
Friday 9 August 2013

A New Hope Branches Out.

And thus, the "Tree of Life: Branching Out" collaboration project has reached its conclusion. Yet the conclusion is not the end.  For it's just the beginning of a new hope, renewed hope that this world, the symbolism of the tree, shall inspire us to leave this a greener, cleaner, more caring planet.  To give every child born a legacy that rejoices in an all different, all equal diversity.

The concluding instalment of this positive interaction project can be discovered here: Tree of Life: Branching Out Finale.

To all those who participated, kudos for your thoughtful excerpts. To those that have been reading it, listening to the themed music, thank you.

In closing, I want to make special mention of Samantha Geary Jones whose dedication and organisation of the collaboration project was truly admirable. Thank you, Samantha.

I leave you with this. Elise Fallson has composed a dedication video to the project.  Elise, such a marvellous video that embraces the ambience perfectly. Thank you, Elise.  It would be very nice if you went and visited Elise's site, which can be found here : Elise Fallson

 My friend, a new hope branches out.


  1. This is a fitting tribute to an epic journey! Thank you, Gary, for your continued support, good humor and poetic musings:) It has been an incredible ride!

    1. Hi Samantha,

      Kudos to you, Elise and all the rest involved in the project. Even though I don't do group stuff, I succumbed to your persuasive charms. Kinda' ironic now that a certain anti-blogfest is now hovering about :)

      Thanks for your ongoing positive interaction, Samantha.

      Gary :)

  2. Writing THE END is both rewarding and sad. I'll miss the daily installments.

    1. Hi Lee,

      The end is only the beginning. Can always look back on this and look forwards from this.

      Thank you, Lee.

      Gary :)

  3. This was a fantastic challenge and a joy to read. Kudos to Elise for the great video.

    1. Hi Julie Flanders,

      It was fun to be involved. Especially when I only needed to contribute about 150 words. I could handle that. Elise did a great job on the video.

      Thank you, Julie.

      Gary :)

  4. Elise did an amazing job with the video - as did all of the writers who contributed, including you!

    1. Hi Alex,

      The video by Elise, wonderfully captured the ambience. I thank you for the kind words and it was flattering to have been asked to get involved.

      Thank you, Alex.

      Gary :)

  5. Elise's video was wonderful and the stories were inspiring. Great project.

    1. Hi Julie Luek,

      You summed it up perfectly.

      Thank you, Julie.

      Gary :)

  6. Her video is beautiful. It was a very ambitious project, involving so many people, and it all came together.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Elise's video, a thoughtful summary of such a coordinated project. Samantha did an amazing job in getting it organised.

      Thank you, Diane.

      Gary :)

  7. Hi Gary .. I've just watched the video over at Elise's .. and it's amazing. I love the idea and concept of the Tree of Life, especially the music aspects ...

    I need to read and listen to it in full .. Congratulations on your part too - it's good to see you briefly in print ...

    Have a happy weekend .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      The way the music was integrated into the themes and Elise's video was a most notable conclusion to a beginning.

      Hope you manage to hear the entire composition. Thanks for the congratulations. I showed by name to Penny. She yawned and went back to sleep.

      Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

      Thank you, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  8. This was amazing, so glad I was part of it! I've met some great writers and enjoyed some wonderful music!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      This was an amazing project. The music and the folks involved. A delight to meet you, my friend.

      Thank you, Lisa.

      Gary :)

  9. Hi, Gary. This is lovely.

    Hope you're well.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      It was a most thoughtful collaboration.

      All is well. Although I can barely keep up. Hope you had a peaceful weekend.

      Thank you, Shelly.

      Gary :)

  10. Hi, Gary. I love the message. Great idea.
    I got the CD yesterday, so I look forward to it and I would love to write about it on my blog in the near future.

    1. Hi Julia,

      The message and the music. Such a combination.
      Wow, great stuff. Hope you have a nice, reflective time listening to it and writing about it in the near future.

      Thank you, Julia.


      Gary :)

  11. I read your post in my mailbox and came over to comment, but I am just sitting with a huge silly grin on my face, and again, my eyes are threatening to flow.

    The Finale is indeed superlative. What a great message.

    Elise's video is simply stunning and I know I am going to watch it countless times.

    I am very glad we "met" and connected through this epic initiative by Samantha. She rocks. And so do you. *Cuddling Penny*

    1. Hi Vidya,

      The project certainly brings forth a variety of emotions. Your contribution, your kindness, all conducive to that better world we so embrace.

      I know you have watched Elise's video on a number of times. Me too :)

      The connection we now share is greatly appreciated, Vidya. Samantha deserves a huge amount of thanks, indeed. Penny thanks you for the *cuddles"! :)

      Thank you, Vidya.

      Gary :)

  12. The first line made me feel like I got to the festival as it was being packed up, but it was so nice to watch the video. The words, music and recognising some of the contributors, whose essence were captured beautifully in one sentence or quote was heart warming, much like your own connection to the music of rustling leaves produced by trees. Perhaps living near a forest is the reason I find man made music distracting when I write... but I also love those moments when music is the only thing matters, then I dance :)

    1. Hi Ida,

      The festival may of ended. The festival goes on in the heart and in the video. Elise did a truly superb job in encapsulating the very essence of the project. The leaves are making music :) Where you live be the music of nature and the reflection in your writing. Your words dance and you dance.

      Thank you, Ida.

      Gary :)

  13. This sounds like it was an amazing project - one that gets me thinking. Great video and music. Well done. Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Amazing to have been part of a group of people who shared such ideals. The video truly captures the spirit.

      Thank you, Nancy.

      Gary :)

  14. That's an awesome video indeed. Quite the culmination of the project. Love the relationships that we all develop through blogging.

    1. Hi Keith,

      The awesome video. A collection of like-minded individuals warming to a hopeful ethos. The finer aspects of the positive interaction we can share through the blogging community.

      Blogging. Love at first sight?

      Thank you, Keith.

      Gary :)

  15. It was a blast, and I'm sad it's over. But what a special project to have been a part of!
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      The blast that continues to resonate. Beyond any sadness of the project ending, we both know that this can be the continuance of a hopeful new reality.

      Thank you for being an integral part, Tina.

      Gary :)

  16. The video and its message was truly inspiring and beautiful, Gary.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      It was a hopeful venture and I'm grateful to have been asked to get involved with a project that I considered very different.

      Thank you, Arleen.

      Gary :)

  17. Samantha did good. Thank you, dear Gary for sharing this fabulous message. Love the music.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Samantha done well good. Elise created a wonderful video. The message be of hope and the music sure reflected that.

      Thank you, Joylene.

      Gary :)

  18. Elise did a great video indeed

    1. Hi Pat,

      A great video indeed
      That planted the seed
      With hope
      We cope

      Thank you, Pat.

      Gary :)

  19. I guess I missed it while I was away. That was such a nice video!

    1. Hi Sherry,

      You've had to look out for a rainy night in Georgia. I know you are settling into a new adventure. A nice video, for sure.

      Thank you, Sherry.

      Gary :)

  20. Elise put it all together in a beautiful video. Bloggers coming together can make a difference.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Ah yes, Elise's video. Such an ambience of hope. Bloggers coming together in a positive cause, we believe can surely make a difference.

      Thank you, Manzanita.

      Gary :)

  21. And isn't it lovely that so many of us here in the blogosphere do still have hope...

    1. Hi Sue,

      It most assuredly is. We have both shared hope amongst those who know that hope will keep us going.

      Thank you, Sue. Wishing better times ahead for you and your loved one.

      Gary :)

  22. I see you have been so productive while I've been MIA. Did I slow you down? I am so proud of you, it's as if I gave birth!

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      That's me, production overdrive. I would love to slow down. Thanks for being proud of me. Very kind of you. I shall be moving into your house very soon.

      Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  23. I have to say that it was all very profound Good Sir, I feel like a tin can rattling down a dark street, making slightly the wrong and Un-Harmonious noises. But in a nice way

    Well done

    1. Hi Rob,

      Why thank you, kind sir. One man's tin can is another man's music. Yes, a very nice way.

      Thank you, Rob.

      Gary :)

  24. What a fabulous video. I must confess, I haven't followed the project, but now I'm gonna have to go back and read it all. With all those beautiful people working together, the results have got to be awesome.

    1. Hi Susan,

      The video sums up the whole deal very nicely. I hope you go back and read the stuff those incredible writers wrote. They tied in the words to the music, most profoundly.

      Thank you, Susan.

      Gary :)

  25. The project and video show blogland at its most beautiful, and it was already beautiful. Thanks, Gary. Congratulations to you and all the other contributors.


    1. Hi Robyn,

      It does indeed. Heck, even I kept clear of my rather cynical views of some aspects of blogland. This was a notable project and I was honoured to be included. Those contributors in the collaboration deserve a big virtual pat on the back.

      Thank you, Robyn.

      Gary :) x

  26. It's the tree that never ends, it goes on and on my friend...

    1. Hi Terry,

      Thank you for echoing the thoughts in my posting. I appreciate that.

      Thank you, Terry.

      Gary :)

  27. Elise created a very moving video. I will have to go back and read through this remarkable collection. You should be very proud of being part of such an amazing project Gary. Congrats to everyone involved.


    1. Hi Julie,

      Elise's video is indeed moving. Unless you put it on pause. Sorry, that was silly :) I do hope you manage to read through the collection in the collaboration.

      Thank you, Julie.

      Gary :)

  28. I came over to wish you a happy anti-blog hop day, lol. You have a lot of writing/blogging buddies, it's very clear. :) But then I found this, and I was moved. It's very nice!

    1. Hi mail4rosey,

      Is there a anti-blogfest, or whatever it's called? I never knew that! :) I thank you for your kind words. Ah the irony of it all.

      Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  29. Ah, Elise is so talented. You couldn't help but feel the emotion evoked by the music and the words combined. What an amazing project. Way to go, everyone who contributed!

    1. Hi Sabrina,

      Lovely to meet you. Elise has got talent to spare, me thinks. The music and the words certainly embraced the theme. Thank you for such thoughtful words, Sabrina.

      Gary :)

  30. This project was so exeptional, we are all forever in Sam's debt. I'm honored to have shared it with great writers like you!

    1. Hi Beverly,

      It was truly an exceptional collaboration project. Samantha's organisation and encouragement enhanced the entire ideal. I'm grateful to her, to you, Beverly and all those incredible writers.

      Thank you, Beverly.

      Gary :)

  31. What an amazing collaboration. I can't believe I didn't participate or know about it. Oh well, I loved the video by Elise--the music complimented your writing and inadvertently my name was mentioned--as in the last frame by Amy.

    1. Hi Eve,

      Such an outstanding collaboration. I'm surprised you hadn't been aware of it. I got lucky being asked to contribute. Most unusual for me to get involved with anything. The video by Elise and the accompanying quotes and music, profound. It seems you were a part of it in spirit, my friend.

      Thank you, Eve.

      Gary :)

  32. Such a lovely project to participate in with such lovely writers :)

    1. Hi Gwen,

      Absolutely. I was flattered to be asked to participate along with such lovely writers as you, Gwen. Didn't think I'd have a ghost of a chance :)

      Thank you, Gwen.

      Gary :)

  33. Dear A. Nti Bloghop,

    Elise really does Yeoman's work when it comes to her videos - especially this one - doesn't she:)

    PS... hope you are having fun during this day of GaryFest - because you bring a lot of sunshine to us every day :)

    Take care, old bean :)

    1. Dear Mr. Koopmans,

      Master of the brainchild and the birth of the certain something or other I would never mention.

      Yo man, Elise did a terrific job on the videos :) Who knows, maybe we can have you featured in a video where you do a day in the life of Mazza. Well nifty neato!

      You are most kind. The good-natured irony is appreciated, noble sire. You and all those fine folks bring that added sunshine to this world.

      Cheerio, me old mucker!

      Gary :)

  34. Awesome video. I got goosebumps with the music and seeing so many blogger names and their wonderful sentences.

    1. Hi Medeia,

      It surely is. Goosebumps and the remaining hairs on my head stood up. I recognised so many names. Such thoughtful words they shared.

      Thank you, Medeia.

      Gary :)

  35. Wow! That is an amazing video. The music brought my 12 year old running from another room to see what I was listening to. Well done!

    1. Hi Jenn,

      That's really nice to know the music got your 12 year old to come running in to check out what you were listening to. I think that's awesome.

      Thank you, Jenn.

      Gary :)

  36. The video rocks just like Elise.

    Hope all is going well Gary. Say hello to Penny. Fred says hi too.

    1. Hi Mina,

      Elise and that video. Rocking all over the world.

      I'm exhausted but it's a good kind of tired. Hope all is well with you. Penny says hi back to Fred.

      Thank you, Mina.

      Gary :)

  37. How did I miss this? Oh yeah...I was busy doing your blogfest!!!

    Your welcome for the kind diplomatic words.

    1. Hey Tammy,

      You didn't miss this. You realise that I'm working my way through the list doing that anti-blogfest? You are on my list.

      And Tammy, I comment on ALL your postings! I ALWAYS share your postings on Farcebook. Slam dunk! :)

      Gary :)

  38. I keep watching that video. I love it! Glad I jumped in to join you on the project.

  39. Hey Lee,

    Do you keeping watching that video? Actually, I don't blame you for doing that. Quite the project and yes, nice for me to be surrounded by the cream of the writing cream. WIP that cream! Maybe that didn't sound right....

  40. Oh Gary. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get over here. I've been away and just now catching up. What to say... this post evokes so many emotions in me. First, thank you for being such a good friend. This writing challenge has grown into more than just a challenge, it's become much, much more. It's an honor... I mean honour (: to share it with you and so many other talented writers. The video is only a success because I had so much amazing material to work with, from the writing to the music. My part was very small, but look, together as a whole, we can all achieve amazing things.
    Merci mon ami. (:

    1. Greetings human Elise,

      Gary is unavailable right now. I've told him to go for a nap. Silly human is exhausted.

      We are both aware that you have been away. Life and other adventures were on offer to you. The adventure continues. We both appreciate your friendship, Elise. I understand that the collaboration project went beyond a challenge. It was a cause of mutual ideals. The video, your creation from the heart, beats with the new hope that we embrace. It was my human's honor, um honour, to have been involved with such incredible folks such as you. This, as we both know, was not the end, but a continuance of a better beginning.

      In peace and pawsitivity,

      Penny :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.