
Wednesday 29 October 2014

A False Start.

Just when I thought I could start building up momentum, start actually being proactive in the world of blogging, I've had another unfortunate situation arise.

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, spent fourteen years in the company of two humans, my son and yes, me.  One of us was usually around to keep her company.  Very seldom was she left alone for a long duration.

This changed dramatically when my son, Tristan, moved into his own home and took Penny to live with him. Yes, I've been there on a regular basis to take her for walks while my son is at work.  Sadly, this has not been enough.  My son's neighbours have complained that Penny cries the entire time that nobody is there to make her feel safe.

I know that all the upheaval, all the adjustments, must be making Penny very confused and very anxious.  I thought this might happen.  My son and I have to remember that she is acutely aware of all the changes going on around her.

It was heartbreaking to take Penny back from my son's home.  I know how much he loves her.  Yet we know the reality is that we cannot have her cause disturbance to the neighbours.  My son and I have worked out an interim solution.  We will have to share her.  Or as rhymeswithplague cleverly stated, "share joint custody."  How true that has turned out.  My son works a four day week.  I shall look after her for four days and he can have her on his three day weekends.

I'm still having a frantic time with the ongoing life changes for my son and I.  I know we will get there.

As much as I love Penny, it's a bit of a pain getting dressed at three in the morning to take her out for a walk. Yes, I suppose I could forget getting dressed.  Living in a top floor apartment means I can't exactly just tell her to go in the garden like I once could.

I do feel terrible about not visiting many blogs over the last three months.  My comments on sites have been few and far between.  My last post was somewhat of a false start.  So I'm being extra cautious out of the starting blocks.  Hope to visit your blog soon.

There you have it.  Penny content knowing she is not by herself.  Once again, she takes up her sleeping position on my sofa bed.  A sofa bed that, just like before, has a cover over it to protect it from her curious paws.  Sleep, little angel, sleep.....


  1. Aw, poor Penny. I hope things get sorted out soon.

    1. Hey P.T.,

      The compromise of having joint custody seems to have made Penny a lot calmer. Thank you and happy travels, good sir.


  2. What a sweet little angel. Give it some time, I'm sure things will work out. Sharing custody is a great solution to your dilemma!

    Hi, Penny!
    CindyLu xx

    1. Hi CindyLu and your human, Kim,

      So far, so good. Penny is much more content now. My son and I know this is for the best. Penny's happiness is most important.

      Thanks, CindyLu

      Penny's human dad,

      Gary xx

  3. Aww poor Penny, what she is suffering is called separation anxiety. I'm glad you have found a solution of sorts. Bless you all x

    1. Hi Eileen,

      Indeed and I was concerned she might go through that. My son and I made a very quick decision. The solution is working very well. Bless you, dear lady. x


  4. Poor Penny, poor Tristan, poor you. Shared custody sounds a good solution, but the 3am wee walks would pall quickly.
    Look after yourself. Please.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Shared custody seems to be the only solution. Penny is a priority for Tristan and I. The walks at three in the morning are rather a nightmare. I live on the top floor and it's quite a walk just to get outside.

      Thanks and I will look after myself, my lovely friend.


  5. Sounds like a good compromise that is in Penny's best interest. She is my fave modest internet superstar and I'm glad she'll have company every day again.

    1. Hi Debra,

      It does seem to be a good compromise so far. Your fave modest internet superstar is evidently going to um pawst about it all.

      Thank you, Debra.


  6. Hi Gary - I did wonder for the three of you .. and how Penny would manage. I feel for you all - it's really not easy .. but at least it's a compromise and perhaps in time she will feel settled - and yes neighbours can't be messed with so early on ... with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I had a hunch she might have some worries being on her own for an extended time. It's a bit of a logistics nightmare. However, her feelings are vitally important. The neighbours are going to see that no unfair stress shall be put upon them.

      Thank you, dear Hilary.


  7. So sorry to hear that Penny's feeling very unhappy, such an upheaval must be very unsettling for her. I think sharing her is a great idea if it means she's happy and content again. And why worry about getting dressed for a 3am walk? - I often take my two round the block late at night when I'm in dressing gown and slippers :)

    1. Hi Tigermouse,

      She has been through a huge amount of upheaval over the last three months. Her stability had been thrown out of whack. She appears much calmer now she gets total attention from the both of us. Heck, I shall go out wearing nothing but my tap dancing shoes at three in the morning. I shall keep you informed from the police station :)

      Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  8. Poor Penny, hope your solution works out, her welfare is paramount.
    Best of luck to you, son and Penny.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      You said it, my dear friend. Penny's welfare is paramount. So far, the shared situation is working well.

      Thank you, Yvonne.

      Gary :)

  9. SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF WE COULD ONLY SLEEP WITHOUT THE DECAPITATED FLYING MOTHER HEADS BEING FLUNG AND SQUASHED IN OUR FACE OF PERFECT LITTLE FAMILIES AND PERFECT HAPPY LIVES THAT WE KNOW NOTHING OF ONLY NIGHTMARES OF A MAN WITH A PUMPKIN HEAD AND SEEDS SPEWING OUT OF HIS MOUTH DOING COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO THE MASSES OF FACELESS CLONES THAT DESTROY AND FEED INTO OUR DAMAGED LOST SOULS THAT WE ARE CURSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO LIVE ANOTHER DAY IN THIS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TORTURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Uh, yeah, what this thing said. I think that covers the thoughts we all had.

  10. Of course Penny has to stay with you for part of the week ~ because Penny's fan base would miss her. Hope to hear fro Penny soon. Take care Gary.

    1. Hi Carol,

      Yes, her fan base want her to be at my place so you can read a decent article. She's quite the writer :) She will be putting up her thoughts about the changes in her life.

      You take care, Carol. Thought you should know I'm not being given permission to comment on your blog.

      Gary :)

  11. A little inconvenient, but it sounds like the plan will work for Penny. Some dogs just can't be left alone. My parents' last dog would destroy things if left alone for more than a couple hours.
    Take your time, Gary. No worries.

    1. Hi Alex,

      A little inconvenient, but it's a worthwhile compromise for Penny. In the past, Penny could be left alone for a few hours. I guess that's because she was used to the environment and saw both my son and I loads. Thankfully, Penny has not succumbed to sofa chewing etc.

      Thanks, Alex. I'm slowly getting there.


  12. I'm sorry Penny couldn't stay with Tristan full time. I'm sure she enjoys spending time with you again though.

    1. Hi Diane,

      It is rather sad she cannot spend more time with Tristan. It was supposed to part of his statement of independence. Still, the compromise is working.

      Thank you, dear Diane.


  13. She's so sweet. Yes as furkids we have to look out for their best interests. My Pepper is almost 14 and so bonded to me that I can't even entertain the thought of boarding her if we were to take a vacation. She won't even eat unless I'm standing next to her.

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Indeed, an adorable fourteen year old puppy. Pepper and your good self have such a bond of love. Bless Pepper and bless you, dear friend.


  14. It is never easy for man or beast to start anew, I do hope that things get easier for you all.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      How very true. Things are going easier now that Penny is having the best of both worlds. Thank you, dear Arleen.


  15. Poor little's all been too much for her. Between the three of you I know you'll help each other over life's hurdles. Don't worry about blogging and commenting for now. Look after life first. We'll all be here when you have time and energy for us.

    1. Hi Delores,

      You are so right. Such a huge amount of change for poor Penny. There is a positive situation coming out of this which Penny has told me she'll write about soon. Yes, life and the changes do come first. I thank you for your kind, supportive words, Delores.


  16. A pain the butt for the 3am walks, but whatever is best for her has to be done.

    1. Hi Pat,

      You got that right. Still, going for those wee hours strolls as she takes the wee to heart.

      Thank you, good sir.


  17. My heart breaks for any little one left alone, I'm so glad you've worked out such a great plan, and I know Penny is too. But a top floor apartment, aw, that's not good - Do you have a patio where you could put one of those fake pee, like artificial turf thingy's (container on bottom collects urine)? That's always been my plan, if I moved to a condo, a patio with an artificial turf like pee pad for my little one. Cause going outside naked - not a good thing, not a good thing at all. LOL
    Blogging and comments - should always be the last thing on your list! Always!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      I know what you mean. I was very worried that Penny might get distressed over being left alone. I know my son wanted it to be part of his independence by having Penny with him most of the time. The plan is going very well. Penny is much calmer. Sadly, no balcony in my top floor apartment. Due to allocation and priorities, the balcony apartment I had hoped for, never happened. My wee folks are freaking out! LOL

      I shall blog naked. Blogging has taken a back seat to the personal stuff in my life. You are quite right, dear Yolanda.

      Hugs and hope,


  18. Don't worry about the rest of us, Gary. All that matters is Tristen and Penny. We'll all wait in the background for updates when you can manage them.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Okay than, I shall not worry about the rest of you folks :) You are absolutely correct, my lovely friend. The priority is getting my family's life into a more comfortable comfort zone.

      All the best, Joylene.


  19. Aww. I'm glad you were able to work something out to be with Penny. Hugs, Gary.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      Thank you very much. The compromise is working out very well. Hugs to you, dear Melissa.

      Gary :)

  20. It sounds like the ideal solution for Penny - she can spend time with both of you. Hope you can get into a comfortable routine. Would Penny use puppy pads? I'd never heard of them until we got Dusty and I found them useful to have by the back door in case he didn't quite make it outside x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      The solution has been a most comfortable situation for Penny. I know that my son is a little sad that she cannot be with him more often. Penny's piddling is now under control. Perhaps she needed to feel better adjusted. I'd never heard of puppy pads. Bless you and your beloved Dusty.

      Gary :) x

  21. I'm glad you have a plan for Penny. Franklin would be very sad if I left him alone.


    1. Hi Janie,

      Ah yes, the plan for Penny is just about pawfect :) Franklin has a friend in Penny. Arf and woof! :)

      Love and hugs,


  22. Aww, I'm so sorry to read that Penny was crying like that, poor little sweetheart. Animals can be so sensitive to changes. I'm glad you were able to work out an arrangement and she isn't alone now. She looks so precious curled up on your sofa bed. Take care, Gary. *hugs*

    1. Hi Julie,

      The crying seems to have stopped. Now she likes to give us a round or two of whining :) The solution is working very well. Bless her on the sofa bed....snoring loudly!

      Hugs, dear Julie.

      Gary :)

  23. I was just commenting to you on my blog that I hoped Penny liked her new "diggs"- oh no. Nothing a little TLC won't hopefully cure. Then again she may get to write more often!!

    1. Hi Dixie,

      It's okay and the diggs she is digging at both places now. Penny gets loads of love and attention. My son and I have been taught a valuable lesson by the dear dog. She has left a draft pawst, um, post that she asked me to pawblish, oops, publish, tomorrow, whenever tomorrow is :)

      Wishing you a peaceful rest of your weekend, dear Dixie.

      Gary :)

  24. Please tell Penny that we all love her. We would gladly take care of her at least once a week.
    Also, it is understandable that she would get lonely without any one around her. Too bad, neighbors do not have the patience to let her settle in.
    Lastly please do not feel bad about visiting us. As long as you all are healthy and things are under control we will be happy.

    1. Hi Munir,

      I shall pass on those loving wishes. If you her a paw at your door, you will know who it is :)

      In fairness to my son's neighbours, they endured an entire night of her crying when they were trying to sleep. A mistake leaving her on her own overnight. She will settle in gradually.

      Thanks for you understanding, dear Munir. I'm working on feeling less stressed.

      Gary :)

  25. Joint custody does work, it's what myself and my ex do and have done with Lardy for going on twelve years now. That in itself takes a little getting used to, but it sounds the best way forward so that you can both share her love whilst she feels safe all the time. Why does she wee at 3am? I'd be tempted to get in some kind of tray or something and try and get her to wee in that just at night time if there no garden. Unless it's an age thing of course. Comes to all of us I guess heh. Hugs to you dearie, you're all getting there albeit slowly, and everyone here is most patient about it and care only for your good health and those you love, not how often you post or comment. So take heart, we'll be sick of the sight of you again soon! Hahaha ;) x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Wow, that's quite the joint custody. I reckon Lardy is very appreciative of your arrangement. Yes, they can then feel safe and loved in both environments.

      Penny was going for a piddle at three as a sneaky way of getting me the hell off the computer! She's been better recently. I've been taking her out at a more sensible time. If only I could be more sensible myself when it comes to being on the computer. Crap! It's four in the morning! HELP!!!!

      I so look forward to you dreading the site of me and my weird comments on your wonderful site, dear Michelle.

      Hee hee and aha!

      Gary :) x

  26. She looks content, Gary.
    I know you will make it work. You always do my friend.

    1. Hi Julia,

      She does indeed. The contentment has returned :)

      Yes, my son and I are determined to make this work. The love of a dog is truly a wondrous thing.

      Hugs to you, dear Julia.

      Gary :)

  27. I am selfish and missed Penny, so personally, I'm happy that she is back :)

    I don't let my dog have water in the evening, that way he doesn't have to go out in the middle of the night. See? Selfish. I wonder if you can litter train a dog like you can a cat?

    Glad you're back- even if sporadically.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      Ah, Penny is here and she is also there, over there at my son's house. It's all good. She has told me she's going to use my computer.

      Penny has vastly improved about going out at such a time. No worries and besides, if I have to take her out that time of night, less chance of her being seen by the pesky "pupparazzi." :)

      Thanks and the sporadic dude took eleven days to reply. Yikes and HELP. LOL.

      Thanks, dear Elizabeth.

      Gary :)

  28. I'm happy for Penny that she's "home." I was thinking the same thing as Elizabeth in getting her a litter tray or something for the balcony for a quick stop during the night.

    Have a good weekend Gary and Penny.

    1. Hi Donna,

      Penny now is living in two homes. Sadly, no balcony. I might lean her bum out the window :) Actually, she's not as bad about going out at such silly times.

      Hope you are having a lovely weekend. Thank you, dear Donna.


  29. I'm sorry for another huge inconvenience in your life, Gary. You and Penny are clearly in love with each other. Somehow it makes it seem not so bad. But that's not for me to say. You're the one who has to get up in the middle of the night to walk her. Sounds incredibly stressful. You're such a kindhearted man. Don't forget who loves you: everyone who knows you.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      I have been trying to get on with my life as is my son. Yet, the adapting to the needs of our beloved Penny are our prime concern. I'm happy with the way things are going. I'm a little sad that my son has not been able to keep her as much as he'd hoped for.

      The stress has been almost unbearable for over three months. Yet, despite all the crap, the bureaucracy, the double move, we are coping better than I had even dreamed.

      You, dear lady, are sparkle of that shines within the compassion of humanity. Love to you and all my um, adoring fans :)

      Thank you, dear Robyn.


  30. Dogs and cats can feel as lonely as humans - sometimes more because they don't understand what's happening. I'm so happy Penny has two wonderful people to love her and who're willing to go the extra mile(s) to make her feel secure. <3

    1. Hi Lexa,

      I believe that a dogs and cats sense of confusion and lonely feelings can be most extreme. Thanks and yes, my son and I will do our utmost to ensure she feels calm, feels loved.

      Thank you, dear Lexa.

      Gary :)

  31. Aw, sweet little fur-baby. She just wants to be loved. And you are truly providing her with that. Don't worry about blogs and stuff. Do what is best for you and your loved ones. We're all here, and whenever you post, we'll visit and say 'hey'.

    1. Hi Martha,

      Ah yes, plenty of love and fussing :) I guess that I feel bad because it's out of character for me not being proactive. I also know that good folks like you do understand.

      Which mean, "Hey! Eh!"

      Gary :)

  32. Gary, this is a good compromise. This way it will minimize the time she is left alone. She's family and I love that you and Tristan both are making this work. And please DO NOT feel terrible for not being able to visit blogs lately. Life has to always come before blogging. You're not going to get rid of us that easy!! :)

    1. Hi Keith,

      It has been a magical compromise. She is getting loads of attention, loads of love. A choice of two locations to party in, methinks. Thanks for your understanding, Keith. I knew you would. Life and the challenges beyond the computer screen, do take precedence. I shall be checking you out soon. You have been warned, my kind friend :)


  33. I’m glad Penny is with you during the week it’s much nicer than her being alone. I can really appreciate what a pain it is to get up and let her out in the early hours of the morning, but I’m sure she loves you for it.
    Look after yourself Gary

    1. Hi Barbara,

      The routine with Penny taking turns with my son and I has been working out very well. She will not be alone anymore. I reckon it's best to take her out or find a lovely surprise on my carpets......

      Thank you and you look after YOU, dear Barbara.


  34. Not a "false" start, Gary, just an adjusted one! I'm sure Penny won't mind you writing while she stays with you... I'm sorry about the early mornings! Her age is playing a major part in this, makes it harder for her to accept such drastic changes in her life. You are such a good "human" and she knows it... I'm so glad you're on FB or I'd have gone into major withdrawals! You're doing great and we're still out here reading all your words!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      A false start in so far as I thought my blogging momentum was gathering pace. Adjustments are being embraced. Penny watches me write and she often shows me better ways of formulating sentences :)

      Penny, the dear old gal, is adapting to the new life she has. Tristan and I are making sure she often sees as both at once. This seems to help. Penny would note that I'm her alleged human :)

      You are way too kind. See you over at Farcebook!

      Thank you, dear Lisa.

      Gary :)

  35. Penny loves you! Sorry about the early mornings. Hopefully things will work out.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Indeed and I love her, even with the early morning disruptions. Things are starting to get better.

      Thank you, dear Sherry.


  36. Now Penny gets to enjoy the best of both worlds, you and Tristan. She looks quite content sleeping soundly on the bed. She's a lucky girl to have two people love and care for her so much. I hope things look brighter for you soon.

    1. Hi Elsie,

      Penny is lapping up the attention :) She was sleeping soundly. Yes the sounds of a snore, galore. Penny is loved and adored by my son and I. Thanks and the situation is getting brighter.

      Be well, dear Elsie.

      Gary :)

  37. Major events in our lives can be very traumatic - and moving house is right up there with bereavement, divorce, new job etc. And animals need security just as much as we humans do.
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      Indeed, life changing events can cause so much trauma and stress. Penny is getting the stability that she duly needs.

      Thank you, fine fellow that you are.


  38. Poor Penny, hope the new compromise works out for you all. Penny looks quite happy snoozing on the sofa!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      The compromise is working out very well, thank you. Penny is so contented getting her diva sleeps on the sofa bed!

      Thanks, dear Suzanne.


  39. Penny is getting star treatment. You two love her so much. :)

    I'm a cat person, but once watched someone's dog. Constant crying. They feel that pull towards their humans.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Penny, the celebrity dog, is getting even more love :)

      There is a special, wanting kind of love between humans and dogs. They are like babies needing attention. I still like you, even if you are a cat person! :)

      Thank you, dear lady.


  40. No offense, but the dog belongs with you, always did. I get what you said that your son loves her but that dog, is meant to be with you.

    As for walks at three. We had a problem similar to that with our little dog. So I started walking her before bed to poop her out. It took some time but she no longer wakes that early to go out.

    Hope you find your groove with things. Very happy the dog is where she belongs.

    1. Hi Mrs. Whisk,

      No offence taken, my well meaning friend. However, Penny belongs with the both of us. What you wont know is that when my son was twelve, he met Penny. Out of all the puppies, Penny looked at Tristan. From there, the rest fell into place.

      Part of Penny's pooping persuasions is because of my erratic sleep. She sees me typing away at crazy times like right now and that makes her decide it's time to go out.

      I'm very happy that Penny is at both the places she belongs :)


  41. Change can be devastating for dogs as well as humans I guess. Hope all adapt properly.

    Maybe Penny can come up with a workable solution.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      Devastating changes have taken their toll. Yet, we are all adapting and what seemed such a devastating upheaval, is now looking optimistic.

      Penny has some plans. Thank you, good sir.


  42. Poor Penny. What a cutie all curled up there! Hopefully the solution works. None of us like to feel lonely.

    1. Hi Christine,

      The photo of Penny says it all. She is so much calmer now. The solution is working very well. Lonely can be all consuming.

      Thank you, dear lady.


  43. Would she go for puppy pads in the middle of the night? Or, could you just throw on a robe? It is sad to hear a dog cry.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Penny is not hankering to go out so much in the middle of night. Yes, good idea, I should throw on a robe ) A crying dog can break your heart.

      Thank you, dear Linda.


  44. So glad you're able to work out something for Penny, but it's hard on you as well! Hope you are settling - and never worry about blog comments! We all know how crazy life can be. take care!! :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Thank you and yes, the situation with Penny has dramatically improved. Thanks for realising that this has been a most difficult time for all concerned. I know you relate all about the craziness that life can throw our way. We have an empathy happening, my kind friend.

      Thank you, dear Jemi.

      Gary :)

  45. When we relocated to Florida, our blind Bichon, Lucky, had to relocate with us. They're willing to sit with us on top of a telephone pole if necessary, just to be with the pack. Put them in the lap of luxury without their family, and it's NO DIFFERENT for them than it is for US. At 14, Penny has no idea what he did wrong to deserve the split.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      At fourteen, Penny, the lady that she is, was scared because, against my better judgement, was left alone for an entire night in a strange new place. My son worked nights for one week only. As soon as we both found out how distressed she was, my son and I took immediate action. Penny, the lovely lady, is much better now, thank you.


  46. Even though our dog, Pal Penwasser, is actually the kids', he will never leave our house (no matter where my son and daughter ultimately move). At 11 years old, this is his home. I wouldn't want to put him through that kind of upheaval (although I could do without taking him out to the "Yard Apple Minefield" in the middle of the night).

    1. Hi Al,

      I so understand. Although, Penny is my son's doggy sister, so to speak. Part of his independence was to have her almost all of the time. The compromise is working. Taking her for an early morning dump, aint much fun :)

      Thank you, good sir.


  47. I'm more pleased than you know that a compromise that's a happy one for all has been worked out Gary.
    I've been missing heaps from blogland in lately (except for very recently) thanks for visiting by the way :) but the thing missing in blogland never fails to teach me is how understanding blog friends are, how non-judgemental, how they don't go away or feel we've abandoned them. They just gently return and continue and pick up where we left off. It's a pretty good place, the old blogland Gary.
    Nice to see you gradually re-entering.
    Kind regards

    1. Hi Rose,

      My dear friend, thank you. The compromise is paying dividends more profound than even I thought possible. The magic of a dog will soon be told.

      My pleasure to visit your wonderful site. I just wish that I wasn't so sporadic lately. However, as you allude to, you, like the blogging community, understand.

      The gentle flow back into the blogging world is gathering some ripples of further positivity.

      Thank you, dear Rose.

      Gary :)

  48. Our dog howls when we go upstairs! He's not allowed. Penny is lucky to have two wonderful and caring humans in her life. But I really don't envy you the night time excursions :-/

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Your howling dog loves your! My son and I are lucky to have her in our lives. She teaches us lessons. Ah yes, those night time trips. Sigh....

      Thanks, dear Annalisa.

      Gary :)

  49. Nobody was there to make her feel safe... That's heartbreaking.

    Don't worry about not stopping by. :)

    1. Howdy Blue,

      Now, the little angel feels safe :)

      Thanks for your understanding, my good friend.

      Gary :)

  50. Aww, so sorry Penny was unhappy being alone, but it's so sweet that you've worked something out for her. The fur kids are totally worth it. :-)

    1. Hi Danielle,

      Penny has made a remarkable recovery. So much so that she is going to do a pawst, um, post :) Our fur babies are to be cherished.

      Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  51. Poor, sweet Penny. I know you and your son are both taking extra good care of her now and giving her all the love and attention she needs. She loves and trusts both of you in return. Revel in that :)

    1. Hi Carol,

      The revelling is making both my son and I feel so much better about Penny. She is having a great time now! :)

      Thanks, dear Carol.

      Gary :)

  52. Of course, Penny needs to have two men in her life! Daddy and Uncle meets her needs for security.

    1. Hi Susan,

      You got that right. Penny is having the best of both worlds. Getting loads of attention form her human brother and I, evidently her human dad :) Thank you, dear Susan.


  53. I was in Atlanta for 5 days and didn't get to see this until now. Sweet, sweet Penny!! I don't blame her for crying! I am sure part of that was because she missed YOU as well! I am actually glad you are having "joint custody" because I was afraid that you were going to be missing her terribly. Now I don't have to worry! (((hugs))))

    1. Hi Caren,

      Atlanta and you are the Georgia peach :) I'm sure that Penny was very scared and very confused. I've no doubt she missed me and missed my son when he was out for such a long time in his new house, a strange location to her. The compromise is working brilliantly, thank you.

      Hugs to you, dear Caren (((( ))))

      Gary :)

  54. My Toby passed on at age 7 from menningitis. I had to take him twice to a specialized clinic in Virginia, after which he consulteted by phone with Toby's docs. God I miss him. I've had Eowyn for 5 years now. She's a good service dog, but no one could replace toby.

    1. Hi Deborah,

      Such a young are for your beloved Toby. You know of the love that our precious animals share with us. Eowyn, is your dog that displays the wonders of unconditional love. Indeed, no dog can ever be replaced. Toby, always loved, never forgotten.

      Be well, my kind friend.


  55. Life does what life will sometimes. There's often very little predictability, and yet we make it work for the best. Things will settle down again, my friend. They always do during the constant ebb and flow. Some days the waves are big, but eventually all waves head out to shore again.

    1. Hi M.J,

      Life and all its twists and turns. Each, an adventure, one way or another. Things will indeed settle down. A lot of that has to do with the cooperation I'm having with my son. The waves of hopes from the blogging world from good people like you, helps a lot. Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  56. Poor Penny, it is difficult for animals to adapt to changes sometimes. I'm glad you are sharing her. I don't envy the nighttime excursions outside either. Maybe she'll eventually adjust as time goes on.

    1. Hi CraveCute,

      There has been so my adjustment in her life. Having her get constant attention from my son and I is working very well. The middle of the night trips out have lessened, thank heavens.

      Have a lovely rest of your weekend, Diane.

      Gary :)

  57. Welcome back! You have been missed, but we all know that you have been super busy with the changes in your life. I am glad you and your son have worked out a schedule for Penny. I know it will be better for her and maybe later on you will be able to make adjustments to it. :) Glad to read the middle of the night trips have lessened- those sounded very tough!

    Happy Sunday.

    1. Hi Jess,

      Thank you for the kind welcome back :) It has been ridiculously hectic. Thankfully, the set up with my son and I look after Penny is working out well. I can see further adjustments when the time is right. The late night walks with her have certainly lessened. Thank goodness.

      Thank you, Jess.

      Gary :)

  58. Oh no! Penny crying for company brought tears to my eyes. After years of company, she must have felt abandoned and wondered why. I'm glad you and Tristan have reached a solution although I can see it will be tough on all of you. I hope Penny soon feels comfortable enough to no longer need outside trips at 1am.

    1. Hi River,

      Ah yes, the poor girl must have been totally freaked out. The solution of sharing is working. Penny is certainly calmer and the middle of the night trips have almost stopped.

      Thank you, dear River.


  59. Hey Penny, hope you continue to feel better and stalwart! Skips needs the same covers to protect all the furniture from inquisitive paws... He too knows about the lonliness and anxiety and lately has needed more outdoor trips mid evening... peace, penny, peace....xo zoe and skips

    1. Hi Zoe,

      Penny is continuing to feel better. Yes, it's back on with the protective covers on my brand new furniture. Skips and Penny are proof how sensitive our beloved furry friends are.

      On behalf of Penny, thank you Zoe and Skips.

      Gary :)

  60. Interesting how dogs respond to change. I think humans often FEEL like crying all the day long, but they don't feel free to do it.

    I also know about false starts. Hope this one takes and things normalize for you soon.

    1. Hi Robin,

      It certainly demonstrates how in tune their senses are to change. I could cry all day long. I'd just get ignored :)

      False starts are most frustrating. Knowing you can relate, I thank you kindly, dear Robin.


  61. Ohhhh. Gaaaaary…

    I'm sorry for all the drama and trouble… wish I could whisk it all away. But I *do* love that you share it. You really are so important to all of us… and we CARE about you and your life and what you're doing! You're such a good father. Tristan is lucky to have you. And so is Penny. Huge hugs to you. You're one of my favorite people. :)

    1. Hey Morgan,

      It's gonna' be okay, my lovely Princess friend :) I believe that verbalising is a positive resource. There are times that folks can relate with the gift of empathy. I'm blessed to have my Penny and Tristan. I'm blessed to know you, dear Morgan. You are one of my "favourite" people!


      Gary :)

  62. Missing you on the blog, Gary. Hope things are better now. Hugs.

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      My dear friend, I'm nearly back. Things are improving, thank you. So much so that I left one of my highly treasure comments on your site, I state, ever so modestly :)


      Gary :)

  63. Poor little Penny! I'm glad to read in your next post that things seems to be working out!

    1. Hi human, Meradeth,

      My human is sleeping and I noted you commented in this previous pawst to my pawst. I'm heartened to tell you that the shared agreement is working out very well. I get doggy treats from both my humans :)

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.