
Monday 8 April 2013

Something Regarding Queues.

S is for Syllable, the final frontier.  These are the voyages of the Starship Alphabet.  My one month mission, to explore strange new words, to seek out new linguistics and new consonants, to boldly go where no metaphor has gone before.

"Ah Captain, I canny no do a vowel moment!"  "Scotty!  You may be suffering from an irregular verb."  "Aye  Captain, aye!"  "Captain?"  "Yes Mr. Spock?"  "Can I have a look at your Captain's 'log'?"

R is for Repetition.  I repeat.  R is for Repetition.

Q is for Quota
Fulfilling the rota.
Q is for Queue
Or line up to you
An orderly Queue
We try to do
Q is for Queer
Have no fear
Q is for Queen
Know what I mean
We will rock you
One does, it's true
Q is for Quick
Fast and slick
Q is for Query
Agent ignores you, insincerely.


  1. Starship Alphabet - hilarious!!!
    Agent ignores me - not going to worry about it.

    1. Greetings Alex,

      Welcome aboard the Starship Alphabet.
      And Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has offered to um 'pawblish' your next book :)

  2. Ha, "vowel movement." I just saw that same phrase used on an episode of "House of Cards" on Netflix. Great minds think alike I guess.

    1. Greetings PT,

      Vowel movement, eh. It's only a few choice turds, I mean words! I certainly thought about your effin' Saturday posting :)

  3. A voyage into the new frontier....abcd... No no Captain Kirk. Stop singing that song. You're driving me mad. Mad I tell you. What's that you say William Shatner? Oh...weird or what?????? Great poem Gary.

  4. Greetings Delores,

    You have been taken aboard the Starship Alphabet and you have been ZYXed! William Shatner, Canadian sorting out the universe, eh.

    Thank you for liking my silly poem :)

  5. Klahanie
    Starship Alphabet.... Is that anything like the Good Ship Lollipop. Cause I can sing that. I like your Q poem. It was very QT.

    Take care and enjoy your Q-day

    1. Greetings Manzanita,

      Right on Q, you arrived. I would have replied sooner but I took a Quick trip to the candy shop...

      Thank you, you QT pie :)

  6. Oh no, Scotty canny no have a vowel movement? Do you think he might have inconsonants mixed with a bad case of irregular verb?

    This was quite cute and playful, Klhahanie & Gary.


    1. Greetings Robyn,

      Yes, I'm crazy. Almost four in the morning and I'm replying. I was so hoping somebody would do something with the consonant. You came up with a good 'anal'ogy :)

      Quite 'Qute', perhaps :) Thank Q, Robyn!


  7. And, if Q joins you on Patrick Stewart's bridge, you may want to hide. John de Lancie was quite the Q power house.

    1. Greetings Susan,

      I think Q would well be correct. I'm sure I saw that John de Lancie in an American daytime soap opera.

      Thank Q, Susan.

      Gary :)

  8. Are you doing this backwards ie starting from the letter "Z" and going to the letter "A" ? This is kind of fun too.

    1. Hi Munir,

      I'm not affiliated in any way with the challenge. Just a non-conformist who likes to cause a bit of mayhem :)

      Although this might being go from Z to A :)

      Thank Q, Munir.

      Gary :)

  9. Excellent post. Love the mission statement opening. And you did well rhyming with all those Qs.

    1. Greetings Jeff,

      Why thank Q very much! Rhyming with Q was fun to do.

      And right on Q, my comment ends.

      Gary :)

  10. Ah Gary, it seem the alphabet has gotten to you too and nice to see you give props to the awesome band, Queen! :)

    Take care!

    1. Hi Mark,

      The alphabet as you may know it, will never get to me :) Are you sure I meant the band, "Queen"? Another one bites the dust....

      Thank you, Mark.

      Gary :)

  11. Anyone who has sent out a Query will heartily appreciate that last one! I have read more blogs of people who are bemoaning their Query Letters... it does seem to send people into a tailspin of a RIGHTEOUS order. They are READY to be Beamed Up Immediately.

    1. Hi Robin,

      I thought that the "Query" reference would strike a chord with those who have been frustrated by the whole process. Phasers on stun, perhaps :)

      Thank you, Robin.

      Gary :)

  12. Well, I'm aboard your Starship for true Gary and you sure did bring back the memories of the famous Star-trek as I read your words, 'Aye Captain". I just know that I'm gonna be hearing it in my head all day now!
    Loved the Q poem too. Another great post.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Welcome aboard the "Starship Alphabet". Form an orderly Queue. Aye Captain....:)

      Thank you for your kind words, my friend.

      Gary :)

  13. What? No Tribbles on your starship??? :) Oh well, can't go wrong with Queen. :)

    1. Hi BZ Dogs,

      I bet you could do the 'B to Z Challenge' :) No Tribble at all, on my Starship :) We are the champions...

      Gary :)

  14. Great list Gary,


  15. Hi Gary .. I dunno hows you duz it ... brilliant and I'm completely lost in outer space - but who worries ... you and Penny will be there and will find pretty damn quick and rein me in back to earth, but without any queues to get back down please .. I'll be very P & Q ... just to keep all happy ...

    Cheers and have a warmer week - slightly?! Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I dunno how I duz it either. I'm in an alternate reality or unreality, if you like. Penny and I will bring you back down to earth. No worries with that. I do try to mind my P's and Q's :)

      Thank Q and I've actually been gardening!

      Gary :)

  16. I used to have this teacher who insisted the correct way to write "q" was always with a "u" so "qu". To this day I don't know how she got away with that!! LOL!! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      I would have asked her a "question" about her thinking. Thank Q, Old Kitty.


  17. You sure did hit your quota with the Q
    And going all starship too
    Backwards is the way to go
    Here at your show
    But what about Quiz
    Does that want to make you take a whiz?

    1. Ah Pat Hatt,

      Quota for you
      This be true
      Starship trooper
      Bit of a pooper
      Backwards we go
      To and fro
      Quiz is too much quantity
      Hope you liked my quality

  18. Oh Gary, you non-conformist you. I am a Star Wars fan personally so I always feel lost with Star Trek references. But I DO love me some Queen!!

    1. Hi Keith,

      Yes, I am a non-conformist! May the farce be with you :) Which Queen do you mean?

      Gary :)

  19. This is very funny! Gave me my first smile of the morning. The opening rocks (just as Queen) hahaha. Good, Gary!

    1. Hi Al Diaz,

      Why thank Q very much :) Glad it made you smile. And to make sure my comment doesn't 'dragon', I want it all and I want it now :)

      Thanks, Al Diaz.

      Gary :)

  20. LOL! The metaphors have been to many new places now.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Ah yes, the Starship Alphabet flies through space amongst a galaxy of mixed up letters.

      Thank Q, Diane.


  21. Hahahaha... I was just on Pat Hatts blog and he always Rhymes. Me... I can't rhyme worth a dime.

    1. Hi Terry,

      Ah Pat in the Hatt
      And his crazy cat

      You can rhyme,
      Worth a dime
      To coin a phrase
      I give you praise.

      Gary :)

  22. Loved this Gary! You're always slick with words and thank you for making me smile!

    1. Hey Shanaz,

      That's very kind of Q, I mean you :) Words just slip through my finger tips. Makes it darned difficult to type. Lovely to see you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  23. I enjoyed you poem Gary. Hope Mr. Spock finds what he's looking for in the Captain's log. I wonder what it might be?

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thank you for enjoying my poem. Aha, I see you noted the Captain's 'log'. Mr. Spock wanted to see if the Captain used corn for texture.

      Thank you, Elise.

      Gary :)

  24. Nice lines, and Q is one of my favourite Star Trek characters too, which is nice. A Q word for you today - quadragenarian, for I am one. A right one in fact. :)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for liking my lines. "Q" was quite the quirky character. I'm shocked by this revelation. I thought you were barely of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages!

      Thank Q, Michelle.

      Gary :)

  25. So clever! I especially like the "We will rock you" for Queen :)

    1. Hi Gwen,

      Thanks for that. All I hear is Lady Gaga. Sorry, all I hear is Radio Gaga...:)

      Thank you, Gwen.

      Gary :)

  26. 'R is for Repetition. I repeat. R is for Repetition' Love it :)

    'Q is for Query
    Agent ignores you, insincerely'. My favourite! So true ...

    Good post, good sir :)

    1. Gidday Wendy,

      I reckoned you would notice that line. And no, I wont repeat it :) Here's wishing you more positive times, Wendy.

      Thank you :)


  27. vowel movement, irregular vowels and inconsonant -thanks for the giggle this morning, I repeat thanks for the giggle this morning :)

    1. Hi Ida,

      I repeat, hi Ida :) Some might think my postings have 'irritable vowel syndrome :)

      Thank Q, Ida.

      Gary :)

  28. Good choice of words, Gary. Let me add one: q is for qualm... I like this word for some reason.

    Happy week!

    1. Hi Julia,

      Thank you very much. I have no qualms over you liking qualm :) I live in a quintessential English town :)

      Thanks, Julia and a happy week to you.

      Gary :)

  29. Like your thoughts on "Q". It's great to stop and think about the ordinary. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Angelika,

      Thank you for that. I like to stop and think about the quirky. Be well and thank you.

      Gary :)

  30. Thanks so much for the laugh!!! That little intro is the most priceless piece of wonderfulness!!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      I'm very glad this gave you a laugh :) Time for me to go explore strange new words....

      Thanks, Elizabeth.

      Gary :)

  31. Hi Joylene.

    Queen queries Queen. One does a gig, the other waves to the peasants.

    Very good, Joylene. I like what you did with this. I remember when "Mum" was spelt with a capital "M" or and apologies to my spell check, "Mom", y'all.

    Your alliteration dazzles the nation. My comment back was getting dangerously close to being "Quotidian"....

    Have fun with your game of quash! I'm starting to feel queasy.

    Thank Q, Joylene.

    Gary :)

  32. Thanks for passing by my ever so humble A to Z effort, in my own little way I like to think I have found a way of being slightly alternative while being good and sticking to the rules.

    And your alternative A to Z is attracting more interest that the real one for those of us out on the fringes of its structure, so well done kind Sir

    1. Hi Rob,

      You write a darned good blog, my friend. I think you have found a quirky balance that suits your good self.

      Despite my amount of comments, I'm actually on the fringes. Sadly there are a few involved in the A to Z for what I consider the wrong reasons. I think it's very sad that some do it just to accumulate followers and self-promote without reciprocation. Thank you for your kind words. You have my utmost admiration.


  33. I understand from another blog post that laughter can lower your blood pressure. I'm all out of blood pressure after this visit.

    And do agents ignore you with insincerity? That's most distressing. I need to lie down.

    1. Hi C. Lee,

      I know of such a blog you mention :) Your kindness is warmly welcomed.

      Apparently, a number of my aspiring writer friends have encountered an indifference with agents. I think I also need to lie down :)

      Thank you, C. Lee.

      Gary :)

  34. Quick, before I go quackers.
    Boldly slouching where William Shat his last show. You know.
    RRRR is the rolling of the deep space nine... no Scotty, we c'not stop there. They have no S beams. Only queues...long lines and Klingons are clinging to those.

    I'm malfunctioning, Gary. quick quack, grab a shaque, roll him off your back...give a dog a bone... wtf, I'm going home.

    By the way: Love the photo of home! xx

    1. Hi Dixie,

      Quickly quacking quite quirky.
      William Shitner in Boston Legal. I Klingon to your every word. While Spock clings onto the Captain's turd.

      Well this old man came rolling home.

      Can you believe somebody thought the photo was Sydney, Australia? Yikes! :)

      Be well, dear lady.

      Gary xx

  35. How did I miss this stunning post? At least I have found my way here in the end.
    Thank you - another brilliant reverse alphabet soup. And no, I don't mean a regurgitated alphabet soup.

    1. Hi Elephant's child,

      I think I was stunned when I wrote this post :) I think Mr. Spock found the Captain's log in the end. Ah yes, reverse alphabet soup. I can hardly wait to get to the letter "F"!

      Thank Q very much.

      Gary :)

  36. For a moment I thought you were participating in the challenge, Gary!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      For a moment there I thought you were going to comment on my posting. You know I don't do blog hops or blogfests. And like I have promoted the A to Z an awful lot for those who were thinking about participating, I want to thank you and all those other co-hosts for mentioning my alternative alphabet challenge :) I mean, that's what the ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community is all about. Thank you, dear friend.

      Gary :)

  37. Loved this! Shared and tweeted. You are definitely quick and slick.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      That's very kind of you to share and tweet my posting. Thank Q, Shelly :)

      Gary :)

  38. :-)

    You are a clever, quick-witted one, klahanie!


  39. Hey Pearl,

    Did you send your comment from a bus? :)

    Your starstruck fan,

    Gary :)

  40. Beware of the tribbles while you're on your voyage!

    Love the poem.

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,

      I shall avoid tribbles wherever I go :)

      Thanks for loving the poem.

      Gary :)

  41. YOU come to MY blog and tell ME how to write? Then you don't even return to see if I obeyed. . .

    You overuse the bold application. Just use CAPS like I do.

  42. Hi lotta joy,

    Thank you for commenting on my posting. Thank you and have a nice day :)

  43. Spectacularly clever. Never fear, once my duties are done I will read ALL your alternative postings. You had me with the Star Trek...but then again, I've been your adoring fan since I read you bio...

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Hi Tina,

      You are way too kind :) Please, you have enough to do without checking my previous postings. You will end up finding yourself at the letter "Z" :) Okay, time to teleport myself the heck outta' here...

      Thank Q, Tina.

      Your adoring fan,

      Gary :)

  44. Very Q-ool. And more clever than my Q word!

    1. Hi Christine,

      Right on Q, you have arrived :) Plenty of "Q" words from Quirky to Quotidian :) Would you like some more um 'Q-Tips'?

      Thank Q, Christine.

      Gary :)

  45. hahaha - love it!


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.