
Thursday 25 April 2013

What The "F"?

I could think of a lot of words starting with "F".  And some of them are in no way connected to Anglo Saxon expletives!

I observed that somebody residing in France made note that they'd finished their postings for the duration of the challenge that I would never participate in.  You might of heard of the alternative to my anarchic alphabet challenge. They are going from A to Z.  Fancy that.

Anyway, after noting their profile update on a certain social network site, I thought perfect, "F" is for "France!"  So thank you for the inspiration, Elise Fallson   And yes, France is awesome!

So, "F" is for "France."  Or should I say the bizarre conversations I've had with a few English people about France. Conversations such as, "Those bloody French!  How ignorant are they?  I went to France and they didn't even have the decency to speak in English!  And don't get me started on the public toilets I noted in Carcassonne!"  At which point the same person asks me, "Would you like a baguette?  Perhaps some gateau?"  What the "F"?

Speaking of social networks, or is that social 'notworks', "F" is for 'Farcebook', everyone's favourite social 'notworking' site.  Yes, a site where you can read my vitally important to your life, profile updates.  Updates such as, "Hi there, I was contemplating doing a blog about apathy but couldn't be bothered.  Somebody asked me if I was always indecisive.  Well yes and no."  Yep, "F" is for 'Farcebook.'
"F" is for "Fidelina", the beautiful fairy princess.  Here she is heavily pregnant with a child that would be symbolic of her love for her husband, Geoffrey the garden gnome.
Here is Fidelina posing proudly with her husband, Geoffrey and their boy child, Einahalk.

"F" is for "Fellatio."  Which is an obscure Italian opera from the eighteenth century.  Unfortunately, the name of the composer of "Fellatio", is a mystery, subject to oral conjecture.  Now that really sucks.


  1. Elise rocks!!! Perfect choice for F.
    Facebook - not on it and never will be.
    And Fellatio may be a familiar word, but not opera.

    1. Hey Alex,

      Elise is rocking France!
      Farcebook is a better name for it.
      Fellatio, the opera, may well give one a soprano voice....


    2. Seriously. Stop making me laugh. My family thinks I'm losing my mind LOL'ing at my screen. Fellatio, the opera, may well may well make you a soprano.

    3. Hey Elizabeth,

      Sorry if your family is starting to wonder if you're losing your mind :)

      Evidently, the bass singer in Fellatio, the opera, ended up becoming a soprano!

      Gary :)

  2. Your post made laugh. You have Flagrant disregard for the drab, ordinary, and Familiar. Well done, my Friend.

    1. Hi Robin,

      I'm heartened this post made you laugh :) Farcical flagrant follies. Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  3. Great Gary, gave me a smile before going to bed.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Sleep well, my friend :)

      Goodnight and bless you.


  4. Faeries and France great F words and then of course, there is 'Fabulous Penny". Not much on opera Gary so no comment there .. ahem.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Faeries, France, Farcebook, Fabbo Penny and obscure opera. No comment, eh. Hard to comment when....ahem....

      Gary :)

  5. LOL farcebook indeed
    Hate that at my feed
    Needs to die
    But never will under ones sky
    Which makes me want to say um duck
    And still a billion bucks

    1. Farcebook's for you
      You know it's true
      Fidelina is your friend
      Watch her as she does a bend
      Something that rhymes with duck
      Guess what, no luck

  6. Ha. Great ending to your post!


    1. Hi Heather,

      Why thank you, I say in a high-pitched voice! :)

      Gary :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by my daughter's post. It meant a lot to her. She might write every now and then. Full time job and everything else.
    Fidelina is pretty.

    1. Hi Munir,

      More than happy to stop by your daughter's blog. I try my best to make new bloggers welcome. I'll watch out for your daughter's next posting when she finds the time.

      Fidelina is the beautiful fairy princess :) Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  8. LOL...Gary, you always crack me up :)

    FARCEbook, indeed. That's a kind way of describing it so I'm convinced Penny (the modest internet superstar)put you up to that.

    Elise is a perfect choice....Vive Le' France!

    1. Hey Mark,

      Humpty Dumpty cracked up! :)

      "Farcebook!" Yes sir, Penny insisted I mentioned her favourite social 'notworking' site!

      Yay Elise and France! Makes me want to have frog's legs. I will look rather strange with frog's legs....

      Gary :)

  9. That does suck not to know who the composer of the opera is. What a shame. :)

    1. Hi Julia,

      It sucks, big time, not knowing the name of the composer. There is a rumour his name was "Sergio Salami" :) Thank you, Julia.

      Gary :)

  10. The social "notworking" site. Of course! Perfect name for it. And I too saw that post of Elise gloating about being all done. She left me fretting and fearful because I still have two more to do. Oh, the frustration. Those freaky French!

    Fabulous F, Gary.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Have you any idea I anxiously await your profile updates on that social 'notworking' site? Five Presidents in one photo. Living ones, of course :) Aha, so you know about my inspiration for "F" and Elise's joyous revelation that she's finished the Z to A, oops, the A to Z! Bloody sneaky French! Ooh la la....

      Thank you, Jeff.

      Gary :)

  11. Loved your play on "F" words - That was Fun to read!

    1. Hey writerlysam,

      Very kind of you. Fun frolic for fantasy :)

      Gary :)

  12. Notworking site is absolutely correct. Though I think I probably waste away more time on Twitter these days.

    1. Hi M.J. Fifield,

      Notworking and the idle gossip and misunderstanding on there, gets to my last two brain cells :) Twitter, ah yes, 140 characters or less. Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  13. An entirely felictious post for the letter eff. My youngest nephew asked me some years back, what is the word which starts with eff and ends in uck. When I looked a bit takenaback he chanted firetruck at me, and scuttled off giggling. I don't play farcebook and think I know why.
    Another wonderful non alphabet challenge post - thank you.

    1. Gidday Elephant's Child,

      Ah yes, perhaps my "F" was effin' apt. Some F might be Fiction, some of it Fact.

      Firetruck was a well thought out response. I like that very much :) And Farcebook is a place I use to blatantly promote other folks' blogs. So, it does have some purpose. Along with my fascinating profile updates.

      The anarchic alternative alphabet is nearly complete. I wont be sad over its end :)

      Gary :)

  14. Bonjour, Gary,

    I am lovin' your choice of 'F' words today as always a new perspective!

    1. Bonjour Suzanne,

      Comment allez-vous? I like to go where no other "F" has gone before. Thank you, Suzanne.

      Gary :)

  15. THAT operatic F word should get your blog a lot more visits I imagine!

    1. Hello ahem Anonymous,

      For sure, that particular "F" word and it's operatic leanings, will suck in lots of visits, I imagine! :)

      Gary :)

  16. F sounds like a fun and fruity letter!! :-)

    Take care

    1. Hey Old Kitty,

      How are y'all? "F" is for Feline Friends! :)

      Gary :)

  17. Quite the assortment of "F" letters. F is onf of my "F"avorite letters and will be "F"orever "F"or mostly "F"ridays.

    1. Hi Keith,

      How the "F" are you? TFIF, Keith. Thank F**k It's Friday! :)

      Gary :)

  18. Those snotty French people. I did recently start following Elise and she's very nice.

    1. Hi Diane,

      And they smell like garlic :) Elise is a very nice lady, even if she lives in France....

      Thank you, Diane.

      Gary :)

  19. I am with Pat on Facebook. Not sure why, but I like twitter better.

    1. Hi Terry,

      You're with Pat on "Facebook"? Never heard of Facebook :) Twitter is being monitored by alien creatures...

      Gary :)

  20. Farcebook - I love it! Have a great weekend, Klahanie:)

    1. Hi M. J.,

      May the Farcebook be with you. Thank you and may you have a great weekend :)

      Gary :)

  21. Very entertaining - as always, Gary!

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      I like to entertain. I bet that opera was entertaining! :)

      Gary :)

  22. Ooooh, a baby boy for them! I hope they give him more siblings!

    1. Hi Susan,

      Fidelina and Geoffrey are contemplating having another child. Einahalk, wonder what that spells backwards...Thank you, Susan.

      Gary :)

  23. Another funny post. Great. (F is for fakebook which I deactivated last year, by the way). Have a lovely springy weekend, Gary.

    1. Hi Julia Hones,

      Thank you for that :) Yes, "F is for fakebook". Got to agree with that. Or Fartbook, for that matter. Been a lovely spring Saturday in England. Wishing you the same, my friend.

      Gary :)

  24. That doll is so scary... On ALL levels

    1. Hey John Grey,

      That doll is from Wales and is coming home! :)

      Have a pleasant Sunday, if you can....

      Gary :)

  25. Oh. My. What a fractious, fictional farce of a good letter. Also quite fun. *waves to Penny*

    1. Hi Laura,

      Aha a flippant frenzy for fun frolics. Of course, none of my "F" posting was in anyway fictional! :)

      Penny thanks you and give you a *high paw*! :) Thank you, Laura.

      Gary :)

  26. French recently legalized gay marriage, too. Go France!

    This isn't nice of me to say, but I noticed a disparity in attractiveness [and age] between Fidelina and Geoffrey. I guess love really is blind.

    Cheers, Klhanie.
    Have a pleasant, restful weekend.

    1. Hey Robyn,

      Yes they did! France and ooh la la! :)

      That's the whole underlying concept in my ongoing series titled the "wee folks". A world where no judgement is passed and no stigma attached. Actually Fidelina and Geoffrey are of a similar age. He's aged due to her voracious sexual appetite! :)

      Thank you, Robyn. A peaceful, pleasant weekend to you, my friend.

      Gary x :)

  27. Thanks for the Friday F humor! Watching my guilty pleasure Fashion Star and blog hopping. Trying to get caught up, and so very very thankful the A to Z challenge is almost over.

    Hope your weekend is wonderful and filled with your favorite opera, unless that much of the same opera just sucks!

    Patches sends her best to Penny!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Fashion Star? That sounds like just the show for Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) I will be thankful when the A to Z finishes. Personally, I hope this is the last ever one.

      I'm not so sure about that opera. Although some soap before that opera might be a good idea :)

      Penny says hello back to Patches :)

      Gary :)

  28. The last part was quite funny, you dry wit, you. Thanks for a great F'ing time.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Only quite funny. Some folks even think I'm sardonic. I could never, ever think of me like that. What the "F"!

      See you later, you warrior, you!

      Gary :)

  29. Gary
    Your imagination is surpassed by no-one. The wee-ones are always delightful with any alphabet letter.
    I did get the link and I will look at it this evening.
    Have a wondrous week-end

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Actually, you're imagining all of this. The wee folks are your friends :)

      Ah yes, that link. I hope it works for you :)

      A magical weekend to you, dear friend.


  30. Sounds like the French are a bad influence. Naughty boy! LOL Hi to Penny!

    1. Hey The Desert Rocks,

      The French. Soixante neuf is some French I learnt. Yep, I'm such a naughty boy. Hit me with a croissant. Penny says, "arf!" back to you :)

      Gary :)

  31. Just when I thought the "F-ing" post was the Funniest thing, I noticed all the F-ing comments. I'm crying over here.(sniFFFF, sniFFF). You're such a generous Fellow, my Fellationing Friend!
    Fare-thee-well, and "arFs" oFF to Penny.

    1. Hey Dixie,

      This "F-ing" post is "F-ed" up. The comments are "F-ing" fantastically funny for flatulence.

      Friendly fellow flippantly fantasises flopping flute! :)

      Fair-thee-well, fair maiden. Penny replies with a friendly fart and a funny arF! :)

      Gary :)

  32. Very witty post. I enjoyed your comments on all those F-ing things. ;-)

    1. Hi Misha,

      Thank you ever so F-ing much! :) Your F-ing comment is appreciated :)

      Gary :)

  33. F is for fun which is what I have whenever I visit my friend Gary's blog. And "F" is also for friend. Fancy that.

    1. Hi Michael,

      That's a mighty fine thing to say, my fair and friendly friend. Fancy that, indeed :) Thank you, kind sir.

      Gary :)

  34. Hi Gary - I'm surprised you've so many comments - anyone who can blaspheme around F as much as you do - deserves to retire to Eastbourne with or without a D for I think I'll resort to F and to top it you're going backwards ... really it is too much for a genteel ladeee from Eastbourne!

    Cheer - you're having some decent weather not like the F we're having ... Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I'm surprised I get any comments. Me blaspheme? Say it aint F-ing so! Ah yes, Eastbourne and retirement. I can see it now, dye my long red hair, blue and play grocery bingo.

      You know me, if everybody else is doing it one way, I do the exact opposite.

      Sunday is supposed to be sunny and warm. Hope you get some of our fabulous weather, my dear friend.

      Gary :)

  35. Ah, thanks for enlightening this sometimes small mind on Fidelina and Geoffrey, Gary/Klahanie. I like the concept.

    Be well. xo

    1. Hey Robyn,

      Not to worry, dear lady. Fidelina and Geoffrey are symbolic of a world without labels. Yes, it's sort of a "Beauty and the Beast" analogy :)

      A peaceful, positive day to you, Robyn.

      Gary x :)

  36. My paternal grandfather's family came from France. They must have been shocked when winter hit, eh? So cold, in fact, they couldn't break the ice and head back to France. Which is lucky for me. Though I'm not beyond breaking the ice. Gonna take pictures of it right now. Thanks for the F for France, dear Gary. When you get to D, you could make it D for Dear Gary!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      I bet they were astounded by all the ice, eh. So you be taking pictures of ice. How cool is that? Was this posting about France? The "F" it was! :)

      Take care, eh!

      Gary :)

  37. Ok I lost my train of thought on the way down here because i started to check out all your bloggy awards...You are a superstar too... Does Penny have a facebark page?... Her theme song could be the french sparrow singing non je ne regrette nien (excuse my french) - in honour of your alphabet anarchy, perhaps we can call her Edith Fiap.

  38. Hi Ida,

    My train of thought got derailed years ago :) I guess I shouldn't mention I have three more awards to add and make note of. I'm really lucky, I guess :)

    Penny was in the process of setting up her own 'farcebark' page. She is so busy and hasn't got back to it. On a wing and a prayer, Penny is contemplating your suggestions. Alphabet anarchy, all the way!

    Thank you, Ida :)


  39. Fun-filled entry...farcebook is officially my word-nerd word of the month...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Hi Tina,

      Fun-filled frolicking frenzy festival. May the 'Farcebook' be with you :) Thank you, Tina.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.