
Sunday 6 January 2013

The Magic Of The Written Word.

During my nearly six years of blogging, yes Gary, get some sleep...Um...during the nearly six years since I began my little known, apparently, according to my 'admirers', a well kept secret blog, I've had the privilege of interacting with bloggers who are either published authors or aspire to be so.  Thanks to their determination, their passion, the encouragement and support of published writers, other aspiring writers and bloggers, I sense the caring ideals within this great and diverse community.

Here is a list of some published author and blogger friends:

Jenny Woolf
can be discovered here at these two linksJenny Woolf author information.  And you can find her main blog here*An English Travel Writer*

Of course, we have our good friend, Joylene Nowell Butler, who has written "Dead Witness" and "Broken But Not Dead".  Joylene was most kind and forwarded me an e-copy of "Dead Witness".  You can get information regarding Joylene and her books here : Joylene Nowell Butler  Her blog can be discovered here : Joylene Nowell Butler, suspense author

Then we have the lovely Teresa Ashby, author of, "You Can't Love a Stranger & Other Stories".  You can find a list of her books here : Teresa Ashby and you can find her blog here : A Likely Story

We also have our buddy, PT Dilloway, author of "A Hero's Journey".  You can find information about his writing here : A Hero's Journey  and his blog site here :  PT Dilloway

Then there is my dear friend, Diane Perry, who has a book titled "Red Kite", which you can get details about here : Red Kite  You can also discover her blog here : Working 2 Write.  At her blog, you can find out details about her other blog.  Diane also has another book which can be checked out here : 100 Ways for a Chicken to Train Its Human

I have the delight of interacting with this author and blogger, Michael Offcutt, you can find information about his books here : Michael Offcutt: Books and his blog here: Michael Offcutt Speculative Fiction Author

And you can find all about Pearl and her book here : I Was Raised To Be A Lert  You can find her blog and information on her latest book "The Second Book of Pearl: The Cats", at her blog site here : Pearl, Why You Little...

If you want an excellent read, I would suggest you check out this author, Alex. J. Cavanaugh.  You can find out about his books here :  Books by Alex J. Cavanaugh and his blog here : Alex J. Cavanaugh

I also have the great privilege on interacting with a recently published author who lives in Victoria, British Columbia.  Suzanne Bean's book can be discovered here Between Concrete & Earth. Poetry by Suzanne Bean  Her blog which is a combination of her wonderful art and words, can be visited here : Suzanne Bean

And there's this wonderful children's author, Carole Anne Carr, who very kindly sent me a signed copy of her book, "First Wolf".  You can discover the magic of Carole's books here : Books by Carole Anne Carr.  And her blog site is here : The Adventures of a Children's Author

Here are a few aspiring author blogger friends :

A gentleman whose passion for writing will continue with the determination to make his dream come true.  His name is Jeff Hargett and you can get some information on Jeff's writing aspirations here : Jeff Hargett  You can read Jeff's blog here : Strands of Pattern

I've had the honour of getting to know Sharon. K. Mayhew and she is currently working on a book that I know will make for a most fascinating read.  And the book she is working on has a coincidental aspect that I relate to.  You can find out about some of Sharon's endeavours here : S.K. Mayhew Manuscripts   Her blog is located here : S.K. Mayhew, Kid Lit Writer

And you might just know our dear friend in New Zealand.  "Gidday",  Wendy Morrell.  Wendy and I quote, is an, "Aspiring children's author who likes ripe blue cheese, wine and people who love animals.  Not necessarily in that order..."  I know very well how much passion and desire that Wendy has to see her published writing dream, become a magical reality.  You can find Wendy here :  W.M. Morrell's Musings From Down Under.

Of course, we have the enchanting "unikorna".  This wonderful lady loves elves, fairies and writing about them.  She is going to try and finish her first book before May of this year.  I wish her much success and fulfilment with her novel.  You can read her blog here :  Why I Wake Up Every Day

Our friend, Misha Gericke, is working to finish her epic fantasy novel.  To get an idea of Misha's caring ethos within the blogging, writing community, you can check this here :My First Book: ANNOUNCING: My First Book's Plans for 2013.  You can visit Misha's main blog site here : My First Book

I know there are several published writers and aspiring writers I could of also mentioned.  If you are a published or an aspiring author, you have my utmost respect and admiration.  May we all be here, supporting and encouraging each other.   Feel the passion, the magic, the power of the written word.  I thank you.


  1. I am waiting, not so patiently, for Pearls newest book to arrive at my doorstep. So many talented writers out there.

    1. Hi Delores,

      I'm sure Pearl's latest book will be worth the wait. Plenty of talented writers out there and you are one of them. And definitely one of the most prolific and varied :)

      Thank you, Delores.


  2. Thank you, Gary! Two books, two best sellers, one more to go. More than I ever imagined.

    1. Hi Alex,

      You're welcome. I know you inspire those that aspire to have their writing published. Good on you, my friend.

      Thank you, Alex.


  3. I am so privileged to be on this list, Gary. Your friendship is one of the things about blogland that I most cherish. I'm gonna check out all the rest, some I'm already proud to know.

    Happy New Year, and hugs for Penny!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      It was my honour to include you on the list, Joylene. Your friendship and support within this amazing community is a treasured gift. I'm most grateful. I know you are aware of some of the others on the list. And I know what an inspiration you can be for those who have not yet been published.

      Thank you, Joylene.

      A great New Year, eh and I've just hugged the lovable Penny!


  4. Hi Gary and Penny, thanks for the list of authors and books that we can check out. It is cold and wintery here, the perfect time for a good book.

    Bert and My Vickie

    1. Hi Bert and Vickie,

      You are most welcome and I hope you find some books to keep you company on a cold, wintry night :)

      Thank you, Bert and Vickie.


  5. So many good writers out there and all those marvelous books to choose from. I will have to put on "my reading clothes" and take a look. Thanks for the reading information of your friends.

    1. Hi Manzanita,

      Plenty of good writers, published and aspiring. Wow, technology eh? 'Clothes that can read books.' Sorry, I'm an idiot! :) Enjoy and happy writing and reading.

      Thank you, Manzanita.


  6. Hi Gary. Lovely post! I am sure you will please many of your literary admirers. I didn't realise that so many of them were published authors but I have followed some of the links. Thank you.
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      You know me, always trying to promote others and all my starstruck writing fans will be in awe that I included them in my list. Okay, delusional moment is over. I hope you find the links to the published and aspiring authors, of much enjoyment.

      Thank you, bazza.


  7. Hi Gary:
    Thank you for mentioning me on your wonderful blog!!! I keep saying that you are sweet and now getting sweeter and sweeter!!! I will also check out the other blogs and their sites. You are such an amazing support to so many people.
    Sending many blessings to you!!!

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      It was my delight to include you on my list, Suzanne :) Yeah, I'm such a sweet guy and I'm blushing n'stuff! :) Have fun checking out those other links and I hope they come and check you out. I like to increase awareness of wonderful sites like yours.

      Blessings to you. Thank you, Suzanne.


  8. There is so much awe-inspiring talent here in the blogosphere. Quite humbling really. And your generosity is another thing to cherish here in blogland. Thank you.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,

      Indeed there is plenty of superb talent in blogland. I do try to bring further recognition to such amazing folks. And please remember, your blog, your photos, your writing are a wonder to behold.

      Thank you, my friend.


  9. You know a lot of authors!
    I know only Pearl....I have one of her books.

    1. Hi River,

      I sure do know a lot of authors. It was tough for me to keep the list that short. I must do another list in the future.
      Ah yes, Pearl, one of my um starstruck fans in Minneapolis :)

      Thank you, River.


  10. Hi Gary - great list of authors ... some I know, most I must read and some new ones. I have Joylene's book - a must read now 2013 is here ... this is a great list to refer back to - and you've introduced me to a few authors and bloggers I don't know ...

    Six years .. that's some going - but so pleased you're around to share life with ... I do hope 2013 is a good year for you all ... often think of you - cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Thank you and it took an eternity to get all those links in place. And Joylene, aint she special. Her books are well worth the read and she's such an inspiration to aspiring writers. I hope you have an interesting time checking out some of my other links.

      Almost six years and still staying discreetly in the background. Must be because I'm so shy and humble. Thank you for your kind thoughts and my dear friend, may 2013 bring you much joy and fulfilment.

      Thank you, Hilary.


  11. Wow, you've got me on your list - thank you so much :-) Thank you for the other links too - I'm going to have a proper look once this pesky cold has gone and I can concentrate properly again. I've already had a quick look and I can see a book spree ahead :-)
    Big hugs for you and Penny and very best wishes for 2013 x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      I was most happy to include you on my list and you are most welcome :) I hope you find a lot of interesting links and the furthering of interaction and awareness would be fantastic. May you get over that pesky cold very soon.

      Thank you, Teresa and big hugs to you and Indy x


  12. Hi Gary, there are indeed some wonderful people out there in blogland. I know several of those you highlighted here but some are new to me I will check them out. Thank you. I have enjoyed reading your blog for the last few months and look forward to reading more in the coming year.

    Best wishes to you and Penny for 2013.

    1. Hi Suzanne Furness,

      There are indeed some wonderful people out there in blogland and I have the privilege of knowing you are one of them :) I do hope to bring further awareness of such amazing talents.

      I appreciate you reading my blog and I find your work to be enchanting and thoughtful. I hope that people who are subscribed to follow up comments will check this out :

      And all the very best to you for a peaceful, positive New Year. Thank you, Suzanne.


  13. Thank you so much for the inclusion, Gary. And wishing you a happy and successful year with your own writing. x

    1. Hi Carole,

      You are very welcome, Carole. And thank you for being such a kind, supportive lady. I'm truly grateful to you. Thank you for the writing wishes. May your enchanting children's stories continue to delight children of all ages :)

      Thank you, Carole x


  14. Good list! My seventh book is scheduled for release on Feb. 5th.

    1. Hi L. Diane Wolfe,

      Thank you and Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar's book about her puppy years titled, "My First Bark", is finally available on 'eek-publishing'.

      I am in total respect and admiration for your writing prowess and maybe those who are subscribed to follow up emails might check this out :

      Take care, my friend and happy writing.


  15. What a nice way to acknowledge these people.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Thank you and there are so many more I must do at a later time. Which reminds me, I do hope folks check this out.

      Thank you for the hugs and chocolate, Shelly.

      Happy writing and take very good care.


  16. All this love -- we're engaged now, aren't we? :-) I'm going to want to put up new curtains -- you know, when I move in -- but otherwise your furniture (and your friends) are quite lovely.

    :-) Hope you're having a heckuva day, klahanie.


    1. Hi Pearl,

      Oh yeah, all this love. So much love in blogland! :) In your dreams, we are engaged. 'Oh Gary, you are such an awesome writer, yet so shy and unassuming! Thanks Pearl! This could well be the blogging marriage of the year! :) As long as the curtains match my midnight blue wall to wall living room carpets, I'm a happy dude! Speaking of furniture, Pearl. I have some occasional furniture. Which makes me wonder what it is at other times....

      Take care, eh. Thank you, Pearl.

      Gary :)

  17. Goodness ... crikey ... how kind ... THANK YOU, Gary!

    And may I say, you need a gold medal - 6 years blogging! That's a mighty feat. Congrats to you and the lovely Penny :)

    And once again, thank you so very much for the mention. Most appreciated :)

    1. Gidday Wendy!

      Crikey and gosh! :) Wendy, it was my pleasure to include you.

      Thanks and Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar needs a gold medal for tolerating me during this six years of blogging. How she has tried to make me a better writer. Sorry Penny, I shall try harder.

      And Wendy, I know of your passion, your commitment, your desire to see your work published. I so hope that you soon finally realise your dream becoming that beautiful reality! :)

      Thank you, Wendy.


  18. Hey PT,

    No problem, dude. Hope the 'plug' helps keep the water in your bathtub!

    Thank you, PT.


  19. thank you for this most wonderful list! I will be sure to check them out

    1. Hi Caren and hi Cody,

      I hope you enjoy this list. Some darned good talent out there. And Caren, you are one cool lady and of course, Cody, you are one cool cat. Yes, even Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar thinks so! :)

      Take care, the both of you.


  20. What's especially wonderful is how all the published and aspiring writers I've met in the blogosphere are generous, helpful, encouraging, and supportive of other writers. What a wonderful community!

    1. Hi Susan,

      It certainly is an amazing community of support and encouragement. And I feel blessed to know you. The variety in your writing and your kindness, are treasured gifts.

      Much happy and fulfilling writing to you, my friend.


  21. You are doing me such a great honor mentioning my name here. I am also very happy to discover new friends who share my interests, so your post was a most brilliant idea, Gary. Kisses and have a lovely new year :).

    1. Hi Petronela,

      My dear friend, it was my honour to include you in this list. If I can be of help and it brings further awareness to you and you get to meet more like-minded folks, than that's one positive result!

      Kisses, hugs and happy writing to you, Petronela :)


  22. Thank you so much for the shout out, Gary. You are wonderful to help authors so much.

    1. Hi Michael,

      My friend, I'm glad to hopefully bring further recognition of fine authors such as your good self. I do this in the true spirit of a sharing, caring community.

      The very best to you, Michael and happy writing.


  23. Hi Gary and Penny! You (two) never cease to amaze me; such generosity!
    I'm adding all the links & book titles to my reading list. Then I'm off to the book store. Happy 2013 :)

    1. Hi Dixie,

      Thanks for saying that, Dixie :) You know me, discreetly stay in the background and try to be of help to others. I do so hope you find much interest from these links and the book store is such a great place to visit.

      Don't forget, you're one heck of a writer, poet and artist. Our interaction over the years is warmly embraced. Thank you, Dixie and a peaceful 2013 :)


  24. Gary, thank you for sharing a fabulous list! Hope you are well and be sure to give Penny my best.



    1. Hi Madison,

      You are very welcome, Madison. And please remember that in an upcoming posting, I'm going to be noting positive affirmation sites such as yours :)

      I'm doing well and feeling empowered trying to be of help. May you keep smiling and using all those positive resources available :)

      In kindness, your friend,


  25. Well, I wrote a 98,000 word manuscript, and I get NOTHING?

    I sent out about 30 queries and I doubt they ever got past the part-time college students weeding out the queries that had no vampires or zombies in them.

    I know I gave up too soon, but I'm a lousy query writer.

    1. Hi lotta joy,

      I hope you consider this your opportunity to interact with some of my links. I'm honoured to know a number of published authors who can give you valuable insight and information.

      And thus, here is a positive opportunity for you, my friend.

      Keep believing and may your writing continue to inspire!

      In kindness,


    2. Gary, I saw this and thought of you and your love of wee people. I think they'd appreciate having this in their garden, my friend.

    3. This ENTIRE site has YOU in mind!

    4. Hey thanks for that, lotta joy! We could use some additions to our fairy garden to sort of have more 'infairystructure' in the wee folks wonderland. I shall let my human, when he wakes up, check this out :)

      Yes indeed, Penny the Jack Russell dog, friend of the wee folks.....

  26. Hellooooooooooooo, Gary of the Many Links

    Sounds like you know of a great many published writers. What are the odds? What are the ends? Tee hee. That's great that you're doing them the generous service of mentioning their books, their names and their links, dude. I'll have to check them out.

    Take care, Gary. I'm off to visit many many blogs and deliver many many comments. I Strongly Agree this to be true and will do my utmost to deliver for the thrill of one and all. Peace out, my friend!

    1. Howdy Kelly,

      And evidently, Gary of the missing link :)

      Or, perhaps these great published writers and aspiring authors have the amazing thrill of knowing me. Yes indeed, my delusions grow ever stronger! Of course, I want to have you on an upcoming list of links.

      I know you are on your blogging tour to deliver your words cherished by man and beast :) And I shall attempt to visit your latest posting, fairly soon. I shall also reply to your thoughtful email, fairly soon. You know how it is. I have um so many fans that need attending to. Yep, delusions continue...

      Peace in, my friend!


  27. Hey Gary, I'm honored that you'd think to mention me amongst such amazing bloggers. Thank you so very much!

    1. Hi Misha,

      Glad you are honoured and I reckon you're wondering why I didn't include myself amongst the list of amazing bloggers :) Hope you enjoyed the movie. And yes, the must see movie about my life is due out next year.

      Thank you, Misha.


  28. Gary, that is such a nice surprise, thank you so very much! I am very honoured to be in such good company and will look forward to exploring some of the sites I have not yet seen.

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Thank you and I'm honoured to know you and the fine company within the links. Happy writing and photographing, Jenny.


  29. If my mom and grandma laminate some paper versions of my blog posts, does that count as being published?

    1. Ah Powdered Toast Type Dude,

      Every time you press "Publish" and delight this eager planet and all known dimensions, with your wit, hey presto, you are being published. And you even are a published commenter.

  30. What a neat idea and delightful surprise, Gary! I thank you. I'm well-acquainted with most of those you mentioned, but not all, so I've got some rounds to make. People like you make people like me better, keeping our eyes on things that matter. I'm super-crunched on time, but have bookmarked this post for later in the week when I can get caught up a bit.

    Keep up the good work. You're an inspiration in more ways than one.

    1. Hi Jeff,
      Good sir, you are most welcome. I have always tried to support and encourage those who have the passion, the dream, to have the magic of their words, published and shared with the world. Those on here you do not know, I'm sure will be of much interest and are all integral parts of this great community.

      May you continue to embrace the inspiration and yes, we are all here for each other. Thank you, Jeff. Happy writing.


  31. How much I gotta pay you to make that list??? Hahaha.....

    1. Aha Tammy,

      Because I'm such a lovely dude, I wont charge you anything. You are already in one of my upcoming postings that's hanging around in my drafts. And no, that wasn't an innuendo! Hey Tammy, it's okay that you're starstruck. Seriously, I'm just a shy, unassuming guy! :) Hahaha....and yes, I look suspiciously like Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    2. I catch your draft...I mean drift. :-X

    3. Oh Tammy,

      My ridiculous human has gone to bed. However, catching my "drift" might cause you to fall over and burn out your nostril hairs. My farts are the stuff of legends! Arf! Arf!

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! xx

  32. Hello Gary, I'm new here, and what a great surprise to see your list. Some writers I know already, but now you have given me a list of new lovely bloggers to visit too.

    I'm also looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Greetings Maria,

      How lovely to make your acquaintance :) I'm delighted you know some of those on my list. I'm sure you will find the other links of much interest.

      I would be honoured if you read some of my upcoming posts. Although this is actually Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!, replying to you. My human, Gary, is trying to learn how to be a better writer from me. Oh how I try....

      Thank you, Maria.

      Pawsitive wishes, Penny :)

  33. Gary owing to security reasons have had to start a new blog.
    It's called Yvonne's Poetry Corner hence the two photo;s in your followers. The other blog is deleted but my followers are still on there. Sorry for the confusion.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Unfortunately, neither one of your links in the 'followers' section on my blog, works. I have tried to find your blog, but all it does is take me to Google+ and there's no further info.

      Penny, on behalf of the both of us.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.