
Friday 15 March 2013

"The Call Of Agon" By Dean F. Wilson.

I would like to introduce to you a fine youth author.  Dean F. Wilson's first published novel, "The Call of Agon : Book One Of The Children Of Telm", is now available for purchase.  Dean recently contacted me and asked if I could possibly bring further awareness of his book.  It's my pleasure to do so.
An Interview with Dean F. Wilson.

Question 1 :  When did you first realise you have a passion for writing?

"When I was a child. I remember starting writing properly (as in not just for school) at age 11, but my family think I started younger. 11 was when I started writing my first novel, however. It began as a film script, but after a while I thought I would have more luck by writing the book and then the script later when the book was a success. Then I fell in love with the art of writing fiction, and scriptwriting has never been my cup of tea since. I also recall school teachers pointing out when I was even younger that I came up with very interesting and unusual constructions of sentences, which I think was the first sign that words would be my art."

Question 2 :  Do you write according to a routine?

"Yes and no. My "day job" is journalism, so I have to work on a stricter routine for that. News gets old, and at the end of the day I need to make a regular income, so it's a daily requirement. My fiction has been off and on over the years, but it is becoming a bigger part of my life than ever, and I am delighted to be able to live out my childhood dream. I can write when inspiration hits, but I can also write by just forcing myself to sit at the computer. Often you cannot wait for inspirationit needs to be sought out."

Question 3 :  What motivates your writing?

"Probably my greatest motivation is the desire to explore real human experiences in creative and evocative ways. Language is a very potent tool, and I love reading books where a single sentence will stop me in my tracks with its elegance and brilliance. Some of these can stay with you for a long time, hitting a nerve and resonating with a part of the human psyche or soul. Fantasy has the potential to be particularly powerful. On the surface it seems like little more than imagination, but it can address real things in a way that contemporary fiction cannot. In many ways it is a deceptive genre, delivering a message beneath the surface of myth."

Question 4 :  What author or authors inspired you?

"In the fantasy genre, which I primarily write in, I would have to include Tolkien, of course, but there are dozens of others who have been directly and indirectly influenced by him, including George R.R. Martin and Stephen Donaldson, whose work I enjoy. I tend to like darker stories, so a touch of Neil Gaiman goes a long way, and for something lighter there's always Terry Pratchett. The latter two joined forces quite well in the excellent Good Omens. I think the old reliables like Shakespeare, the Greek epic poets Homer and Virgil, and more recent poets like W.B. Yeats have also been a significant influence on my style."

Question 5 :  What message would you like to share with an aspiring author?  

"Many people say they would like to write a book, but the thing that makes you an author is perseverance. You have to sit down and write, rain or shine, whether the mood strikes you or not. It requires a lot of discipline, and it is a very lonely art, but it is also extremely rewarding. Watching and participating in the unfolding of a story is an amazing process. The best way to learn the craft is to write, and to read often and widely. Ultimately success boils down to those who endure, whether it is in the painstaking process of writing itself or the often more painful process of publishing thereafter. So keep at it."

"Thanks again, Gary."

You're very welcome, Dean.  Thank you for such excellent responses to the interview questions.

The Blurb for "The Call of Agon : Book One Of The Children Of Telm."

Ifferon is one of the last in the bloodline of the dead god Telm, who mated with mortal women, and who imprisoned the Beast Agon in the Underworld. Armed with a connection to the estranged gods in the Overworld and a scroll bearing Telm’s powerful dying words, he is tasked with ensuring the god’s vital legacy: that Agon remain vanquished. Fear forces Ifferon to abandon his duty, but terror restores his quest when the forces of Agon find his hideaway in an isolated coastal monastery.
Weighed down by the worries of the world, but lifted up by the companions he encounters along the way, Ifferon embarks on a journey that encompasses the struggles of many peoples, the siege of many lands, and discoveries that could bring hope to some—or doom to all."
You can find out further information about Dean's book and other contact information at the following link : Dean F. Wilson

In conclusion, to give you an idea of Dean's intriguing book, I leave you with the above video.  And Dean, here's wishing you much success and fulfilment with your writing endeavours.   Continue to share your love of the magic that is the written word.


  1. Best wishes for the sure success of the book. Great interview, Gary, Dean sounds like someone we should know!

    1. Hi Kim,

      I know that Dean will be encouraged by your comment. I'm wishing Dean much success. Glad you enjoyed the interview.

      Be well, my friend.

      Gary :)

  2. That was chilling. I've got to find this one.

    1. Found it, bought it, read it. Y'all need to read this one...really good.

    2. Hi Delores,

      What a wonderful endorsement for Dean. Thank you.

      Gary :)

  3. Tolkien has influenced so many of us! His books were my first real introduction to fantasy and I was totally hooked!

    Good luck with your book Dean!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Ah yes,Tolkien. And of course I've mentioned that he was influenced in his writing by observing the locals in the town I live :) No, not me!

      Thanks for your good luck wishes to Dean.

      Gary :)

  4. Replies
    1. Hey PT,

      It does from what I've been able to read of it. Keep alive your writing dreams, PT.

      Gary :)

  5. I do not read these kind of books but I can tell you that by his answers to your questions.....Dean sounds like an excellent writer.

    1. Hi middle child,

      From my interaction with him and checking out his writing, I predict much success for him. Be well, my friend.

      Gary :)

  6. That sounds fascinating. Thank you Gary for bringing it to my attention - and good luck Dean. I am sure you will do well.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,

      And thank you for reading this posting in regards to Dean's book. I know he appreciates the supportive wishes.

      Take good care.

      Gary :)

  7. Gary, thanks for telling us about another new book, and helping the author by promoting it. Dean, good luck to you.

    1. Hi Susan Flett Swiderski,

      Like you, my honour (honor) :) to bring awareness of an author. Indeed, good luck to Dean.

      Take it easy.

      Gary :)

  8. I can't remember which author said it now (my memory is terrible) but a famous author I know it was once said: "I hate writing. I love having written." I think that is the truth for us all. It is almost giving birth. You hate the actual process of having the baby, but love the child once it arrives. And I agree with the comments about what separates a true writer from someone who wants to write; it is the commitment. It is the doing it. I am in a stagnation period right now. I am unable to commit to the doing, so I am a Wanna Be Writer at the moment. Until I decide to do it I cannot call myself a Writer. And them are the Facts. Thank you for sharing this Gary:)

    1. Hi Robin,

      I can certainly understand what you mean. Although, in my case, writing is a no pressure, no expectations deal. I just do whatever, whenever. I don't seem to have the discipline to formulate any sort of writing routine. Thankfully, I don't care.

      My friend, you will write when the moment feels right. I know this may seem like a worn out thought. But Robin, you are a writer. Whether published or not, anybody who shares the magic of the written word with others, is a writer :)

      I'm delighted to be able to share this and bring further attention to Dean.

      Please look after yourself, Robin.

      Gary :)

  9. Congrats to Dean on his new book and I'm sure with Penny helping his career, he'll go far! :)

    1. Hi Mark,

      You betcha'. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! An acclaimed 'pawblisher'!

      Gary :)

  10. This was a really good interview Gary and good luck to Dean. I like fantasy too and this book sound like an excellent read. I'll definitely check it out!

    1. Hi Elise,

      Thank you, dear friend. I'm sure he's going to do very well. I'm into a bit of fantasy. I had this dream where all my adoring fans were chasing me down the street and praising me with such adulation. Then I woke up and back to reality! :)

      Kind wishes,

      Gary :)

  11. "... a single sentence will stop me in my tracks with its elegance and brilliance." He already sounds like a seasoned and polished writer. Congratulations to Dean!

    1. Hi Alex,

      You summed it up with the quote from the interview with Dean.

      Thank you, Alex.

      Gary :)

  12. Replies
    1. Hi John Gray,

      I know Dean will appreciate your best wishes.

      Thank you, John.

      Gary :)

  13. Gary,
    A pleasure to read your interview with Dean. You are a great bloggie buddy to send out these positive vibes for him. This IS the day.
    My best for Dean's success.
    Ending with a flourish

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Thank you, dear lady. Just like you, I like to send out positive vibes and truly embrace the ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community.

      I know Dean will be blessed because of your positive thoughts.

      In peace and kindness,

      Gary :)

  14. Thank you so much Gary for posting this, and your kind words. A heartfelt thank you also to everyone who commented. For those who read the book, I hope you enjoy it :)


    1. Hi Dean,

      It was my pleasure to help bring further awareness of your novel. I've every confidence that those who read your book will enjoy it and pass on a glowing endorsement.

      Keep going and much fulfilling writing to you.

      Gary :)

  15. You can't wait for inspiration - you just have to sit down and work until you feel inspired. And if not, keep writing anyway.

    1. Hi Diane,

      You certainly summed it up. Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of sources.

      Thank you, Diane.

      Gary :)

  16. Dean, your book sounds really good. And you're so right, perseverance is a huge factor in being an author. Where would we be without it.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Having had a further look into Dean's book, I believe it will be a great success for him. You, dear lady, are the epitome of perseverance!

      Gary :)

  17. Ooops, forgot to say howdy to Gary! Yo, Gary!

    1. Joylene!

      Hello to you. How's it goin', eh?!

      Gary :)

  18. Sounds wonderful, Dean! Nice that you shared this with everyone, Gary! Best of luck with promotion and sales!

    1. Hi M.J.,

      I was most happy to bring more awareness of Dean. I've been noticing his promotions and it bodes well for him.

      Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  19. Best of luck to Dean. I'm slowly learning that I can't wait for inspiration, just have to force myself to do it.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      Indeed, best of luck to Dean. I find having no inspiration can be an inspiration. That makes no sense! Sorry.

      Be well, Elizabeth.

      Gary :)

  20. Hi Y'all!

    Hi to Penny too!

    What an interesting author. I'm always looking for new authors for my Humans...they read just about anything which they can find...'course with an active boy like me plus their real lives...time to read is limited.

    Thanks for sharing Corina's story.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Howdy Hawk!

      I bet you read those books to your humans! That would be in between you taking them for walks! :)

      Always glad to share such important stories as Corina's.

      Penny sends you pawsitive wishes.

      Penny's human,

      Gary :)

  21. Great interview
    As you are oh so nice at your zoo
    Where is the sass?
    Bring back the Penny lass
    But we agree
    Have to it and write rain or shine should you every what a book to come due at your sea

    1. Ah Pat Hatt,

      Great interview
      That be true
      This aint no zoo
      What's the matter with you?
      The Penny lass
      Is full of gas
      I do agree
      There's inspiration out in the sea.

      Gary :)

  22. You are a generous soul, Gary. Dean and his book sound fascinating. Hope it sells well, and others are encouraged by his interview.

    1. Hi Susan Kane,

      Very kind of you. Wishing him well with his book and may his interview give heart to others.

      Thank you, Susan,

      Gary :)

  23. Do you read the books before you suggest others read them? I'm asking because, well. . . you know. ahem

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      I have read snippets of the book. I consider, from what I've read, it's a worthwhile read. I'm not suggesting but rather bringing awareness of an author's book. It's up to who ever reads this posting to make their own conclusions.

      And even without reading ahem you know what I mean, I would be happy to promote it and let those who read the posting, make their own conclusions.

      Now then, you look after yourself and mind where you go....

      Gary :)

  24. Replies
    1. Hi Sara,

      Thanks and I believe you promote books?

      All the best to you.

      Gary :)

  25. How cool you got to interview the author. I do a lot of reading but have never heard of this author. Thanks so much for a great interview!

    1. Hi My Journey With Candida,

      Yes, it's well cool interviewing the author. This is a new author and he approached me to see if I could possible bring more awareness of his book. I'm delighted you enjoyed the interview. Thank you, my friend.

      Gary :)

  26. A very smart interview indeed :-)

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Nice to see you. It was a thought provoking interview :)

      Thank you, Lisa and stay warm.

      Gary :)

  27. Great interview. Yes persistence is very important to writing success and dogged determination. Ay Penny! I wish I had more of that.

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      Lovely to see you :) Such an important factor to writing success, for sure.

      Penny has pawsitive pawsistence! Thank you, Madeliene.

      Penny's human,

      Gary :)

  28. Good interview, Gary. And yes, when you don't feel inspired to write, a writer must do so anyway.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thanks for thinking it was a good interview. And write a way, anyway.

      Thank you, Shelly.

      Gary :)

  29. Well gary you out did yourself yet again! Not only did you do a fantabulous interview reminding me to go write and just keep going but you intro'd a fab book indeed for recommedation.

    Your welcome from your star gazing friend! :D

    1. Hi Tammy,

      It seems an all round positive result from this. A fab interview, a fab book and you, such a fab lady. What a fab outcome.

      I hope you are gazing at stars and not Uranus! :) Thank you so much for your incredibly awesome comment, Tammy!

      Gary :)

  30. You have to sit down and write, rain or shine, whether the mood strikes you or not.

    This is So true. Thanks for this interview, Gary, and wishing Dean all the best with his book!

    1. Hi Damyanti,

      You have stated it perfectly, my friend.

      My delight to interview Dean and I'm sure he will do well with his book.

      Thank you, Damyanti.

      Gary :)

  31. Hi Gary and Dean .. what a lovely perspective on writing a book and writing in general ... I loved the video - and I'm sure Call of Agon will be a success - all the very best .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      It was an excellent perspective on writing by Dean. The video is amazing. I predict wonderful things for Dean.

      Be well and keep warm, Hilary.

      Gary :)

  32. Thanks for the heads up about Dean, whom I wish well.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thank you for passing on those kind wishes to Dean. One day, with your ongoing determination, I wish for it to be you I interview about your book :)

      Be well, dear friend.

      Gary :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.