
Sunday 27 July 2014

The Garden In Seasons.

In just over a week, I shall be moving to a new home.  A fresh start with new adventures and opportunities.  The garden I leave behind, created out of squalor, truly a legacy of what can be accomplished when your heart tells you so.
An autumn view.  Gazing out the living room window, I marvel at the trees, at the leaves, emblazoned in colourful splendour. 
Autumn and the remnants of summer, blend together in the harmony of change
Penny, beloved Jack Russell dog, watches over proceedings.  Leaves fly about the garden in resplendent whirlpools that whoosh from spot to spot.
The winter.  Layers of snow draped upon the trees.  Noises are muffled as the snow gently drifts and crunches underfoot.
Mr. Snowman smiles.  
The wee folks rejoice as glowing orbs of snow gently float around them.

Penny the snowplough.
Snow and ice-encrusted wind chimes.  Nature's music in the midst of winter.
Spring arrives.  Even the wee folks want to help hang up the laundry. 

The dawn of misty spring morn.
The wee folks getting ready to rake up the excess autumn leaves and mow the spring lawn
A sunny July morning.

A curious fox strolls across the garden.
A late summer's eve as the magical lights doth glow.
Night has descended.
Summer lights on the patio.

In amongst the night time flowers, behold Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden gnome and their adorable son, Einahalk. 
With the radiance of a magical lamp, the wee folks gather round to sings songs of peace, of love.

A summer's afternoon.  Penny protects the wee folks.
All is good in Penny's world.

The summer moon.  Like a droplet of light from the leaves.
Looking towards the west.  I stare out into the heavens.  A sense of serenity.

There be wonder in the enchanted garden.  A garden, an oasis, a sanctuary for my thoughts.  Now I shall leave the garden behind.  Memories treasured of what I've done.  Inspiration for the now.  Inspiration for the new adventure in my new home.

I hope to see you there....


  1. With every season comes a new reason, to look in awe and realize that was you, and Penny too, that made it come due. Good luck in the new spot too, hope you enjoy the new view

    1. Hi Pat Hatt,

      Thanking you. Seasons of reasons and new places with new graces. Penny will visit me. Will be plain to see. She will post. The post with the most. Be well, kind dude, in your neighbourhood.

      See you from my other home,

      Gary :)

  2. Will there be a place for the wee folk? I met you at their wedding, so they're important to me too.

    Keep one thing in mind, sweetheart, you're taking a healthy, cancer free, Penny with you. You wouldn't trade that for anything, even if you could.

    1. Hi Dana,

      Unfortunately, there is only an indoor area for the wee folks. I'm working on a location for them. They loved you at their wedding as did I :)

      My son is taking a healthy, beloved Penny with him to his new place. I shall be looking after her for one week until he can move into his home in his new start.

      See you over at my new adventure,

      Gary :)

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Even when I don't get to stop and visit, my Human and I frequently think about you and hope you are doing well.

    When we're in the mountains, on a mountain road we frequently travel, there is a brick house with a plethora of wee people in their garden, and around the house. Since most of the old time residents are Scotch Irish, my Human is surprised there aren't more wee people inhabiting gardens. The point is, even at times when other things are on our minds, we think of you, Penny and your companion whenever we pass that house, which as I said is frequently.

    My paws are crossed that your new home will be a wonderful place for you, Penny, and your companion and that the garden can be quickly transformed to a new place of magic.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk!

      How pawesome to see you. I'm guilty of not visiting you as much as Penny and I would like. Get a bit caught up in a commenting loop, if you know what I mean. Your kind thoughts are warmly welcomed.

      Such a magical connection with the wee folks in that garden you mention and the magical garden here that the wee folks are moving from :) How nice you think of us.

      Sadly, no garden at the new place. I cannot keep up with the garden I never get help with. In the new place, there is a communal gardens. That should be fun.

      Thanking y'all for visiting. Shall check y'all out.

      See you over at my new adventure,

      Gary :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Carol in Cairns said...
      Wonderful memories Gary. We will all be thinking of you in the coming weeks. Best wishes for the move.

    2. Hi Carol,

      Indeed they are and the will before forever etched in my memories. Thanks for your moving wishes. It's getting quite frantic. Yikes!

      See you when I see you,

      Gary :)

  5. Only one week and the adventure begins. I hope you plan on sharing photos of your new digs and surrounding area.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Now less than a week and the new adventure begins. I shall certainly share photos of my new digs. In some recent postings, I have shown the surrounding area about a ten minute walk from my new place.

      Thank you, Delores.

      Gary :)

  6. Such beauty! Love shines through in every photo - and you'll bring that love and those memories with you :)

    1. Hi Jemi,

      It's such a beauty of a garden that was created by love, by determination. Exactly, dear Jemi, the love and the memories intertwine with the new adventure ahead.

      Thank you, dear Jemi.

      Gary :)

  7. Such a bittersweet time it must be for you. Cherished memories burning brightly, anchoring you to where you've lived and grown...yet yearning for the new future you'll be stepping into, the excitement of brand-new opportunities and views. May your new home provide you with the warmth and security this garden and home has in the past for you - and may you find plenty of joy and sunshine in the weeks and months ahead.
    Here's to changes!

    1. Hi Kim,

      Bittersweet describes that feeling of mixed emotions. I'm somewhere in between as I don't feel I'm here, but sense that the new adventure will make it all worth while. A lot of change and upheaval, on so many levels. Your words and warm and thoughtful. I'm grateful to you more than you may realise. Here's to changes for the both of us, dear Kim.

      Thank you and here we go....

      Gary :)

  8. Sorry you have to leave it behind. Such great memories. They will be with you always.

    1. Hi Alex,

      It's been a dilemma for quite some time. Indeed, great memories and the peaceful statement I made to my neighbours who started taking pride in their gardens. I'm proud of what I did, but it's just too much work for one person. Thank you, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  9. I'm so glad you included the wee folk!
    All the best in your new adventure, and may you have an even more magical garden there.

    1. Hey Laura,

      I just had to include the wee folk! :)

      Thank you for the new adventure wishes. I shall try and create a communal magical garden. Alas, no garden for me.

      Thank you, dear Laura.

      Gary :)

  10. What a beautiful garden. It's so magical. Best of luck in the new place! I'm sure in no time you will have it feeling like 'home' again. Is your son staying at the magical garden house w/ Penny?

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Thank you and a garden created out of peaceful defiance to the squalor that surrounded my. The magic shall live on. Thank for the wishes and I'm excited about making the adjustments to my new home. My son will be living with Penny in his own place that he moves to, two weeks after my move. His mother gets to look after him for the two weeks he is waiting to move in. About time she did something!

      Thank you, dear JoJo.

      Gary :)

  11. Your garden is a testament to your determination and inclusiveness. Blood, sweat and tears richly rewarded.
    Hold those precious memories in your heart - as you create beauty and hope again. And again. And of course we will follow you to your new home.

    1. Hi Sue,

      You are so right. One man and his shovel, determined and undaunted.

      The precious memories are a reminder and a catalyst for the future. I look forward to your visiting my new home, dear Sue :)

      Gary :)

  12. You've done a magical job of that garden, Gary. I hope where you're moving to offers opportunities to make your mark anew.

    1. Hi Ian,

      I thank you for your kind words, good sir. Indeed, I shall make a positive statement in my new home and environment. Thank you, Ian.

      Gary :)

  13. You created a beautiful garden, a blessing to all who enjoyed it, I'm sure. Bright blessings to you in your new home and may the move be smooth.

    1. Hey Debra,

      A blessing to my son, our beloved Penny, the wee folks and me when I the chance to savour it all. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Debra, I'm hoping for a real smooth move :)

      Gary :)

  14. What a wonderful garden of memories you are leaving behind? I hope you will be happy in your new home and yes! perhaps create another perfect garden. Good luck

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Memories from the heart engrained forever. I'm relishing the move. I wish I could create another garden. I shall help with the communal garden and make my own passionate statement. Thank you, dear Yvonne.

      Gary :)

  15. Can you take any of the elements or plants in the garden with you? I know you can take the wee folk and potted plants, but I love the square pavers. Good luck in the move.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Sadly, I cannot take as many elements of the garden as I had planned. I am moving into a very much in demand place and I was hoping to get a balcony. By the time I got my allocation, I was very disappointed to not get a balcony apartment. Thus, a few indoor potted plants and working out a strategy for the wee folks. Thank you for the good luck wishes, dear Linda.

      Gary :)

  16. Gorgeous photos - what a lovely legacy you are leaving behind. I hope all goes well with your move and send a big hug for lovely Penny x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you and a legacy of love. The move has had a few blips in the proceedings. Still, with just a few days to spare, my son has packed a box! :)

      I shall hug Penny for you, dear Teresa.

      Gary :) x

  17. Oh wow. Great memories, but home is where the heart is!

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      Indeed, the memories shall be reflecting. Some sad an some joyous. The heart knows it time to place my heart in a new home. Thank you, dear Stephanie.

      Gary :)

  18. I can't imagine how you can bear to leave that garden, I hope you have one in your new home.

    1. Hi Jo,

      It has been an agonising decision. I just couldn't keep maintaining the garden on my own. I was spending so much time working on and left little time to enjoy it. There is a communal garden where I'm moving to. I was hoping to get an apartment with a balcony. At this time, I'm stuck without one. Still, I'm lucky to get into the new place.

      Thank you, dear Jo.

      Gary :)

  19. How hard it must be to leave your precious garden, Gary.
    I know how hard it is. But there is a new life beyond this moment of sadness. Life is about embracing the sadness and holding onto the new gardens of happiness. Life is about growth.
    Stay well, my friend.
    Peace and hugs.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I use to have nightmares about giving up my garden. Now that I've come to terms that it's something I have to do, I resided in the new hope in the new adventure. Life is about growth, quite right. The garden shall continue to grow and hopefully flourish. A gift for somebody I may not know. Now for a new oasis.

      Thank you, dear Julia. Peace and hugs, your way,

      Gary :)

  20. You created a lovely oasis, Gary! It is sad that you have to leave it behind. But if there's a silver lining, you get to create a new one again! Are there any plant clippings you can take with you to start a new garden with? Then it'd be old and new. =)

    1. Hi Leandra,

      Thank you for that :) Mixed emotions about giving up the labour of love. The place I'm moving to has communal gardens that I can work on. Sadly, my fancy new apartment does not have a balcony. I shall have some garden reminders in my new place. I have also gifted parts of the garden to friends and neighbours. It's all going to be positive and I shall make the most of my new adventure. Thank you, dear Leandra.

      Gary :)

  21. Congratulations on your new home, and congratulations on the purchaser of your home. I wish the previous owners of my home were as good a stewards of the gardens and yard as you seem to have been.

    1. Hi Pickleope Von Pickleope,

      Thank you and thanks to a divorce where the ex wiped me out financially, I'm moving from a rental property to another rental property through my housing association. Whoever moves into where I lived is going to really luck out.

      Thank you, kind friend.

      Gary :)

  22. What a wonderful garden you created! I hope you have many joys in your new home.

    And you like gnomes! Like me. We are definitely friends! LOL...

    1. Hi Martha,

      Thank you and it was my way to create a peaceful defiance as the gardens around me were in a terrible state. Then those gardens started looking better. I'm sure my new home will be bring me many joys. Thanks for that.

      Oh yeah, the more gnomes, the merrier. Thank you my magical friend! :)

      Gary :)

  23. Carry all of that beauty and memory with you to your new home where I know more beauty and memory await. I'm sure those wee folk have already practiced their magic where you're bound for, so it's ready for your arrival. Endings tug tight the strings of our hearts, but beginnings open them to more possibilities.

    1. Hi Lee,

      My kind, thoughtful friend, such wondrous words from thine good self. The beauty and the memory shall be a catalyst for the continuance of more beauty and memory, indeed. The wee folks have packed up their mushroom houses in readiness for a new, magical environment. New adventures await and the old adventures has taught me lessons for the new adventures.

      Thanking you, dear Lee.

      Gary :)

  24. What a beautiful garden you created. I think you'll create magic in your next house too :-)

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      I thank you and I'm going to do my best to continue the magic in my new home :) Thank you, dear Annalisa.

      Gary :)

  25. Magical memories that will stay with you as you move on to new adventures and the chance to create many new magical memories. Best wishes for the move Gary :)

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Absolutely! Magical memories than inspire the new adventure which will have even more magical memories :) Thank you for the best wishes, dear Suzanne.

      Gary :)

  26. (HUG) I know moving is such a challenge. So many changes for you, Penny and T. You will get through it and find a new normal. I'm just a click away...I'll be going through almost the same things over the next month or so.... We both can do this!

    1. Hi Sharon,

      This is the most moving of moves, ever. We both know of the challenges that will impact our beloved children, which in turn, impacts us on so many emotive levels. Together, through this time of upheaval, we shall most certainly do this. Empathy and hugs, your way, dear Sharon.

      Gary :)

  27. Looks like a great place to reflect and Penny looks like she was keeping the peace quite admirably. Good luck with your move and I hope you find another garden spot that's just as magical.

    1. Hi Mark,

      A great place to just unwind. A nice oasis. Penny guarded the garden in case of some pesky cat! :) Thanks for the moving wishes and I hope to maintain the magic in rather different circumstances. Cheers, good sir.

      Gary :)

  28. You'll take so many beautiful memories with you, Gary. The garden will always reside in your heart.

    1. Hi Diane,

      I most certainly will. The garden and the heart of it, will forever remain in my heart. Thanks for that, dear Diane.

      Gary :)

  29. That is a beautiful garden. I'm sure you'll miss it, but at least you have the pictures and memories. I hope you're able to make a new garden spot at your new home.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      A beautiful garden that I will most certainly miss. Just too much upkeep on my own. The memories are there to see and that's most important. Although the apartment I'm moving to doesn't have a balcony, I shall at least be able to contribute to the communal gardens at the place I'm moving to. Thank you, dear Sherry.

      Gary :)

  30. I wish you well Mr G with the new adventure and hope the gods are smiling on you.

    1. Hi Mr. R.,

      Thanks for the well wishes in my new adventure. The garden gods are sending me more magic :)

      Gary :)

  31. The images you've shared here are staggeringly lovely Gary. It will be a pleasure to accompany you in your new adventure and see what you create.
    Enjoy your week.

    1. Hi Rose,

      That's very nice of you. I'm honoured that you will accompany me over to my new adventure where creativity shall continue in a most different set up. Thank you, dear Rose. A peaceful rest of your week.

      Gary :)

  32. The photos and memories will always be there. I'm sorry you have to leave it behind. New memories and photos that yearn to be taken await your arrival.

    1. Hi Robyn,

      Lovely to see you, my kind friend. Thankfully, I took a lot of photos. Treasured memories of what I could do without any help. I'm proud of what I did. Still, time to move on and live out new special moments captured on camera :) Thank you, dear Robyn.

      Gary :)

  33. I hope you're very happy in your new home.


    1. Hi Janie,

      I think I shall be very happy in my new abode ) Time to start living my life. Time for my son to live his :) Thank you, dear Janie.

      Gary :)

  34. I think this is one of my favorite posts ever. So beautiful and sensitive. I am hoping that whomever is lucky enough to live with this garden when you leave, will tend it with the same loving care. It is gorgeous, so peaceful. Will you have a garden in your new home? I am happy to read that Penny is joining you, together, you can BLOOM anywhere! We love you and you will definitely see us there!

    1. Hi Caren,

      Wow and thanks for that :) I've been haunting by the thought that somebody else might just destroy my hard work. I have to forget about that thought and move on knowing I did create a sanctuary for the soul. There are communal gardens where I'm moving to. Sadly, I will have little in the way of a garden. Penny will be visiting me in my new home. Somebody has to do a pawst or two for me :) Delighted you will see me over there.....

      Thank you, dear Caren.

      Gary :)

  35. The magical lights doth glow :)

    All the best with the move, Gary. I don't envy you the packing. Relocating is a stressful business to say the least. Not to mention administrative and bureaucratic tasks such as changing registration, insurance, power, phone, blah blah blah ... I think I've got a headache coming on just thinking about it!

    May your move be swift and painless. Your new home, happy and warm. Take care :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      They glow when we actually get some sunshine here! :) Thanks for the reminder. The bureaucratic bullshit has stunned even me. Half an hour on the phone waiting to get through to a person to inform them of my change of address. They insisted that I informed them as soon as I knew the change of address. So when I told them of the new address, they asked me to phone back when I was actually in my new place to inform them of my new address! WTF came to mind. Happy headache!

      My move has been a matter of getting my son to pack a box! Thanks, dear Wendy. Soon be moving.......

      Gary :)

    2. Crikey! WTF is right!

      I feel for you. All the best :)

    3. Crike, Wendi! Probably wouldn't surprise you it was a government phone number I called.

      Thanks Wendi, excuse me while I go chew what's left of my fingernails! :)

      Gary :)

  36. Magical pictures of an enchanting place. I'll bet you hate to leave it behind, but as you say there will be new adventures awaiting you in your new home. Hope you enjoy wherever it is you are going next.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee,

      Thanks for that and it's a magical, enchanting place. Mixed emotions about leaving. Trouble is I can't keep doing the garden on my own. It's best to move onto new adventures. Thanks for your kind wishes, good sir.

      Gary :)

  37. How lovely - a garden of happy memories. You'll have fun creating some more good memories in your new garden. Enjoy your new home!

    1. Hi Jenny,

      A garden of happy memories and the mixed emotions of leaving the garden behind. Sadly, no garden at my new place. However, there are communal gardens I can work on. Thanks for your kind wishes, dear Jenny.

      Gary :)

  38. I love those winter shots. It's proof that a garden blooms all year long. I hope you are able to create something equally as beautiful in your new home.

    1. Hi Liza,

      Glad you loved those winter shots :) You are so right about about a garden blooms all year long. It will be a real challenge now that I'm moving to an apartment. Thank you, dear Liza.

      Gary :)

  39. Such an amazing garden. You put a lot of love and time into it. I'm sure you'll have a splendid, magical garden at your new place, because you'll make it so.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Thanks, dear lady. I shall make some magic within the communal garden at the new place. I shall be rather limited within my apartment. I appreciate your words, dear Medeia.

      Gary :)

  40. What a lovely garden you have. It's sad to leave it, but at least you have wonderful pics and treasured memories. Good luck with your move! :)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      It be a sad yet adventurous time. The photos are ingrained with the memories of all I did with the garden without any help. Thanks for the good luck wishes, dear Lexa.

      Gary :)

  41. It only means new adventures are sure to come. Goodluck in your new home.


    1. Hi Sonnia,

      New adventures beckon me :) Thanks for your good luck wishes, dear Sonnia.

      Gary :)

  42. Replies
    1. Hi Barry,

      The move has been a bit of a disaster so far. Try getting a young son motivated to back his boxes! I most definitely will embrace the change, good sir.

      Gary :)

  43. Truly magical moments captured in these photos. I hope your new place - new adventure - brings you and the wee folk happiness and joy, Gary!

    1. Hi River Fairchild,

      Glad you liked those captured magical moments :) The wee folks, Penny, when she visits and I will be having a wonderful adventure in a brand new place :) Thank you, dear River.

      Gary :)

  44. So sad that you have to leave your lovely garden creation but your new one will be magnificent too! That fox photo is incredible and looks like a painting! I love it.

    1. Hi Eve,

      I'm really torn over leaving the garden behind. The new garden will be a communal garden of which I shall make my magical mark. Amazing how taking a photo through a dirty window can make it look like a painting. Lovely fox! :) Thank you, dear Eve.

      Gary :)

  45. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing the memories.
    Now if you could get Doctor Who to help you move, you could be at the new place before you ever left!

    1. Hi DAVID,

      Thank you and I'm glad to share the memories.

      There's a phone booth in my garden. It wasn't there a minute ago......

      Thank you, good sir.

      Gary :)

  46. It's a new day Gary. I'm wishing you all the best for your new adventures. You're got some wonderful memories with photos to look back on with a nice smile, and sometimes you'll remember the not so good days and how you have moved on to pastures new. Enjoy, the weather, as it's quite good at the moment, so you've moving with the sun in your path.

    Make sure you take some of those little friends with you :)

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      A new day and the dawn of a new adventure :) Indeed, wonderful memories captured in the magic of the photos. It's been bloody hot! Yet, the sun shines with the hope of that new pathway. My friend, I hope you are in fine spirits. You are missed in blogland :)

      All the wee folks are coming along to my new place. Thank you, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  47. You shall leave the garden behind to set off on a remarkable adventure. A whole new life is opening up, Gary. Wonderful things are about to happen. I'm excited for you. Hope to see you next April or May.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      That's the plan, dear lady. A new life is about to begin. I'm about to live my life and Tristan is about to get the independence he craves. I'm very excited at the prospects. Would be well kewl to meet up in April or May. I can organise the parade for you :) Thank you, dear Joylene.

      Gary :)

  48. oh my goodness what gorgeous memories you have! I love the winter and the penny pics are my favorite! Im sure they are Skips favorite too! grrrowffff.... I so hope you enjoy your new home even more! Skip and Zoe

    1. Hi Zoe,

      Indeed I do! :) I reckon Skips and Penny could be a great snowploughing team. Arf! The new home will be much easier to maintain. That I can use. Thank you, dear Zoe.

      Gary :)

  49. Your magical garden
    Grows beauty and heart
    A symbol of life and growth
    Every day, a new start
    You maintained it through summer
    Nurtured it through the snow
    Its presence now with you
    Where-ever you go.

    Hugs and love, Gary, as you make this transition.

    1. Hey Robyn,

      The garden still grows
      With love and a rose
      All my toil
      Good for the soil
      Every season
      Part of the reason
      I kept it going
      Watched it growing
      Now I move on
      With the garden's song

      The transition
      My heart's permission
      To embrace a new world
      The hope's unfurled.

      Bless you and love your way,

      Gary :)

    2. More love and good cheer
      As your new chapter is here.
      Ease into the new
      We're all here for you.

    3. Hey Robyn,

      Twelve days later
      I'm feeling much greater
      The adventures begun
      Time for some fun
      I'm thanking you
      This be true
      You are all here for me
      Thankfully :)

      Hugs and smiles
      Across the miles,

      Gary :) xo

  50. A lovely garden full of memories..may you hang on to them
    as you move to a new place where new adventures are waiting
    for you. Peace and Light on the journey..

    1. Hi Trudessa,

      The memories shall be savoured forever, my dear friend. The new adventures shall inspire me within a new environment. Thank you for your kind thoughts. A good weekend to you.

      Gary :)

  51. Wonderful world! All the best in your new place. :)

    1. Hi RIZALENIO,

      Yes, it's a wonderful world. Thanks for your kind wishes for my new place :)

      Enjoy your weekend.

      Gary :)

  52. a whirlwind of seasons! my fave is fall. and i enjoyed seeing penny and the wee ones in each setting. they look happy! hope you are too!

    and thanks for all your kind comments on my broken branch falls blog tour stops!

    1. Hi Tara,

      Indeed and I rather like the crisp days of fall. The wee folks and Penny were most happy in all the settings. Even Penny in the snow :) I'm stressed yet excited about the move.

      My pleasure to follow your book tour around, dear Tara! :) Have a lovely weekend.

      Gary :)

  53. Are you taking the wee folk with you? I think with a heart like yours, you will recreate the wonder of your garden wherever you go.

    1. Hi Shannon.

      I sure am. They are all packed away ready for the move. You are most kind. It might be difficult to create a garden in an apartment without a balcony, however, we shall see :)

      Thank you, dear Shannon. Have a great weekend.

      Gary :)

  54. And what a beautiful job you and the wee folk did with that garden. A truly special place. Both they and yourself will find many happy adventures in the next phase too I'm sure. Peace and happiness to you Gary :) x

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I thank you and the wee folks thank you :) An oasis in my desert of despair. New adventures, new magic waits. Thank you, dear Michelle. A peaceful, happy weekend to you and your loved ones.

      Gary :) x

  55. Hey, Gary,

    What an AMAZING garden! You are truly a lover of nature and magic.....And both are highly present in the world you created!

    The inspiration will follow you into your new world and the Wee folk will be right behind... Change is good. It keeps our minds sharp and our hearts pounding.... ALL the best in your new magical world.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Over two weeks later, I finally reply. Its been that hectic, my friend.

      I'm delighted you sensed the ambience, the peaceful, magical spirit of the garden that will always be cherished.

      The inspiration, on a much smaller scale, continues, even amongst a sea of unopened boxes in my new place. Yes, I am there. The new, magical world is embraced, my kind friend. Thank you, Michael.

      Gary :)

  56. This post got me all teary. I'm sorry you're leaving such a
    great garden. But I'm excited for your new adventures.

    1. Hi, The Happy Whisk,

      I'm in mixed emotions over leaving the garden I created. I knew that it was time to move on. I couldn't cope doing the garden by myself.

      Anyway, I'm typing from my new home :) Thank you, my good friend.

      Gary :)

  57. That is such a smart idea to show all the seasons. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photographs.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      I'm delighted you like this. My honour to share my photographs. Coming from a terrific photographer such as your good self, it's quite the compliment.

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  58. I'll be following you to your new home! I mean, I won't be a peeping tom or anything, but wherever your blog goes, I follow.

    Will you have a garden in the new house? Will you get another pooch?

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      I think I saw you float past my living room window in my new home :) Thanks for um, following.

      No garden as such. However, there are communal gardens where I can contribute my own personal touch. I think I shall forgo having a pooch for now. I get the feeling Penny will be spending a lot of time here in my lovely new pad.

      Thank you, dear Elizabeth.

      Gary :)

  59. What a beautiful and magical garden you created Gary, it's such a shame you have to leave it all behind but it will live on in your memories and photographs. And you're leaving Penny behind too - that makes me feel so sad as I know I could never leave either of my dogs, but maybe you can't take her to your new place? I hope she'll be happy with your son and that you'll be happy too in your new home - I wish you all the best for a future filled with many bright and magical things.

    1. Hi Tigermouse,

      Thank you for such a lovely compliment. It was a tough decision, however, I knew it was time to start again. The memories and the photos shall always be there. Penny is actually staying with me in my new place for about a week. My son's new home will be ready to move into on August 18. I can have her here without any problem. She will visit often and pawblish her pawsts! :) Thank for such magical thoughts, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  60. What beautiful pictures! Your garden is so magical and I love how it looks so different in each season. How wonderful you have the images to bring with you to your new place and you can sit back and reflect when you look at them.

    I hope that your new place will have a garden too- and it will be wondrous for you to watch it and get to know it in each season. :) I know the wee folk will join you.

    Wishing you lots of good wishes for your move. I know change is hard, but I think you have a great attitude about it.

    Oh- and I did a double take when I saw the fox. It looks like a statue. Nice shot!

    1. Hi Jess,

      Oh my and humble apologies for the lengthy delay in my reply.

      Thank you for such thoughtful words, my dear friend. I shall forever have these captured memories of what I managed to do without any help. Reflection of the magic.

      The new place does not have a garden. It doesn't even have a balcony I had hoped for. I was allocated my place via what's called a housing association. Allocation was based on priority needs. So, I'm being philosophical about it. The wee folks and I will make the most of the new situation.

      The move has left me in need of chewing somebody else's fingernails :) However, I have coped, despite everything around me being very surreal.

      Amazing what a photo of a fox can look like through a dirty living room window :)

      Thank you, dear Jess.

      Gary :)

  61. Gary, these pictures are super awesome. How can you consider leaving such a beautiful place which you have created? Such backyard gardens you rarely see in Australia, being so dry. I wish you and Penny every happiness in your new home. I'm sure you will post some picture to intrigue us.


    1. Hi Denise,

      Thank you for such a kind compliment. A number of reasons for why I reluctantly moved on and let the garden behind. The garden is huge and I have nobody to help me maintain it. I seemed to spend more time with the upkeep than actually enjoying the garden. It was time for my son to have his independence.

      Penny will be staying with my son when he moves into his new home on August 18. In the meantime, she is staying with me in my new place. I did find the time to put up a teaser photo of the view from my new place :)

      Thank you, dear Denise.

      Gary :)

  62. Such lovely photos and memories to take with you Gary. Will the wee folks be travelling with you to a new home? I'm sure that whatever happens you'll find some way to make some sort of garden again.

    1. Hi River,

      Thanks for that and indeed, the memories I shall forever embrace. The wee folks are here with me in my new place. They are working out where to set up their mushroom homes :) No matter what, yes there shall be some semblance of a garden.

      Thank you, dear River.

      Gary :)

  63. What gorgeous photos, Gary! Hope you'll make many wonderful new memories at your next home. I know you'll spread lots of warmth and good cheer wherever you go! Wishing you all the best, my friend.


    1. Hi Julie,

      I'm delighted you like the photos. The old memories and now for the start of new memories It's going to be an amazing adventure. I've already made a bit of an impact on my new neighbours. Thank you for your warm wishes, dear Julie.

      Gary :)

  64. Best wishes to all of you on your new adventure!

    1. Hi Carol,

      We thank you for those best wishes. This has turned out to be quite the adventure :)

      Gary :)

  65. I love the pictures. Except the ones with snow in them. You can...uh...keep those.

    1. Hi Al,

      Sorry to hear that. We had some yellow snow specially prepared for you, good sir! :)

      Gary :)

  66. Lots of time to create, hard to leave. Penny looked mighty cold in that snow.

    Your new place will allow you another fairy garden to design. Best wishes.

  67. Hi Susan,

    Thanks and Penny was having a great time in the snow. She loves the snow! :)

    It's going to be quite the challenge creating a fairy garden in my new place. It's a brand new apartment and sadly, even though I asked for a balcony, I wasn't allocated one. Thanks for your best wishes, dear Susan.

    Gary :)

  68. What a wonderful and magical place you made. I hope you and Penny have the opportunity to make more magic at your new home.

    1. Hey Bish,

      Good heavens! I'm actually back online and I'm desperately trying to catch up. Thank you for such a thoughtful comment, dear Bish. Penny shall being staying with me next week as in the week start August 11. One week with me until my son moves into his place and takes his Penny back. It's all going to be great.

      Hope you are having a nice weekend.

      Gary :)

  69. Wherever you are, there you are. Can't wait to see what inspires you next! Love, Dixie

    1. Hey Dixie,

      Oops, I just sent you an email stating your comment hadn't shown up and just after I sent the email, your comment shows up. Yikes :)

      I'm still here, but soon will be there, over there, over yonder, beyond the garden and embracing a new adventure. Lovely to see you back in blogland, dear Dixie! :)


      Gary (( ))

  70. What a beautiful and magical place! Thank you for sharing it with us. I can't wait to see where you and Penny go on your next adventure.

    1. Hi Christine,

      It most certainly is and thank you for that. I'm proud to share what can be done thanks to the belief I had. Penny has started her new adventure in my new place. Already taken over my computer chair :)

      Thank you, dear Christine.

      Gary :)

  71. will you be cuddling up on the sofa! MEAN! MEAN! MEAN! MUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Beatrix,

      Sofa, so good. Look after yourself, dear Beatrix.

      Gary :)

  72. Dear Gary and Penny (looking gorgeous as always – penny that is, sorry Garry!)
    I really enjoyed a trip around your garden in all its season. Best of luck with the move, I hope it turns out to be a wonderful new adventure for you both. Barbara.

    1. Dear Barbara,

      No problem I've tried to look as gorgeous as Penny :)

      Glad you liked the seasonal adventure around my former garden. The move has most certainly been an adventure :)

      Thank you, dear Barbara.

      Gary :)

  73. Those pics are beautiful, Gary!
    What a lovely place!
    But think about all the exciting challenges that await you during the next phase of your adventure!
    I hope that the packing and relocating went smoothly... it can be so painful...

    Can't wait to see your new photos!
    Best wishes to you and Penny!

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I've worked my way up to your first comment, dear lady. I'm heartened by your nice words.

      As you will know, the move could have been a lot smoother. I did my best to make it as simple as possible. Then the crap hit the fan. Never mind, some clear sailing ahead, I hope :)

      New photos shortly. Penny and I send you best wishes.

      Gary :)

  74. Hi Gary - I'm way behind .. and now it's tomorrow - Good Luck with all pieces of the multi jig-saw falling into place ... looking forward to hearing of a successfully accomplished move.

    The photos are wonderful - an extensive garden with the good wee folk guarding you ... and giving you inspiration along the way - lovely garden and so good to see ... I hope your new place has a garden you can garden ... even a small plot and somewhere with some views ... perhaps the country path and lake ..

    All the very best - cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      You and me both, my dear friend. I've so far behind that I actually might just end up staying that way. Been beyond busy. Yet, despite that, I somehow have laughed, have coped.

      Thanks for your nice words about the garden. The inspiration shall continue. There are communal gardens where I can make my mark. It's a lovely location and I feel blessed to be here.

      All the best to you, dear Hilary.

      Gary :)

  75. Penny the snowplough... What a lovely creature she is. Time's a-flying and it's making me blue. Beauty often makes me sad. I hope you're doing fine.

    1. Hi Blue,

      Penny, the former snowplough, thanks you for that kind comment. I embrace the beauty of what was created. I shall be fine after I take time out from all the unpacking and scratching my head in bewilderment. I hope all is okay with you and you're having some relaxed, quality time, my good friend.

      Gary :)

    2. I'm doing just fine, Gary. Thank you for asking. But you didn't really think switching off your comment thingy would stop me from telling you I love you're sneak preview? Here it comes: I love your sneak preview. There. I said it.

    3. Hey Blue,

      A sneaky, sneak preview, perhaps :) Thanks for loving the sneak preview. Yep, love is all around n'stuff, my illustrious friend. Wishing you a most pleasant weekend. Please, dude, take care of YOU!

      Gary :)

  76. I'm going to miss your garden, Gary, and the wee folks hanging out in it. The pictures are amazing as always. What beautiful memories you'll have of this wonderful place you created. Although I have a feeling it wouldn't have been half as magical without Penny watching over things. Love that photo of her watching over the proceedings and making sure everything is in order. :)

    Hugs and best wishes to you as you settle in at your new place.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Ah yes and the magical memories shall linger :) The wee folks will have some new adventures. Thanks for liking the photos. Penny oversaw the magical proceeding, fur sure :)

      Thank you, dear Julie. Hugs your way.

      Gary :)

  77. I do hope you won't miss this too much, but I don't see how you won't! Can't wait to see and hear how the new place is shaping up. Glad you're back on the internet, but missing you on IWSG! Hugs from your pal in the south...

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I shall miss the garden. I shall not miss all the hard work and without any help. It was getting too much. Not time to actually appreciate the garden any more. Never mind, eh. The new place is starting to shape up. I now have a fridge! :) The internet, a story I can tell about that. IWSG aka, ah, um, well, you know :) Y'all take care, you hear!

      Hugs and thank you, dear Lisa.

      Gary :)

  78. Wow Gary, your pictures are fantastic! What a wonderful garden. I'm sure you will miss it, but you have the opportunity now to create a brand new garden, filled with new possibilities and new energy. I wish you all the luck and positive thoughts.

    1. Hi Eva,

      Yep, over two weeks later and I'm finally having a bit of time to reply. Delighted you like the photos. The garden shall be missed and yet I know it was time to move on. I shall see what I can create within my very fancy apartment. This will be quite the gardening challenge :) Positive thoughts and energy to you, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  79. I'm excited for you. Hope your move goes well. I love your pictures. Gorgeous!

    1. Hi Life happens,

      I thank you for your excitement :) The move has been rather weird and very hectic. Glad you like the photos, my kind friend.

      Gary :)

  80. Bloody hell, you get a LOT of comments!

    Just swinging by to see how the move went. Hope all is good in your little corner of the world :)

    1. Gidday Wendy!

      Crikey! Hey, I double the comment total! :) As you might have figured, the move has been a comedy of errors. I have stayed calm during the entire fiasco. Must be improving, I'm actually on the internet. I hope that's a good thing.

      Thank you, dear Wendy.

      Gary :)

    2. Did she say, "Bloody hell", Gary? No crikey today I suppose.... :p

    3. Crikey, Blue! Yes, the lovely, shy and unassuming Wendy, did indeed spout such rude words! Gosh and crikey from me, Mr. Blue.

      Gary :)

    4. Mad. The pair of you! :))))

    5. Bloody hell, Wendy! I'm honoured to considered mad in the company of the mad blue and of course, you! :)

      Gary :)

  81. What a lovely all-season stroll through your wonderful garden, Gary. Penny the snowplough made me laugh. I was shocked to see trousers hung by their legs -- my mother always put the clothespins on the waists and let the legs float free.

    May you float free wherever you roam and wherever you light. I wish only the best for you and I weep for your separation from Penny. May the wee folk console you during and after your transition.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      You are most kind, my good friend. Penny the snowplough was terrific at clearing a pathway down to the street :) The garden gnomes insisted the trousers be hung up that way.

      I think I've been floating from my old place to my new place. That took a lot out of me. Penny is with me for the remainder of the week. Then, as of August 18, she will go and live with my son. All is good for she will be living nearby. The wee folks are mustering up some magic.

      Thank you, kind friend.

      Gary :)

  82. Hope the move is going well and you get your internet hooked up soon. We are all waiting to hear from you and see pictures of your new place.

    1. Hi Delores,

      The move has been having many a bureaucratic problem. It's finally starting to settle down. Of course, a teaser photo is in the next post. How I found the time to post is beyond me :) Thank you, dear Delores.

      Gary :)

  83. Hi Gary!! I cannot wait to read about your new home, see pictures of it, and see what you do with the place. Hope the move is going well my friend!

    1. Hi Keith,

      Thank you and when I actually have a bit more time, I shall duly place up some photos. The move has been bugged with all sorts of problems. However, I handled it situation with a bit of humour :) Thank you, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  84. Just read your post about moving but couldn't comment. Glad you are back with us. Deep breaths!

    1. Hi Alex,

      Ah yes, I switched off the comments section. I'm trying to backtrack and catch up a bit. Thank you for your kind words. It has been the busiest month I can ever recall.

      Cheers, my kind friend.


  85. Hey Gary, hope the move hasn't sapped all your energy.
    Moving can be so traumatic...
    I know that everybody is looking forward to seeing pics of your new place!
    Stay well!

    1. Hi Michelle,

      It's been a double move, my dear friend. I've had to organise my son's move along with everything else. I've exhausted emotionally and physically. Barely had time to even get on the internet. Oh well, it should all settle down within another week or so. I hope :)

      My new place is fantastic and I shall share some photos fairly soon. Thank you, dear Michelle. You stay well.

      Gary :)

  86. Hey Adelbert!

    Of course I have a nice blog. Lots to be entertained by here. Lots to learn. Have a bit of a wait to see me post. Gosh, it worked, dude. I see my followers count has increased by over a million! Thanks for that!


  87. Aww, such lovely photos. Hope everything's going well with the moves!

    1. Hi Deniz,

      Thanks for that, my kind friend. Everything's been totally chaotic. So much so that I've barely been using my computer. Will get better in about a month's time. I hope! :)

      Thank you and enjoy the week ahead, Deniz.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.