
Friday 8 November 2013

Blog Air Is Better Than Virgin On The Ridiculous Airlines.

A huge amount of folks were wondering about "Blog Air".  Zillions upon zillions asked me what's with this Blog Air?  So, because I'm either lazy, too busy searching for a clone or have run out of ideas, here's a past post that gives you an idea about Blog Air, the blogger's favourite airline.  If you've read this before, either ignore it, skim through it or learn the fine art of advanced thumb-twiddling.  

Ah yes, Blog Air, in its latest attempt to diversify, to try new markets in the blogging sky, Blog Air has come up with the charter flight.  All seats are in the same class.  No distinction, just a no-frills experience where all bloggers are treated the same.
And so, what happened next on the inaugural flight of Blog Air charter?  Thought you'd never ask.  Due to some misunderstanding, some bloggers were caught unaware and had no idea that it was a charter flight.  Chaos and confusion ensued.
A self-obsessed, self-promoting blogger ended up sitting beside a shy, humble and oh so unassuming blogger. The self-obsessed, self-promoting blogger went on and on and on...about how great they were and how important it was to check out the links on their blog that linked back to all their other fabulous, must read postings. The shy, humble and oh so unassuming blogger, fell asleep. This was an outrage!  How dare anybody not pay attention to them!

An alleged comedy blogger ended up sitting beside a sarcastic blogger. The alleged comedy blogger proceeded to bore the hell out of the sarcastic blogger with their so-called comedy.  "Hey friend!  My comedy has been compared to that comedy 'genius', Russell Brand!"  "Oh?'" replied the sarcastic blogger, "I'm thrilled for you to be compared to Russell Brand, a comedy genius who looks like a reject from a "Pirates of the Caribbean" audition.   Well done, you!"

And horror of horrors. A crude dude blogger who insisted that almost every other word was some sort of Anglo-Saxon derivative, was sitting beside one of those most exciting of bloggers. Yes, the crude dude blogger was sitting beside a lady blogger who wrote such incredibly riveting stuff about how she, the hubby and the kids went to McDonald's and had an extra portion of fries!  She starting telling the crude dude blogger about the thrilling, adventurous life she led.  She even mentioned that her next posting was about how she put some extra chocolate chips in the cookies!  The crude dude blogger said, "That's f**king awesome!  F**king fantasy stuff!  I bet you and that hubby of yours had some right f**king orgies in your kitchen!"  To which she replied, "No, not really, but he just loves to add to some extra cream to my coffee."
And then there was the 'extremely popular' blogger with well over a zillion followers, sitting beside a blogger with very few followers. Now then, the blogger with over a zillion followers had only a couple of comments on their latest posting. This same blogger's icon could be seen all over the blogging world and they would leave amazingly sincere comments stating, "Great post!  Thanks for sharing.  I follow your blog!" The blogger with very few followers had several comments on their site. This might just tell you something.
Anyway, the blogger with over a zillion followers discovered that the blogger beside them had only a few followers. The zillion followers blogger yelled over at the flight attendant.  "Excuse me, this must be a mistake! Get me a seat next to somebody who is popular like me!"  "Sorry sir", stated the flight attendant, "This is a charter flight and all are seated equally. However, the exit door can be found just over there. Although you'll find that the first step is a 37,000 foot drop into the shark-infested sea below. 

Aha!  Look who's the pawlet, sorry, who's the pilot of Blog Air charter flight. Yes indeed, it's Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest airline pilot!

"Hello bloggers, this is your captain speaking. Captain Penny the pawlet . Welcome to this charter flight on the blogger's favourite airline, Blog Air. We're cruising at an altitude of 37,000 feet and expect to arrive at 'Blogland' international airport at approximately six P.M., local time
Please enjoy your flight and remember to rejoice in the diversity of blogging. All different, all equal in a sharing, caring community. Thank you for flying Blog Air"


  1. Blog Air is still hilarious!
    Seat me wherever you like, captain.

  2. Hi Alex,

    Some interesting bloggers down in the cargo hold. Yes, the cat bloggers are down there.

    Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  3. I love the new cover photo! Love it!

    This was hilarious. You are too funny. :)

    1. Hi Jess,

      Penny and I, her mere human, are most delighted you love the latest cover photo.

      I leave the um funny stuff to the comedy bloggers. *cough!* *cough!* :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  4. That would have been a hilarious flight to listen in to.

    1. Hi River,

      Here are some complimentary headphones :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  5. Bloggers and their issues. This looks like the makings of a sitcom or one hour dramedy.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      Bloggers and their, tissues, even. That sitcom or one hour dramedy, would leave the viewer up in the air.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  6. Great post! Thanks for sharing. I follow your blog!

    You had that coming. ;-)

    1. Hi Birdie,

      Great comment! Thanks for sharing! I follow your blog!

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  7. Just love the blog air charter flight pawlet, and so many thanks for your kind support, Gary xx

    1. Hi Carole,

      Thank you and Penny wonders if you would prefer a seat by the window :) I'm always around try to be of support. Wishing you and your beloved a peaceful weekend.

      Hugs xx

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  8. Hey Stuart, or is that Steward?

    What's funniest is the biting humor (by Penny I take it:) and the irony of it all ... if there was a Blog Air.... ALLLLLLLLLL those things would happen....

    Except for me... I would find myself in the back.... covered by a cloud of gas while the blogger next to me explained how his medical condition meant he couldn't fart...

    Happy, smell-free weekend, old chum :)

    1. Hey stewardess, Mazza,

      There is a Blog Air. Penny the pawlet does make some important points. All the things mentioned and more, happen on Blog Air.

      You would be in the cargo hold with the cat bloggers. You never had it so good. If you were in the back, his medical condition would suddenly change and you might assume it's just a bit of turbulence.

      Your comment made scents. A happy aromatic weekend to you.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  9. You had me in stitches mate. I'm sure you could make a TV series out of this, with Penny as the pilot of course. I'd love to be on this plane, ha ha ha ha.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      The comedy knitting workshop had me in stitches. What a TV series it would be. Pup, Pup and away....Your seat awaits you.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Arleen,

      Aha and very good. Blog Air's main competitor next to Virgin On The Ridiculous Airlines :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  11. Will there be alcohol on Blog Air? I have a terrible fear of flying so I would need to be inebriated in order to board this plane.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Yes there is alcohol available on Blog Air. We will need to see some proof of age from you.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  12. Didn't know Penny had her pawlet licence! So funny, Gary, I could picture the scene!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      She got her pawlet licence with the "Pup, Pup and Away", pawlet's course. It does create a bit of a visual.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  13. Another exciting flight on Blog Air. My compliments to the pawlet.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Hope you like the new, improved in-flight entertainment. Penny the pawlet thanks you.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air, again :)

  14. I'm sitting here laughing my a** off because I've seen live examples, lol! My luck I'd be seated beside someone extolling the beauty of quantum physics and the building blocks of mathematical equations in creation. I'd be heading to the bathroom to check the mirror for developing wings or a hidden parachute.

    Love the header shot of Penny.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    1. Hi Sia,

      I think we've all seen live examples. You will enjoy sitting next to the maths science blogger. It all adds up. The parachute is under your seat.

      Thank you and Penny is very happy you love her header photo :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  15. Can I sit in the back next to the head? Please. You guessed it. I'm not a good and reliable passenger. Been known to... well, you know, barf! I'm so relieved Penny's still flying this thing. This is my 2nd flight. I'm doing better, huh? Huh???

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Because of your situation, we will accommodate so you have a seat near the front lavatory. You were a very well behaved passenger the last time. Although the cleaning crew were not impressed. You are doing better. The next flight after this will include even better movies and more solid barf bags.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air, again :)

  16. Trays in your upright position and know where your exits are at all times. In case of a real emergency... panic and fight your way to the parachutes...

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      Blog Air would like to hire you for the pre-flight safety demonstration. You can also demonstrate sheer panic and grabbing the only parachute that actually works.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Diane,

      Complimentary coffee with extra cream on Blog Air :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  18. I better not have to pay much, and you better have clean litterboxes haha

    1. Pat Hatt or the cat,

      We have arranged a free flight for you. Down in the cargo hold with Puss n' Boots, Morris the cat and of course, you can read your favourite book, "The Foul and the Pussycat."

      Extra clean litterboxes for you and even the cat.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  19. Is there anything Penny can't do? Her talents continue to amaze me.
    Absolutely love Blog Air and I agree with Mark, all of these things really would happen LOL.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Penny wont clean windows. She is multi-talented and I'm very envious of her. On Blog Air, these things happen on a regular basis. Mark is da man!

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  20. Awesome post! I'm impressed Penny is a pawlet too, but she's never lacking in the wonderful surprise department. I love the diversity out there.

    Have a terrific weekend. :)

    1. Hi Christine,

      Penny the pawlet, flying the skies and appreciating the diversity. The diversity that we can learn from. That's powerful stuff.

      A terrific weekend to you, Christine :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  21. I must let it be known that I need more Peanuts!
    Snoopy is starting to complain.

    1. Hi DAVID,

      Charlie Brown, one of the bored, um board members of Blog Air, has duly noted your complaint.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  22. Love it. And I suspect that the seating might (just might) have been arranged by the ever so talented Penny.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Well, maybe Penny might have been messing around with the seat allocation :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  23. I feel this plane may be a bit left wing, in fact I am worried the right wing may have been removed entirely and the space in the middle, you know what's it called . . . . . . Ah yes the corridor is full of folk running up and down.

    Do they have Customs at Blogland airport....

    As I always said to my dad back in the old days . . . . .Are we there yet dad......

    1. Hi Rob,

      The fuselage is doing just fine. The left wing and the right wing are having a debate about who is right and who is left. *Order!* *Order!*

      They have Customs and Blogland airport. One Custom is to remove any links before going through the scanner.

      We heard you. Are we there yet? Good grief, Blog Air is still on the runway! :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  24. Replies
    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      If you have a computer, which I reckon you might have, you can go online and book a ticket on, If not, you can make inquiries with any reputable travel agent.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  25. I love flying the friendly skies of Blog Air! Except when we hit a nasty patch of trolls. Get out the barf bag!

    1. Hi Debra,

      Blog Air always guarantees you a warm welcome. The trolls have been redirected onto Canadian Pawcific Airlines.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  26. Since I remember reading this post before, I twiddled my thumbs while skimming through it. (NOT an easy feat, if you think about it.) Anyhow, some things are too good to post only once, and this is one of them. It was a fun post the first time you ran it, and it's a fun post now.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you for your display of multitasking :) I'm glad you think it's a fun post worth repeating. Kind of like a burp that wont go away. All I need is a clone and I'd be very happy.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  27. "the advanced art of thumb twiddling" - LOL! I loved that and the stories about badly mismatched Blog Air patrons. But of course I wouldn't know anything about those losers because I only know the best of the best - entertaining, smart, creative bloggers who have cute dogs! :-)

    1. Hi Lexa,

      Advance thumb-twiddling is all the rage. Right up there with advanced staring at the four walls. Deliberately mismatched, perhaps :) You mingle with the best and the best mingle with you. The cute dog thanks you kindly.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  28. Penny the Pawlet is something Pawesome, Gary. I just swatted myself over the head for only just catching on to "Blog Air". Arrgh. Things always look brighter after my second cup of coffee.

    I loved the first step - a 37000 foot drop!

    That Penny's sense of humor is classic.

    (I always appreciate your kind words on my blog. Thank you!)

    Now I gotta play catch up on the posts I missed here!

    Hugs to Penny! Perhaps I'll meet her some day!

    1. Hi Vidya,

      Penny the pawlet is the pawesomest! :) Blog Air becomes even more of an eye-opener after a third cup of coffee.

      That's one doozy of a first step out of the plane.

      Penny the pawsitive punster, pawhaps :)

      Always an interesting experience to visit your blogs. And thanks for backtracking to the previous post. Very kind of you.

      Penny thanks you for the hugs and she would be delighted to me you.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  29. Blog Air. YESsss!
    I'm flying over to meet you & Penny immeeeeeediately! LOVE Xxxxoooooo

    1. Hi Kim,

      Blog Air at your service!
      That was quick. Hey Penny, look who's here!!!
      Yay and ruff, ruff! xx

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  30. I'm SO glad you put the cat bloggers in the cargo hold! I think alcohol ought to be served. That should liven up the jealousy even more. A very good, sarcastic biting commentary on our world. As always.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Ah yes and hello to the cat bloggers and oops! :) Boozy bloggers being blatantly bewildering :)

      Me sarcastic, biting and a reflection of our world? Say it aint so! LOL

      Have a lovely Sunday, Tina.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  31. So super talented Penny is a pawlet... pilot too - I'm jumping on the next flight :-)

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      Penny the pawlet pawleting the plane pawfectly :) Jump on board.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  32. Hahahaahahaha. Lovely, I can't stop laughing, I love this one, Gary.
    I love this kind of flight. I choose the same type.
    But sometimes I choose to fly on a bird instead of the plane. I get a better view. Haha.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Now I have to go get in touch with the bird.

    1. Hi Julia,

      Penny and I are most delighted you loved this one. Thank you. The diverse skies of Blog Air. Quite the experience and even with the turbulence caused by some of the bloggers :)

      It seems you might prefer the wing seat. What a bird's eye view Say hello to the bird for us, please.

      A peaceful rest of your weekend, Julia.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air and Blog Bird :)

  33. Read it before. Loved it ... so I read it again!

    You'll find me in the cargo-hold swigging on a bottle of vino with Marvin the kiwi and the iguana, whose name I have sadly forgotten.

    And Captain Penny, do not forget - it's best to keep the pointy end going forward as straight as possible.

    I shall leave you with this quote: 'There are only two things required to fly a modern airliner: a pilot and a dog. It's the pilot's job to feed the dog. It's the dog's job to bite the pilot if he touches anything in the cockpit.'

    Good luck, and bon voyage!

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      Thanks for reading it again :) Been so busy doing other stuff that I thought, what the hell, post this one up.

      Marvin the Kiwi, Fred the Iguana and Wendy the human, getting tanked on vino. What a visual and what a future posting.....

      The pointy end? Of course, the plane.

      Penny the pawlet takes on board your quote. Cockpit, indeed!

      Thank you for flying in the cargo hold of Blog Air.

  34. there is a weight limit on the plane. you will be packing extra so that will tip the plane 100 miles a hour into the ocean and none of you can swim so you are all going to drown. LOL!

    1. Hi Beatrix,

      We are all doomed. And the last workable parachute has been grabbed by the blogger with a zillion followers. Just a delayed time to land in the ocean and be with the sharks.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  35. Ha! Good thing Captain Penny has earphones on so she can't hear all the quibbling among the bloggers!

  36. Hi Sherry,

    Sorry, Penny the pawlet couldn't hear you! :) Hope you are having a nice Sunday.

    Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  37. This is my first flight on Blog Air. Loved it.
    Didn't even mind the rubbery chicken supper, and the peanuts were superb.
    Now I can exhale peanut breath on the NaNo fanatic beside me. :P

    Great post, Gary. :D

  38. Hi Melissa,

    Hope your ride didn't have too much turbulence.
    Only the best rubber chicken meals on our flights. Complimentary peanuts. All the peanuts you care to eat. Breathe that nutty breath on the person beside you and screw up their NaNo word count!

    Thank you, Melissa.

    Thank you for flying Blog Air.

  39. Hi,
    I came here from my blog, from the link you left. How did you do that? What does it mean that you left it there? I don't mind that you did. The comments you left on the Fish post were hilarious.

    1. Hi Linda,

      My human has no idea why that link was on there. Neither one of us did that. We've been noticing that happening lately and not just us having a link on other blogs. Very strange. Of course, I did give my human the fish puns, just for the Krill of it.

      Welcome aboard Blog Air.

      Penny the Pawlet :)

  40. Hi Gary - People ... need we say more!

    Have a happy weekend - if Blog Air hasn't transported us to space world and beyond .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Gary has gone for a snooze. Typical. Now it's another weekend and we took a wrong turn at the asteroid belt.

      Thank you flying Blog Air
      Wherever we end up.

      Penny the Pawlet :)

  41. Replies
    1. Hi Eve,

      I am going to totally agree with you! :)

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.

      Penny the Pawlet :)

  42. Don't know how I missed this, except that I haven't been paying much attention this month outside my own sphere. I'm finding the experience interesting and am now tempted to stay away from the blogosphere while I get other things in my life right. Is that even possible? Putting things right - getting it all straight? Can blogair take me to the place where it all makes sense and the right things get done - where there is no want - where folks are as they say they are and do as they say they will. Where even the slightest need is met and with graciousness and love. Where negativity does not exist and promises are kept? Book me on that fight, please!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      You are most kind to backtrack to this posting. Personally, I believe that priorities must be the main focal point. Your sphere is what you feel the need to do right now. I know of the dilemma that can be finding a happy balance. Blog Air can take you wherever you need to be. Your flight will prepare you for the destination you want On Blog Air, we believe that immersing ourselves with people, with animals, with resources that are conducive to our well being, both physical and mental.

      Your seat is booked and the destination you desire can be fulfilled.

      Thank you for flying Blog Air.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.