
Friday 1 March 2013

Listening To The Inner Child.

We all have choices.  In the past, I made the mistake of giving in to negative thoughts. The screaming chatter in my head that told me I was useless and not worthy of being a part of society.  A pathetic man trapped in his self-imposed prison.  And I clung onto those thoughts.  Reinforced by those who exploited my vulnerability and compounded by me.

In one last gasp attempt, I reached out for the last remaining shreds of my self-worth, my dignity. Negative energy will not be given permission to sabotage my right to a peaceful, positive life.  I will not drown in the sea of despair.  Now I walk along the beach of dreams where the sea and the sky embrace.  Beyond the horizon, the voices in the chorus of compassion, the instruments in the orchestra of enlightenment, merge together, flow as one, in peaceful, rhythmic harmony.

I challenged my fears.  Understood that the inner critic tells lies.  Yes, I have been scared.  Yet through those dark clouds of fear, I found inspiration.  Inspiration to carry on, to face any outcome, with a resolve, a determination that has made my heart, my soul, rejoice with the knowledge that when you seek the good, you find the good.  I began to listen to my inner child.  For the inner child reveals the truth.

A positive environment starts from within and transcends to the world beyond.

The past few weeks have been painful, hopeful.  Moments where I sat in a darkened room, stared out at the stars and felt the solitary tear flow down my cheek.  My life has been one of bizarre contradictions.  I am the reluctant recluse who when he braves the outside world, becomes a man who brings that smile to someone who seems so sad.

I have made many a mistake and lessons are learnt.  I am not defined by my mistakes.  What I learn from my mistakes, defines me.


  1. Doesn't matter the past - it's what you do with your future that matters.
    Gary, you are a shining light of positive for many. Don't lose that. Don't forget it. When so many chose to wallow in the negative and the critical, be that person who always sees the best.

    1. Hi Alex,

      My friend, that's what I'm saying in the posting. You are basically reinforcing my thoughts. Thank you.


  2. I always try to be positive and try to find the bright side of any situation. At times it can be really hard and sometimes, impossible.

    1. Hi Dizzy-Dick,

      I know it aint easy and it can be darned hard work to remain positive when there can be so many opposing forces trying to undermine your positive ideals.

      I do my best to try and distance myself from the 'positive energy saboteurs'. And although I have the positive energy coming from the other side of the computer screen, I basically challenge it in my 3D world, on my own. Yet, that makes me resilient and determined. Thank you, good sir.


  3. Yeah whatever we do it jut helps us in the future as we can hopefully learn from it and keep on going, not getting stuck in the past.

  4. Hi Pat,

    Indeed, no point dwelling on the past. We learn and we move on. Thank you, Pat.


  5. Good going Gary. That is the right attitude. Your post is very inspiring indeed.

    1. Hi Munir,

      Thank you. I do my best to maintain a positive focus. Your words are very kind and I'm grateful.

      Enjoy your weekend.


  6. Hi Gary, I have recently come to understand the uselessness in dwelling in the negative aspects of my past. So like you, I have been moving forward with courage and faith. Thank you for sharing this lovely post.


    1. Hi Madison,

      Indeed, it be useless to relive the past and immerse ourselves back into a negativity that would overwhelm us. Recently, our evil British government has forced me to go over the past I did my best to move on from. Thus, this post reinforces my positive determination. Thank you for your kind words. We share the powerful gift of empathy, my friend.

      Gary :)

  7. True courage is standing tall in the face of fear. You, my friend, have true courage!

    Stay strong and take care.

    1. Hi Mark,

      Through the face of adversity, I know we can choose to let it suffocate our lives, or use it as inspiration to move on. Thank you for your supportive words, Keith.

      May your positive strength be a continuing force for all that is good.

      All the best,


  8. I'm glad that's working for you. I prefer to go the opposite way.

    1. Hi PT,

      I'm not sure what that opposite way would be. I think there's a bit of the devil's advocate happening here. Be well and stay determined. You've got a lot going for you.


  9. Trying very hard over here to leave the past IN the past....trying hard not to listen to the inner's a constant effort.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I had, as best I could, leave the past in the past. Then the powers that be, decided to force me to dredge up a past I'd wanted to forget. The inner chatter tries to sabotage our lives. The inner chatter tries to dismiss the validity of the inner child, the curious, the good part of us, the part that wants us to be happy. Yes, it can be hard work being positive. The alternative is a place I do not want to go back to. Thank you, Delores and stay warm.


    2. It's very hard to keep something in the past when someone is always trying to bring it back and shove it in your face....keep strong Gary...

    3. Thank you, Delores. I'm finding strength from the adversity and the caring of decent folks like you. A lot of folks in Britain are being subjected to a cruel assessment by a government that is making people who are sick, feel sicker. They will not win and I stay strong and inspired :)

  10. You have been through a lot these last few years (that I've known you). I think you continually focus on the positive. Moving forward with only positive people around you will help keep you positive. It is easier to believe the negative stuff, so in contrast say positive things to yourself EVERY day. ((hug))

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Thank you, Sharon and I do keep a positive focus, even when I've been overwhelmed with a negative set of circumstances. We both know that we have surround ourselves with positive people that would encourage rather than undermine you. Positive affirmations are a part of my daily life. Big hugs to you, Sharon.

      Gary :)

  11. I really love the ending of this post. "I am not defined by my mistakes. What I learn from my mistakes, defines me." That is a HUGE TRUTH. When people really LIVE that it changes everything. It is one of those things that makes total sense when you hear it, but nothing is worth anything until it's put into practice. Taking this one step further we all need to forgive ourselves more. I really want to soak in this two statements for a while and let them seep into me and until I know them as surely as you do. They are GAME CHANGING ideas that will turn your life around. **Awesome post**

    1. Hi Robin,

      I am most heartened by your comment and I thank you with much gratitude. Indeed, the game changed and the peaceful winner lay beating in the heart of the inner child. Practice, genuine motivation to change, is the key to having the positive life we deserve. I do my best to live life with realistic anticipation, rather than negative speculation. Your words resonate, Robin. Thank you.

      In kindness,

      Gary :)

  12. You are SUCH an inspirational person. Thank you so much, for being you.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,

      Your words inspire back, my dear friend. I firmly believe that being transparent, not only helps me, but can give those who are struggling, some comfort.

      Thank you and peace be with you.

      In kindness and gratitude,


  13. What you say Gary is very, very true, but at times can be extremely hard, especially with what what is going on at the moment thanks to our beloved government! Having said that, your words and thoughts inspire me to battle through the day and hopefully come out the other side a more positive and dare I say it, a better man.
    Thank you Gary,
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

    1. HI John,

      Thank you, John. Actually, the underlying theme within the posting was how this awful government has tried to dredge up pain I had moved on from. I was subjected to bringing back a dark time that should have been left where it belonged, in the past.

      Yet, dear friend, through such adversity, we shall gain positive strength and resistance. You shall see. Unlike what David Cameron and his immoral pals state, those who truly care, know we are all in this together, sharing, caring, helping each other. You, despite your challenge, will know that you are a better man. You will hold your head high and be proud. Thank you, John.

      In admiration and respect,


  14. You are such an inspiration. Hang on to that inner child :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you and I know we both understand that the inner child, the curious, sweet, innocent child, reveals the truth.

      Bless you, Teresa,

      Gary :) x

  15. I can relate to you Gary, I too have and am scared but if one gives in to negative thoughts we are letting life pass by,

    Have a great week-end.
    Yvonne.(I have a new blog title called Poetry From The Heart)

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      I have been challenged by a bombardment of negativity over the last few months. Yet, I would not allow my inner critic torture me with chatter that is nothing but lies. A positive direction forward for us all. Be well, Yvonne.

      I cannot access your latest blog, Yvonne. Will see if we can find it.

      Stay positive, my friend.


  16. Hi Gary .. it's funny how we can so often think life is terrible - yet when we think of many others ours is tolerable ... and thinking positive and being positive seems to attract like-minded people - and if anything/anybody niggles me I get away as soon as I can.

    There's always another way - and you've found that .. you had it in you and you're giving us wise words arising from the crud of life, that we can so easily fall into ..

    Blogging seriously helps .. there's many positive people here ... have a happy weekend - looks Spring is slowly coming .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I know how blessed my life is. And as you do, I do my best to be of help to those less fortunate. Positivity breeds positivity and of course, it's vital to surround ourselves with people who encourage rather than attempt to devalue us.

      I have found that adversity can be challenged. How dare negative factors try to undermine our lives. This posting, a positive affirmation that we can realise a better way. With the impending spring, the rejuvenation of heart and soul, continues. Hope you had a peaceful, pleasant weekend.



  17. This was some amazing introspection Gary. I read once that the key to a happy life is living through the eyes of a curious child. I think there's some truth to that. Also, I love that you wrote that you are not defined by your mistakes, but rather, what you've learned from your mistakes. Great post my friend.


    1. Hi Keith,

      Thank you, my friend. Introspection and verbalisation. Therapeutic, cathartic and sharing. To continue to live life with the inquisitive nature of a child gives us the continued gift of understanding the beauty all round. Lessons are learnt from mistakes. And the lessons learnt will be a definitive statement in our ongoing progress down the positive pathway.

      Peace be with you, Keith.


  18. Wonderful, Gary. I have my moments in both camps (see my current post), but overall I am far more positive than negative. My inner child has been keeping me sane for the past seven decades. Also, a sense of humor helps (again, see my current post).

    I admire you, my friend.

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Thank, you my good friend. And yes, we can wander from camp to camp. I prefer to stay at the happy camp with the warm camp fire. Not always possible, but we do our best. The inner child and the key to your keeping yourself together. And yes, as you will know, I checked out your post and a sense of humour, laced with a bit of irony, goes a long way.

      With kindness and admiration, your way,


  19. IF ONLY these good thoughts and outlook would last. We all experience a period of hearing the birds singing and not caring about red lights.

    This too will pass. Sad, but true.

    If you can maintain this attitude, not only will you live longer, but you'll enjoy the second chance.

    And if you manage to maintain it, PLEASE let me sit at your feet and learn from the master.

    I love you Gary. I admire you. I wish I could offer you some tea, and Penny a biscuit.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      Whenever I get bombarded by negative aspects beyond my control, my inner critic can have a right good time. However, during some recent daunting times, I told my inner critic to shut the hell up and I was going to get through the crap. I did and the birds sing more often and hey, I'm even getting more green lights, even in a metaphorical sense.

      I maintain a positive attitude more often than not. The negative moments of self-doubt are further in between. The key is to not give negativity permission to control our lives. It suffocates, it kills. We have so much to live for and share with each other. I refuse to go back to that dark place, despite the efforts of the evil forces reminding me of that dark place. How dare they. They can try all they want, but combined with my inner child, they will never, ever win.

      Love, a virtual cup of British tea, your way. Penny appreciates the biscuit! :)

      Stay focused on the positive. It's your right to have a peaceful, happy life.

      In kindness and warm wishes,


  20. I read your beautiful words and felt hopeful. You are just what the doctor ordered, Gary. Thank you for reinforcing my strength to seek out my inner child. Thank you for moving me so deeply with your words. We joke a lot, because that's what sad people do, laugh at themselves. A way of survival, yes, but also the ability to become a magnet that draws us to them and them to us, people we need in our lives. You may be in England and I may be in Canada, but having you in my day has made a huge difference. Hallelujah for finding the courage to carrying on. With each step you make, so many of us are right there with you, even if it's only to take baby steps.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Your words are truly touching and resonate with the hopeful sense you understood. The inner child wants to have fun, play, be joyous, be curios and in awe of the simple things. Time to stop the fast pace and find those special moments that are our beautiful reality.

      We joke and yes, we can even be a bit silly. It is indeed a coping mechanism and yet it's still okay to look at the absurdity that life can throw our way. It's a magnet of understanding, or trying to understand. In ways, we are only distanced by the miles, but not by the powerful gift of empathy that you and I so profoundly share.

      I share my travels along the pathway to a more positive life. Oh yes, the pathway will have potholes, but that's all part of the learning. Let's all make baby steps together and rejoice with the curios spirit of our inner child. Bless you, Joylene.


  21. 'I am not defined by my mistakes. What I learn from my mistakes, defines me'.

    Well said, Gary. Thinking of you. As always. Take care xx

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thank you, dear lady. And in your ongoing adventure to make your dream that wondrous reality, sense those words.

      Peace be with you, Wendy. My kind thoughts to you over in New Zealand :)

      Gary xx

  22. You kindness and positivity shines through, Gary. Your posts are an inspiration to many, me included. Sending you posiive thoughts in return :)

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      I'm most heartened by your thoughtful words. I know we can all be here to inspire each other. I'm grateful for that and your positive thoughts are warmly embraced. Thank you, Suzanne.

      Gary :)

  23. if it weren't for mistakes we would never learn and grow. You are a beautiful soul, you have a beautiful spirit. Has anyone told you that you are a master at crafting words?

    1. Hi Caren,

      Ah yes, mistakes and what we do about them can make us more determined to change and rethink. Your words flatter and I'm deeply grateful to know you. My high school English teacher in grade 8 said my writing was some of the best he had ever read. Shucks, I thought! :) You are very kind to say that, Caren.

      Peace and good wishes,


  24. The statement in the last line of your post is so true. Holding on to positivity is vital.

    1. Hi The Golden Eagle,

      Indeed, much better to live life with realistic, positive anticipation. The alternative is a place I would rather not go back to. Thank you and have a lovely day.

      Gary :)

  25. Gary,
    I feel peace from your post. Now that you have purged your fears of recent weeks, this peace settles over your writing like a diaphanous blanket. You are done with the choppy fears and life can go on, like a beautiful waltz. A wonderfully positive post.
    Love and peace

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      There is peace in my post, absolutely. I challenged my fears and did have moments where it almost seemed too much. Yet, head on and with the support of you and so many, I headed forward. Forward with determination that no matter what, I could handle it. The most stressful part was a government trying to get me to relive a past I had wanted to file under forgotten.

      Thank you, dear lady. Peaceful thoughts, your way,

      Gary :)

  26. Your inner child plays well with mine ;)

    Its hard to know what to say, gary...because you do send me such cheer with long forget-me-not comments. Don't let the adversary grip you and rely on that which brings you a good sense of peace. *cue monk humming*

    1. Hi Tammy,

      Hey Tammy, shall we play a game of hide and seek? :) Peek a boo, I see you!

      Ah yes, my rather rambling, bordering on nonsensical comments on your much loved blog site. Oops.... The adversity challenged me, yet made me resilient and defiant towards some negative forces that are imposing on my life and the lives of so many vulnerable folks in Britain.

      I'm a pretty peaceful dude. Ommmm....why not, I chant. Be well and I'm now going to dance through a field of flowers....

      Gary :)

  27. Hi Y'all,
    It's Hawk here and his Human...just sayin' you have the most wonderful gift of prose...your words are images, your sentences draw pictures, your posts bring smiles or tears to the readers. We are so glad you and Penny are able to enjoy more peaceful time.
    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Human

    1. Howdy Hawk and your Human,

      Your words dance back to me with thoughtful resonance. Penny and myself are heartened that the words bring images and our thoughts reveal the emotions, be they of joy, of wonder, of hope, of tears. A peaceful time we embrace. And may the peaceful times grow ever stronger for wonderful, loving animals such as you. Indeed, for the humans that are blessed to know you, Hawk.

      Peace from me and pawsitivity, from Penny :)

  28. Well said, Gary, well said!
    My inner child is both my curse and my salvation. I too have found the negative side of life the most challenging. And yet when I was younger and faced with the horror that was my life I found the courage to get past it. I survived with a strength and determination to win that amazes me to this day, because somewhere in adulthood I lost it -- all of it, all of me. Now I seek out that individual, the one who looked past the horror and found life worth living.
    I can honestly say, I've found her, and yet the struggle remains -- as I'm sure it does for all who have climbed that mountain -- only to find that the world is full of mountains.
    Peace be with you, dear friend!

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      Thank you, dear friend. I can understand your thoughts of it being a curse and a salvation. The true essence of your inner child, are pure and profound. Your memories of the horrors you encountered, confused and no doubt scared the inner child. Yet, you, my friend, gained strength and resilience from those past times.

      In adulthood, it seems the past continued to haunt and for some time, the horror overwhelmed. Now you look within and you search, search to find a way beyond the struggle. Together, all of us, can do our best to hold each other's hand and aid us beyond the struggle. When we finally climb to the highest mountain of them all, we will see a wonderful panorama. A panorama that leaves the pure, the good, the sweet, innocent child within, with a sense of magical wonder.

      Bless you and we walk along with you on that positive pathway.

      With admiration and peaceful wishes, your way,


  29. What a beautiful post, Gary. You should be a motivational speaker.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Very kind of you to say that, Susan. In the past, I did a number of talks to those who were in the depths of despair. They were the homeless, the rough sleepers and all that goes with the pain of mental illness. I have been humbled and I speak from the heart. I guess such life changing experiences have helped me articulate my thoughts. Thank you, Susan. You are very kind.

      Warm wishes,


  30. You do know how to make others smile - you always bring joy when you visit!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      A smile that lights up even more when you come and visit. Thank you, Jemi. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

      Gary :)

  31. Let us all walk along that beach together. (:

    1. Hi Elise,

      That would be nice. All together, on the beach of dreams, where the sea and the sky embrace...:)

      Be well, my friend.


  32. Hi Gary. Well said.
    I've been traveling that negative road a bit lately. So nice to visit and find this reading... you and I have come through some crazy shit, in our lives. Thanks again for reminding that it doesn't have to consume me!!!! Ironic you should post the very thing I need today.

    Give that awesome superstar a big hug... not you, Penny!!! xxx

    1. Hi Dixie,

      Thank you, dear lady.

      Must get you right off that negative road. Let's have a look at your map. Aha, at the next crossroad, you take the turn that takes you along the positive pathway. You know, we have shared our good times and our bad times. We both know that despite those crazy shit potholes, that we're going to be okay cause we shall make it so. You will always have my support and concern, Dixie.

      Okay, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar is about to get a big hug from me. "Penny? Penny? Awe, come back here...No? Yikes!"

      Gary xxx :)

  33. You are so right. And when the night seems dark we still have to choose the best place to be. It's a habit of mind that needs to be encouraged all the time.

    1. Hi Jenny,

      I thank you. And when it's dark and rainy, I do not see just droplets of water on the window. Indeed, the raindrops illuminated by a street lamp become stars and the street lamp, a galaxy. Together, we can see the positive in what can seem the most negative of moments. Thank you, Jenny.

      In kindness and gratitude,


  34. There are times when life seems to be like a see-saw, up and down, up and down. Being positive can be hard when you are doing all you can to get off that wheel but somehow with an inner strength some of us make it.
    Keep up with that positive vibe Gary, and don't allow anyone to take that away from you. Remember this when you feel down and low as it just might help to spring you back up again.

    1. Hi Rum-Punch Drunk,

      Indeed, there are times when it seems that negative forces, be it internal or external, conspire to mess up your life. I understand the choices. Lessons have been learnt from the past. A past of despair where such recent events would have destroyed me. Now, I have the strength to defy my inner critic and embrace my inner child.

      My friend, no matter what is thrown my way, the negative vibes will never destroy my determined positive outlook. This posting was positive reinforcement and I hope it will bring comfort to others. Be well and stay focused on the positive.

      In kindness,


  35. Gary, you are a brilliant advert for Blogging. I am sure many of your army of readers will be able to gain strength from your words. I know I do.
    By the way, I am really enjoying the series of photographs that you have been using at the head of your Blog. Great stuff!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      Very kind of you, my good friend. You know me, I embrace an ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community. I think we can all gain strength from a positive, understanding community spirit.

      The recent photos have been in and around the town of Cardigan, Wales. The latest one on the top is now the beach about a mile from town centre. Glad you have been enjoying the photos. All the best to you, bazza.


  36. May you continue to brave the outside world more!! :-)

    Hope you are having a peaceful Sunday - the sun is finally out and spring may finally be here! Yay! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      I will continue to brave the outside world. Hope the outside world can put up with my ridiculous jokes! :)

      Sunday was peaceful, the mysterious glowing orb aka the sun, was shining. It's all good and even the 'wee folks' could sense the impending spring. Yay, indeed!

      Be well and keep smiling.


  37. When the shitty stuff arrives in life
    Always remember that line from the Julia Roberts star vehicle

    " this too shall pass"

    1. Hi John Gray,

      I think I kind of summed it up in my posting, my friend. Despite the ruthless government in Britain, a government that has attacked me and so many others with needless and inhumane stress, I move on and through adversity, through shitty times, I become even more determined to live a positive life. Take care and be well, John.


  38. Gary Dear,
    Your willingness to just tell it as it is, is beyond an inspiration, it's a living example of someone working their way thru it and growing, understanding, losing fear and even gaining joy in the midst of the awful.
    You go on with your bad self.

    1. Hey Laura,

      Thank you and I try seeing the positive possibilities that can be achieved from the most daunting, most negative situations. Recently, I have been bombarded with a negative environment. That negativity will never win and in fact, it really does inspire me to make it better for others and for myself. Yes, there is a bit of political undertone in my comment.

      My inner critic and those who would dare torment, can take a hike!

      Thank you, dear lady.


  39. A really emotive post. You are quite the inspiration you know. I'm lagging behind mentally as well as physically just now and your words have helped. Thank you :) x

    1. Dear Michelle,

      You are most kind, my lovely friend. I do try to inspire as others have inspired me. The inspiration, the empathy we share, is a gift of great power. I wish for you to immerse yourself in the words, relax, smile and know you are going to be okay. You have a good soul. Thank you, Michelle.

      With admiration and peaceful thoughts, your way,

      Gary :) x

  40. Wow, Gary, this is very powerful and beautiful. And hopeful! I can relate and I imagine most of us can to one extent or another. Yes, childlike wonder and belief is what we need to take hold of. Even though I didn't always have confidence in myself when I was a kid, I somehow believed in my world and the possibilities of what I could be. Adulthood takes much of that away, sadly. I'd rather be silly and fail sometimes than always be pragmatic, serious, and ultimately sorrowful that I didn't experience the best that life has to offer.

    I like what you have to say here and I believe it to be so.

    Writers Workshop
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Hi Lee,

      I'm most flattered by your thoughtful words. Thank you. Indeed, we need to take the time to listen to our inner child. It truly reveals the positive truth we all crave. Like you, my confidence during childhood wasn't good. However, I recalled the childlike wonder I had. The curiosity, the time to observe the simple yet profound moments in life, have been rekindled.

      Adulthood also gives us the opportunity to realise our choices. I do my utmost to quieten the inner critic and listen to the inner child.

      Be well, my good friend. I know we can seek the positive out of the most negative of situations. We stay inspired through adversity.

      With respect and goodwill,


  41. We've all been there more or less, you are never alone Gary, for there are everywhere people who fight their demons. You sound like a glorious victor to me and you should try and see that too about yourself :).

    1. Hi Petronela,

      Indeed, most of us have experienced the battle between the good and bad in our lives. I am alone in my 3D world, but I always sense the gentle ambience beyond my computer screen. I try to be of help to others are doing their best to challenge their demons.

      In the face of adversity, relentless negativity, I am inspired and I will win. Thank you, dear lady.

      Gary :)

  42. that post made me a little sad. I want the next one to be cheerful and full of snark.

    1. Hey Powdered Toast Type Dude,

      No need for a little sadness. Evidently, the next posting will be done by Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar. She's cheerful and she does snark. Although she thinks "snark" is a combination of snore and bark!

      Thank you, dude.

      Gary :)

  43. I never really thought about it much, but you're right. The inner critic lies, or at least exaggerates. Learning from your mistakes is a lesson in wisdom, and it's not a bad thing to be defined by wisdom at all. This post is very thought provoking. You've certainly given me a lot to think about today. Thanks!

    1. Hi M.J.,

      Firstly, thank you very much for visiting my site and linking in. Very kind of you.

      I like how you state it can be an exaggeration. Most certainly true. Coping with life's situation and how we respond to a misjudgement brings new knowledge and yes, with that, wisdom. I thank you for your thoughtful words, my friend. Thank you.

      In kindness,

      Gary :)

  44. That inner child is wise. And I love your closing... "I am not defined by my mistakes. What I learn from my mistakes, defines me." Very well said.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Our inner child is wise and we need to listen to that wisdom. That closing did seem to sum it up rather nicely. Thank you, Jeff. Happy and fulfilling writing to you, my friend.


  45. That was some amazing writing, my dear, dear friend. Not just the truths you shared, but the tender way they flowed across the page in a rhythm that matched your joy. You've got some writing talent there, Gary. Keep up the good work, and thank you for being an inspiration to so many, most especially how you support me. I'm honored and humbled to be considered your friend.
    Your starstruck fan,
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Hi Tina,

      You are most kind, dear lady. And yes, it be true, I was hoping you might read this as shared understanding. I know that life has been a challenge to you and wanted to hopefully bring you some comfort.

      You inspire and with that, I'm inspired. I know that I joke around with you, but you know that beyond my silly humour, lies the truth, courtesy of my inner child. My honour to have you as a friend, Tina :)

      Be well and stay positive.

      With respect and admiration,


  46. Our inner children should always be given a voice - innocence can sometimes reveal wisdom.

    1. Hi Annalisa,

      My human has gone for a nap. Thus, your inner child is something very much like my inner puppy. Innocence and clarity, revealing the wisdom of embracing a positive way.

      Pawsitive wishes, your way,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.