
Monday 23 December 2013

You Have Been Here For Me And I Am Here For You.

The wind chimes.  The music of nature muffled by the cold night air.  And yet, the chimes do ring of the hope I sense for the world.  There is a warmth in the cold night air.  There is a warmth I sense from you.

I was online most of last Christmas Day.  This year, I'm going to be here again to reach out to others.

I truly understand how difficult and lonely a day Christmas can be.  Thus, if you're struggling to cope, need someone to talk to, I will be here for you.  If you just want a time out from a hectic, social day, I will be here for you.

Be assured, if you do wish to contact me, your anonymity is guaranteed.  Please take into account that my time zone is Greenwich Mean Time and I might not be able to respond immediately.  The following email address is the easiest way to contact me,   
Together, we can make a difference.  Let's take a reflective moment and think.  Think of those whose biggest concern on Christmas Day is whether they'll have something to eat and a roof over their heads.  I know how blessed I am.

As Penny sits snugly looking at the dazzling lights, she wishes you, my son Tristan wishes you and I wish you, a peaceful, hopeful, blessed Christmas.

You have been here for me and I am here for you.


  1. Oh Gary. You are such a lovely human. Thank you for being you.

  2. Gary, I heard on the radio today that 19000 kids phoned the Kids Helpline here in Australia over Christmas. Why does this shock me?

    1. That was 19000 phone calls last year ~ silly me ~ should have been more specific.

  3. You are a very generous and giving soul, Gary - I hope you, Penny and Tristan have a peaceful and happy Christmas x

  4. Gary, You make all of our days shine brighter, and the fact that you continue to make yourself available on one of the most emotional days of the year is extremely heartwarming. You really are one of the most generous people I know. Wishing you, Tristan, and Penny a very merry Christmas!


  5. Lovely Gary and Penny and Tristan!! Thank you for being so wonderful! I feel great comfort knowing that one is not alone especially at this time! Thank you! Have a brilliant and peaceful Christmas! Enjoy the lights and the chimes. Take care

  6. Gary, if only everyone was as caring and giving as you. You are going to make a big difference to someone on Christmas Day.
    You've already made a difference to us.
    Merry Christmas.

  7. Gary, that's one of the nicest and kindest things a person can do. And that's to be there for someone else no matter what. You truly are a wonderful guy and despite what you've been going through, you always find time for others.

    I hope 2014 will a blessed year for you, and all the desires of your heart are met. I'm just so glad that I met you here in the blogging world. Good guys are hard to find. Have a great time Gary, Tristan and Penny.

  8. You are a dear soul to think of others in need at this time of year and, for that matter, all year round. May the three of you have a warm and loving Christmas and only good things in the New Year to come.

  9. What a wonderful thing to do for others, Gary. Merry Christmas and bless you!

  10. Merry Christmas Mr G,Penny and Tristan . . . . I wish you well

  11. That's so kind of you Gary. Yes, Christmas can be a very bittersweet time of year. I hope you have a very peaceful and happy holiday! :)

  12. A great thing to do at your zoo, hope your Christmas is great too

  13. What a lovely post. What a great person you are. I hope that Christmas is rewarding and worthwhile for you, and I am sure it will make a big difference to the lives of others too. Peace.

  14. You always do such wonderful things for our world Gary! I hope you, Penny & Tristan enjoy a wonderful holiday and that the new year brings you all joy and peace. Take care!

  15. Ah you are a kind soul, you understand how hard it can be for some and help them - much like T.E.C does. The world would be a far better place if twere populated with the likes of you fine folks. *smiles and hugs.

  16. Thanks, Gary. It is a time when a lot of us are dealing with very trying life situations and yet see the FaLaLaLa all around. I ask myself, "Is everybody else that happy? Am I the only one moping around and wishing Deck The Halls would just stop playing?"

    Anyway, it's great to read your post. It made me smile and feel quite good. Here's to warmth and cheer on the subdued side, but heartfelt. I'm off to think pawsitive now.

  17. Your post just made me cry.
    We are not Christians but our neighbours did not exclude us from the activities. Our kids got gifts from Santa just the same as other kids. We all pitched in and paid for the gifts. Now our kids are grown and Mr.Rifkin has left for Florida with his wife, but we look back at those days with fondness. I do feel for those who are excluded for some reason or the other.
    Our own Holidays of Ramazan are based on the realities of hunger and we fast and the money saved goes to charities.
    It is nice of you to be there for those of us who is not feeling happy. God Bless. Take care.

  18. That's a beautiful thing to do for those who find Christmas such a difficult holiday. Blessings to you, your son and of course to Penny.

  19. That's awesome Bro. You're a real inspiration and help to all in need. ***Fist bump***

  20. That is magnificent to be on call Christmas day. I'm sure you will help many a weary traveler find their path. You go, Gary.
    Blessings to you on this special Christmas as the whole world is waking up.

  21. What a beautiful thing to do, Gary! Have a wonderful week, and thank you for being you.

  22. You are doing a wonderful thing for others, bless your heart! Merry Christmas to all of you!

  23. So thoughtful. I would expect nothing less.

    And may I also wish you, your son, and the gorgeous (yet modest) internet star a Very Merry Christmas :)

    Love and hugs from Down Under and Off to the Side xoxo

  24. I might stop by after the Doctor Who Christmas special...
    I don't want to see Matt Smith go!
    You are an inspiration to us all.

  25. Gary, your selflessness continues to amaze me. I'll be supporting you from across the pond. Thank you for being the giving, wonderful, amazing person you that you are. My friend.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  26. I love your idea. You really make a difference, Gary.
    Thank you for our friendship.

  27. YOU my friend are INCREDIBLE!!!!! May all the love you give to others be given back to you in zillions!

  28. I don't know anyone more kind-hearted than you. Gary. Penny and your decorations look adorable in the pic! Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for being a shining example of altruism and benevolence. Thanks for being you.

    Merry Christmas! :-D

  29. The holidays can be an extremely lonely time. It is so thoughtful of you to make yourself available. I adore your generosity of spirit.

  30. Dear Gary,

    I wish you, Tristan, and Penny a peaceful, happy holiday and throughout the new year.

  31. You're doing a wonderful thing Gary, I'm sure many will appreciate it. I like the way you've decorated the edges of your photos, how did you do that?
    Merry Christmas to you and Tristan and Penny too.

  32. That's a wonderful thing to do Gary. Enjoy your day; I'll drink a toast to you tomorrow!
    Best regards, Bazza.
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  33. Christmas can be a difficult time for so many people, Gary, and I love it that you're there to help.

    I hope you have a very fulfilling Christmas. *hugs*

  34. Bless you Gary for your generous spirit!

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and peaceful New Year!

  35. Hi Y'all!

    Have a blessed Christmas.

    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Human

  36. I love how cozy Penny looks :) I remember those lonely Christmases. Holidays can be unintentionally cruel. How wonderful of you to offer your time this way. A beautiful post from a beautiful spirit. May you have a safe and blessed Christmas.

  37. Have a safe, blessed Christmas Gary. You are a wonderful human being. Thanks for reaching out to others.


  38. hey brother G,

    You have a heart of gold and you are a priceless person!

    Thanks for all you're doing today -and everyday.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours ...have a Happy New Year... you deserve it :-)

    brother Mark

  39. My wonderful friends. Normally I would do my utmost to reply to each of you. However, on this day when I'm dedicating my time to being of support and positive interaction via emails, I will forward to all of you, my heartfelt gratitude.

    I do my best to focus on others on what can be such a sad time. For those who are spectators as the world around seems to be immersed in joyous family festive times, know that you never need be alone.

    Whatever your beliefs, I wish each and everyone of you a peaceful, hopeful, loving Festive Season.

    In peace and goodwill for a better future for all of us, your friend,

    Gary :)

  40. Replies
    1. And indeed it was, my friend. Happy Boxing Day to you and your loved ones.

      Gary :)

  41. What a precious gift you have offered, Gary. Blessings to you, dear human and to Penny.

    1. Hi Bish,

      Thank you very much. A shared gift of hope, of comfort. On behalf of Penny, here's wishing you a lovely rest of the Holiday Season.

      Gary :)

  42. Merry Christmas. I hope it's been a delightful holiday for you and your family.

    1. Hi Rick,

      I hope your Christmas was a peaceful time. I had a very quiet Christmas, alone yet not alone.

      In kindness,

      Gary :)

  43. Hi Gary - I'd forgotten your Open-help time for others at and over Christmas .. it must make such a difference to many - as you say ... just someone there to talk to, to listen to ... to 'be' with .. and to have some positive thoughts for the next few days.

    We are lucky that we are fed, safe, have a roof over our heads - yet in our world so many need reaching out to .. or opening up their hurt so we can help them through ..

    Wonderful thoughtful work you do during this very difficult time for many .. I hope you had some time together as a family and were able to enjoy your chimes, your Christmas lights and celebratory time ... with thoughts and thanks for your generous gift to others .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      No worries, dear friend. And I know a number of you were involved in Mark's Fifty States of Pray. That was a powerful achievement and I was glad to be in the background showing support to that. While I did my own unique dedication.

      We are lucky, for sure. So many are hurting, so many just need to understand that we can be there for them.

      The day was a lonely day. Yet beyond the loneliness, I sensed the spirit of the community beyond my screen. All here for each other. That is powerful and I'm deeply grateful.

      Bless you, Hilary and I hope you had a peaceful Christmas.


  44. Beautiful pictures and a lovely sentiment for the Holidays. Stopping by to Wish You, Penny and Tristan a Merry Christmas.

    1. Hi Gossip_Grl,

      I appreciate you kind comment. Thank you, dear friend. Hope you and your loved ones had a most joyous Christmas.

      Gary :)

  45. How wonderfully beautiful! You know, I'm sure, that this is for the 50 States of Prayer! even though you don't do blog hops. I'm wishing you and yours a wonderfully peaceful, blessed and joyful new year Gary! Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nancy,

      That is most kind of you. This was my own way of reaching out. I did the same thing last year. I'm glad that so many of you were involved in Mark's blog hop. I always do my best rather discreetly in the background :)

      A peaceful, hopeful New Year to you and your loved ones, dear Nancy.

      Gary :)

  46. Merry Everything to you and yours Gary. What a lovely and thoughtful post. There you go again, thinking of others... my son is also named Tristan! It's a great name. Big warm hugs to you and hope the "cyber" hugs help keep you toasty...

    1. Hi Lisa,

      And a merry everything to you and your loved ones, Lisa. Thank you for your warm words. I recall that your son's name is also Tristan. A fine name, indeed. Such toasty cyber hugs, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  47. And Penny too! Didn't want to forget her!!!

    1. Oops and on behalf of Penny, Lisa, she sends you pawsitive thoughts :)

      Penny's alleged human,

      Gary :)

  48. Now that the holidays are over, I hope you had a really happy holiday.

    1. Hi Lady Lilith,

      Tis such a fine name thy have. I hope you also have a really happy holiday, my friend.

      Gary :)

  49. I hope you had a blessed Christmas time, and that 2014 will be an amazing year for you in all the best ways. :-)

    1. Hi Misha,

      It was profoundly blessed, my dear friend. I hope you had a peaceful Christmas and that 2014 may you continue on with your writing endeavours. Oh, and Happy Birthday!

      Gary :)

  50. You are fantastic! What a wonderful thing you did this year and last year by making yourself available to people on one of the toughest days of the year for so many out there. I hope you had a nice holiday and that 2014 will be a wonderful one for you.

    I also find hope in the chimes blowing in the wind!

    1. Hi Jess,

      You are most kind. Thank you. I dedicate Christmas Day to those who might be struggling on what can be the loneliest, saddest times of the year. I sent out my positive, compassionate thoughts. My holiday has been very quiet and reflective. All very good. Hope you and your loved ones are having a peaceful time. 2014, a year of hope for us all.

      The symphony for our souls. Heard within the music of the wind chimes.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.