about it. That makes it a bit more tolerable.

      Thanks for your words of support. It means a lot.


  22. So glad to see you back here Gary and to hear that you are getting some help for your blog addiction.....i mean.....fatigue. The internet hasn't been the same without you. You do realize i'm sure, that the alphabetical blog fest is almost upon us? We will be awaiting your usual helpful comments and contributions. Pawhaps Penny will grace us with one of her delightful pawstings.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I'm finally here to reply! Just went for a blog detox! Yes, the fatigue has been horrible. It impacts so much of one's life. The internet almost ground to halt without me, I'm sure. Oh yes, I haven't forgotten. The dreaded alphabet things is upon the blogging world. HELP! Penny will, no doubt, pawvide a pawsting or two :)

      Have a peaceful Easter, dear Delores.

  23. You have given me much food for thought and now I am thoroughly confused. I can't decide whether you have been having a mental blog or you haven't been having a mental blog. It seems to me that having a mental blog is better than not having a blog at all, but then it also seems to me that if you have a mental blog you do have a blog after all. If you understand what I'm saying, I wish you would explain it to me, because I don't.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      I have scrolled up to your previous comment. It only took me twelve days, but I got here.

      I have a mental blog that is either mental as in a thinking process, or a lapse in my ability to think in a clear, concise way. I might even have blogger's blog, for all I know. Rather worryingly, I almost understand you.

      Have a good one, my illustrious friend.


  24. Good to see you back!!

    Constant fatigue is exhausting. Eat better food, get out in the sun, chase some rainbows.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thanks and I'm not quite back. Still trying to get there.

      Embracing positive resources. I shall run through a field of buttercups when I feet better.

      Take care and thanks again, dear Susan.


  25. I want to be a complimentary counselor. Gee Gary, you look swell today.

    Now send me $5.

    I was having horrible fatigue and it turned out to be low iron. Surely they've checked that, right?

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanking you kindly, you complimentary therapist! :) Your five bucks is on its way...

      My iron levels are okay. I'm glad you found the solution and stay awake!

      Cheers, Elizabeth.


  26. Hope you feel better soon. Like a lot of other people have mentioned, iron might be the problem, if they didn't check it. Good to see you blogging again :-)

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Thank you and I feel slightly better. My iron levels are sufficient. Glad to sort of blogging again. It's taking time to get back the momentum.

      Have a lovely Easter.

      Gary :)

  27. It's good that a nurse will be visiting you soon. It will definitely make things a little easier for you. Sorry you have to go on a special diet, but it's better than taking more medication. Even though it's probably the last thing you feel like doing, exercise also helps decrease the blood sugar levels in your body. Just trying to walk more may even help. Take care of yourself, Gary! Loved the directions bit!


    1. Hi Julie,

      I have now seen the nurse. She told me that my blood sugar levels were slightly high. Enough to warrant a change in diet. And yes, despite the exhaustion, I have to muster up the energy to get some more exercise in. Penny will be taking me for longer walks! :)

      Glad you liked my directions :)



  28. What is considered high in 2015 was considered borderline in 1999 and "normal" in prior years. I was told I was borderline with fasting readings of 139. At 500, I was admitted to the hospital never realizing my constant tiredness was diabetes. It still is, along with a myriad of other auto-immune diseases. Exhaustion is so tiring and when it's caused by an illness all the rest in the world doesn't help.

    1. Hi Dana,

      Finally getting back to your other comment. You really have had a crap time of it. I know that you keep finding the strength and the humour to embrace some sort of bizarre irony. I'm lucky in so far as I've found out I don't have diabetes. However, I pay heed to the warning signs.

      Hugs to you and your loved ones.


  29. I hope the nurse will be able to help you even if she is just practicing. Constant fatigue is so difficult and I'm keeping my fingers crossed you will be back to your old self soon. Take care, Gary. And big hugs to Penny! I love her new photo at the top of the blog. <3

    1. Hi Julie,

      The nurse, despite just practising, was most informative. Although I was puzzled that my blood test results indicated I'm in pretty good condition. I just need to get through this exhaustion. I stay determined. Penny thanks you :)


  30. Low fat and low sugar is how I normally eat. Let me know if you need suggestions. I hope that helps you feel better.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thanks for that. I'm okay with suggestions. I armed with a whole load of nutritional books that the practice nurse supplied me with. I think I'm feeling slightly better as I eating better.

      Hugs and thanks.

      Gary :)

  31. Hope your blog test goes well, dear!
    Love to you and Penny!


    1. Hi Kim,

      My Inner Chick friend, the blood test further results have indicated that I'm not diabetic. I have, however, got the warning. Time to work through the exhaustion.

      Love and hugs to you!


    2. Glad to hear you're okay, Gary. xxx

    3. Hi Kim,

      Slowly getting there, dear lady. Hugs to you.

      Gary :) xxx

  32. Hi, Gary:

    I completely understand fatigue. With Hashaimoto's disease, I battle it. Sometimes it's more than others. Seven years ago, I was also diagnosed with borderline diabetes. But was able, thank God, to turn it around with my diet. I cut out all white auger and food along with processed foods. Meant sugar.

    Glad to see you're keeping your sense of humor.

    Hugs and chocolate!

    1. Hi Shelly,

      You, dear lady, have helped to inspire me. What you have done is what I need to do more of. I am now being very careful with my diet. However, water is yuck! :)

      I think having a bit of a laugh is a positive therapy. Thanks, Shelly.

      Hugs to you, my friend.


  33. In the big scheme of things, having to alter your diet a bit is just a minor bump in the road! I have been pre-diabetic before, then I went to Weight Watchers where I have lost almost 30 lbs. I am no longer pre-diabetic but I watch what I eat like a hawk. You are slim, but even slim people get diabetes.....I am sure they will be able to control this and at least your other tests came out well! That's HUGE!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Thank you for such thoughtful words. You are most admired for your determination. You know your life depends on it. A change of diet and exercise a bit more, if I can muster up the energy, should be of great help.

      Thank you, dear Caren.

      Gary :)

  34. It's awful when the doctor pronounces you healthy, but you're just not feelin' it. Sure hope you can unravel the mystery of why you're feeling so fatigued. It's not a good way to live, and quite frustrating.
    Here's to your health and to feeling better soon!

    1. Hi Kim,

      It's been awful not having the medical folks be able to pinpoint the cause of my tiredness. I think that with a healthy focus that I might be better soon. Thank you for your support and kindness.

      Gary :)

  35. Maybe you have SAD--seasonal affective depression. It affects me in the winter. Sunlight is the cure.

    1. Hi Practical Parsimony,

      It just might be SAD. I've never experienced that before but let's see when the days stay lighter longer. Thank you.


  36. Have you and/or the doctors considered the possibility that it might be fibromyalgia?

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      There has been so many possibilities and fibromyalgia is a slight possibility.

      Thank you, my kind friend.


  37. A blog test, is that any thing like stool sample?
    I myself am fructose intolerant, but the worse thing it causes is diarrhea or flatulence.
    My wife can always tell when I cheat on my can some of the neighbors...

    1. Hi DAVID,

      How did you know! I shall be taking in a toadstool sample. Or is that a toad's stool sample....

      Nothing like a fruity aroma to thrill your wife and the neighbours :)

      Thank you, kind sir.


  38. Maybe you have chronic fatigue syndrome.

    1. Hi Practical Parsimony,

      That's what I initially thought. The blood tests are trying to determine if this is the case. Thank you and take care.


  39. Is blogs on the brain anything like logs in the woods? At least, like David suggests, you don't have to supple blog samples as if they were stool samples. Which reminds me, why don't they supply cookie samples any longer at Costco? Sorry, I have bad internet syndrome. We're going home in 2 weeks and I will have a clear and fast internet connection so I can sample more blogs or at least head to the woods for some logs.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Blogs in the woods that you take to your blog cabin, eh. I'd gladly supply a stool sample. I shall take one of my old chairs to the health centre.

      Take care, eh and here's to your return. Canada needs you!


  40. I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly. At least the blood tests showed that you have nothing serious wrong (at least in those areas). I hope you get all the help you need and recover soon. :)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Thank you for your supportive words, dear friend. I have had a further update on my blood tests and I seem to be fine according to the tests. I am reaching out to all the resources on offer. This tiredness is getting silly.

      Take care, Lexa.

      Gary :)

  41. Your sense of humour doesn't seem to be affected. (I won't be offended if you are too tired to answer this comment!)
    PS: I had a patient on the phone last week who told me she has a vomiting phobia. I resisted saying "Oh no, you're not going to bring that up again are you?"
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      My sense of humour likes to bask in the wonders of irony. And six days later I actually comment back to your comment.

      Nice play on words, good sir. Nothing like a sick joke!


  42. Seems to me you've got blogs on the brain. Congats on the tests. A diet won't kill you. Look at me. Well, maybe you shouldn't look. I'd rather see a real nurse too - if she's a looker and knows her business.

    1. Hi Blue Dude,

      I was thinking about blogs in my blog cabin. I shall diet and actually, you shall be my inspiration. The nurse could always practice on me. I will close my eyes....

      Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  43. Hi Gary, nice to see you around the blog again. Sorry to hear you have been unwell, I hope you feel much better soon.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thanks, Suzanne. Your words mean a lot. Hope to be back into the blogging groove sooner rather than later.


  44. Nice to see you blogging again.
    I've been feeling tired myself lately, so I think I'll join you in the low fat, low sugar jaunt. Don't want to front up to the doctor and be told, sorry old girl, you have diabetes now. My mum had it, so I need to be careful.

    1. Hi River,

      Thank you, my friend.

      This may become a positive result as we both try the low fat, low sugar diet. I also don't want the dreaded diabetic diagnosis. Be careful, indeed.

      Thank you, River and look after your good self.


  45. Oh dear, the medical profession will never be the same. What compliment did she give you? It had better be a doozie. Welcome back.

    1. Hi Lee,

      She just laughed and gave me a weird look. Perhaps that was a compliment. Thanks and I slowly crawling back. I mean, how could I possible stay away from your blog?

      Gary :)

    2. I Was Searching for Gary for two weeks. And guess what, you've been here all the time. I think someone gave me directions to your place in Swahili. That's my story anyway.

    3. Hey Lee,

      I've been hiding behind my computer screen. Maelekezo katika Kiswahili inaweza kuwa na utata!

      Happy alphabetting, eh!

  46. Nice to see you back my friend. I hope soon you will be on the road to recovery. It is hard when you feel so exhausted. I've been there. Thinking of you :)

    1. Hi Truedessa,

      Ah, my dear friend, thine who doth have the words of the gift that be empathy. Still very exhausted and yet, I'm determined to fight the fatigue. Thanking you kindly.

      Gary :)

  47. Take care and try to do what they tell you. It will be great in no time. then you'll be back to enjoying lots of blogs! (smile)

    1. Hi Dixie,

      I hope you are right, my friend. I'm doing all they tell me and yet, my diagnosis has not been completely pinpointed. Will stay positive. Glad to see you are posting a lot more these days. I hope you are feeling well, Dixie.

      Gary :)

  48. Hope the change in diet will help. I'm so sorry you've been so fatigued, but so happy to be reading you again! You sound just like yourself and made me laugh, of course! Penny must keep an eye on you to make sure you get enough rest. We MISS you! And I'll be thinking of you tomorrow when my first blog post for the A to Z, or is that Z to A is up! Hugs to you!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Thank you. I have been fatigued since just before Christmas and I hope that the diet will help. Knowing that some of my posting could make you laugh, has helped me. I'm grateful for that. Lovely to see you and what's this about the alphabet? LOL

      All the best with it, dear Lisa.

      Hugs to you,


  49. The entire year before I ended up in the hospital due to a diabetic coma, my blood glucose over 500, I spent the entire 365 days too tired to sleep. Rest didn't help. Sleep didn't help. High blood sugar produces an exhaustion that is indescribable.

    On another note, have you been tested for sleep apnea? Another thing I thought was just a fad, but I was stopping breathing 260 times PER NIGHT. ANOTHER reason for complete exhaustion.

    1. Hi Dana,

      I'm not sure what my blood sugar level is but is evidently slightly high. I totally relate to your symptoms and I'm trying to have a definite diagnosis. This has been a long, drawn out situation.

      I have only had limited contact with the doctor in regards to my exhaustion. Tests are ongoing. I don't think I have sleep apnea. Thanks for your further comment. Yes, almost four in the morning. That's the state of things.


  50. I am glad to hear that 2/3 test results were great and one is something that can be worked on with some changes to your diet (not fun- I know, but the extra energy will be good). I hope you start to feel more energized soon.

    I loved your directions- they had me laughing. So even if you are feeling exhausted- your sense of humor is still in high gear. :)


    1. Hi Jess,

      Thanks for your kind words. I think a change of diet and a change of my focus may hopefully be just the tonic. I really am struggling with the exhaustion.

      I'm glad I could make you laugh. I might just be going in the right direction :)

      A happy Easter to you and your loved ones.


  51. Hugs to you, my fine friend. I've been in an exhausted funk for over a year but I think it's more mental than physical. The world needs more caring people like you in it. Maybe Penny can dogsit your blog for you. :)

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      And an empathetic hug back to you, my lovely friend. I've sensed you have been in a bit of a funk for sometime. I actually think that my exhaustion may also possibly be more mental than physical. Of course, physical and mental health well being are intertwined.

      Penny, at this rate, is going to have to take over. I can barely find the energy to comment. Yikes and um, arf!

      Have a peaceful, positive Easter weekend, River.

      Gary :)

  52. Hugs to you from the Pacific Northwest too! I love the "pay me a compliment" line.

    1. Hey Riot Kitty,

      Thanks for the hugs from the Pacific Northwest! I compliment you for living in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.

      Hugs right back at you :)


  53. It's good to see you back Gary..I'm sorry to hear how you'v been struggling. I too have been having similar tests.. primarily for fatigue..tho there are also a long list of other symptoms..some which are, frankly, quite strange.

    Has Fibromyalgia been suggested to you.. I ask because my own doctor has told me that Fibromyalgia is almost certainly the cause of my debilitating fatigue (though I have to see a neurologist, and await results of an MRI test before that is confirmed.

    I hope that whatever it is that's causing your issues is pinpointed and managed soon.

    Take care, all the best, Kimmie x

    1. Hi Kimmie,

      You know of struggles, my dear friend. I do know that our environment, a change is our environment, can cause an impact on our well being. Mystery symptoms can be the end result of it all.

      Fibromyalgia has been suggested, thank you. Trouble is, I've had so many tests and scans. Still nothing to pinpoint the problem. I do believe a part of it is psychological caused by a dramatic recent change in my life.

      Thank you, Kimmie.

      Be well and smile.


      Gary x

  54. You a learner - bah humbug. You passed your blog tests with flying colours a long time ago - you are one of the professors now (you could probably start your own institution ((educational of course)) yes i did just bracket within a bracket...! It's no surprise to me that your blood tests revealed you are too sweet - Gary I believe you are just being real... I've been saying for a while the world is messed up, if your not depressed or fatigued than you are probably in denial... or addicted to the idea of being busy... I prefer bed. Get well soon. Hugs

    1. Hi Ida,

      A bracket within a bracket. Impressive stuff and reminds of those magical days when brackets were used frequently.

      That's me. Overly sweet! Seriously, the world is screwed up. What next, the A to Z of a screwed up world....

      I shall continue to be transparent. I actually would like to busy. In the meantime, my head is fucked up and I might just go have a sleep about it.

      Thank you, Ida. Happy alphabetting :)


  55. Fatigue itself is hard to fight and is depressing because there is so much you want to do but cannot. I fight it all the time and try and get some things done in the morning because after lunch all I want to do is take a nap. I had really low D and B levels and am taking the vitamins at a high dose but am told that it takes 6 months to get back to a decent level. Energy is such a gift isn't it? Hope that when you read this, you are better and have some answers.

    1. Hi loverofwords,

      Frustration is most certainly leading to a sense of overwhelming depression. I believe part of my problem and perhaps it's not excuse, but I have nobody to give me a kick up the butt, so to speak. I do try to be active. I also know, all to well, that feeling of wanting a nap. A nap that seems to be constantly consuming me, no matter the time of day.

      I'm heartened to know that you managed to get a diagnosis to help rectify your low energy levels. I embrace your suggestions. Along with attempting to eat better, I am taking a number of vitamin supplements. I so wish to return. Thank you, dear lady.


  56. I probably commented on this already, but I wanted to thank you for writing a comment on my blog, Far Far Away. You have been missed, so when your name appears, it makes me so happy!

    1. Hi Susan,

      You did indeed comment previously. Thank you. It was my honour to comment on your blog post, dear Susan. I appreciate your kind words in response. I'm doing my utmost to get back on track. Be well, Susan.


  57. Have them check your thyroid too.

    1. Hi River,

      Thank you for that, my kind friend. I can tell you that I was tested for an under active thyroid. My thyroid is evidently normal.


  58. Hi there, my friend... I hope you are feeling better... I read your post about fatigue, and such... I, too, have been under the weather... it's a struggle sometimes... augh...

    I LOVE your photos with your new camera... I hope you will tell us about it...


    1. Hey Red Shoes,

      Delighted to see you, my illustrious friend :) It seems we know of fatigue and the impact it can have on our everyday life. I wonder if you can be over the weather.

      Nikon 5200 camera. It does everything including making coffee :)

      Thank you, my kind friend.


  59. You may turn off the comments but I will still find a way to comment.

    Maybe you don't need to get out from under the duvet so much as find a time of day that actually works for you. I am not not not a morning person. With that in mind I book my exercise later in the day or in early evening. That said, I am also extremely fatigued. I feel like my job is killing me. I love what I do but hate what it is doing to my body. Add depression into the mix and everything just looks so hopeless. I feel totally overwhelmed right now. The last 6 weeks I have been focusing on things I can do to make myself feel better. One thing I am doing is taking 15 mg of melatonin. It helps with sleep but according to my naturopath, it helps with adrenal fatigue. I am also taking fish oil and a woman's multi vitamin for women over 50 (even though I am 44). I even changed from table salt to a pink Himalayan salt that has trace minerals. I have to say, I am feeling a smidgen better. A smidgen. But that depression, I have to fight it all the time. Even now.

    1. Hi Birdie,

      I knew I should of switched off comments for this post. I'm kidding and thanks for responding :)

      You have had such a struggle. I also understand that the balance between your working life, your sleeping life and the debilitating impact depression can have, makes it that you can feel overwhelmed.

      The positive part is that, despite the exhaustion, you do your best to embrace all the resources conducive to your physical and mental health well being. I'm heartened that you are taking supplements that at least are making you feel better. This also proves that your depression will not be given permission to totally dominate your life.

      Those who don't understand, will not realise what a constant battle it is against depression. Thus, my kind friend, we share a gift. The gift of empathy. Knowing that you are not alone, in what can be a lonely condition, bodes well for a better future. Bless you and thank you.


  60. See what you do garbare is you avoid tests so no one has to tell you how to eat!! And by the way the next post has beautiful pics but the comment is off. So there!!!

    1. Hey Tammy aka Tam-bare,

      I shall go and have a Happy Meal. See how that goes. Glad you liked the photos in the post after this post. I should of switched off the comments on this post. Doh and LOL.

      Nice seeing you, Tammy. Happy alphabetting. Can't believe I said that!


  61. AHA! I KNEW I'd be able to comment here! Got you!
    Those pics in the post after this one are simply GORGEOUS!
    You are a good photographer, Gary!
    Sorry I haven't popped in to visit sooner. As you know, I'm busy with the A to Z Challenge, which is time-consuming etc, etc, etc.
    I'm still waiting to co-host that Alphabark Challenge that you spoke about last year. Maybe we can run it alongside the 2016 A to Z Challenge, so we have one year to plan it! YAY!
    Take care, Gary!

    1. Hi human, Michelle,

      Oops, my alleged human, Gary, should of remembered to switch off the comments section on this pawst! Arf and I'm only joking. Gary will be most pawleased to know you liked his attempts and taking photos. Thanks for that.

      Due to that silly alphabet challenge you are doing again and again and...I have decided to delay the Alphabark Challenge and maybe have it done in a month that doesn't clash with the A to Z thingy. Besides, the A to Z is finishing this year. Thank goodness for that.

      Yay, gosh and arf!, my lovely human friend, Michelle.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny! :)

  62. Hello superstar dog, you turned off comments on the blog above, so have had to resort to replying here. Thank you so much for your kind wishes, Penny and hope you and the person you look after are both well. Those photographs are wonderful, such a good eye and natural feel for the countryside, well worth making some sort of collection and exhibiting.

    1. Hi lovely human, Carole,

      My human turned off the comments in the next post because he realised so many were doing that weird alphabet challenge. Thought they might just like to have a few moments to gaze at the photos.

      My alleged human and I are most delighted to visit your blog. It's just been very difficult as of late.

      Your mention of Gary's photos are very kind. He thanks you and I thank you.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  63. I love the photos on your latest post - especially the one you have as your header picture. What a lovely peaceful place that looks. Take care and be kind to yourself Gary xx

    1. Hi human, Teresa,

      Gary, who is sleeping, has forwarded on his thanks for you liking his photos. I showed him how to use the camera. The countryside and taking him for walks seems to helping him get better.

      Thank you, dear human.

      Penny xx :)

  64. Hey Gary....I had to change my name ...ugly troll problem. ..sent them back to their bridge. Anyway...its zoe and skip now ivy and Doug. So sorry to hear about the fatigue. well!

    1. Hi Ivy,

      Lovely to see you, my human friend. Gary is still tired and thus I'm doing the commenting. Trolls are an internet plague that needs removing. Sorry you had so much grief.

      Gary appreciates your thoughtful words, Thanks for that.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  65. Your photos above are so lovely! You live in an amazingly beautiful place. I do hope that things are going better with your exhaustion and that the rest of your tests go well!

    1. Hi human, Meradeth,

      My alleged human, Gary, thanks you kindly. I have been teaching him how to take decent photos :) The tranquillity of where we live seems to be helping him. He's now waiting to get further tests. Yikes and arf!

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  66. Hi Gary, take care of your health. You owe it to us to look after your health. I will pop in again to ask how you are feeling.

    1. Hi Rachna,

      Gary thanks you, dear lady. He is still rather poorly and thus I'm continuing to comment on his behalf. With your kind words, I know he shall continue to get better.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  67. Hey Gazza,

    Dude, so sorry to hear you've not feeling the Mae West, but I do hope that since your last post things are a little bit better for you...

    I am SO happy that Z is coming up.. .TRUST me... I ain't doing no stinkin' A-Z again :)

    Cheers, mate, and let me know if there's anything I can do :)

    1. Hi human, Sir Mazza,

      My alleged human, Gary, is still a bit Moby Dick, although he looks for a cure :) He does seem to be improving.

      Please pawmise you wont do that silly A to Z again! :)

      I know that just leaving a comment by your fine self is plenty. Thank you on behalf of my alleged human.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)

  68. Hey Gary, I already commented up there somewhere but had to say how lovely those photos are on the next post and how much they helped my day today. thank you. I deal with unrelenting fatigue due to some blood issues... I am so sorry youre dealing with the fatigue monster... pain is easier for me anyway.... plus I find its harder to motivate through the fatigue. I do hope things let up for you and you find a surge of positive energy! ivy and doug the not as well known internet doggie.

    1. Hi human, Ivy,

      Yes, you sure did comment further up and that was very nice of you. While my human continues to feel that similar fatigue as yours, he finds heart and spirit in knowing that the photos in the next post can be of some help.

      My human and I do so hope you find some pawsitive energy to embrace, to inspire. Doug is a superstar! So there.

      Look after YOU, Ivy.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.