
Monday 15 October 2012

Thought I'd Drop In.

I'm most grateful to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, who has somehow reached superstar status, for actually allowing me to do a pawsting, sorry, a posting on my own site!  I also want to thank Alex J. Cavanaugh for having Penny guest post on his site and declaring her to be a superstar.

Seriously, it was nice to have Penny take over the writing on here so I could take a break.  Thanks Penny and I shall try to take note of your writing advice.

So, I thought I'd drop in.  And speaking of drop in, you may have heard about that skydiver, Felix Baumgartner, who thought it would be really neat to jump out of a balloon at an altitude of about 24 miles.  Along with getting a very nice view of our planet, Felix also managed to reach a velocity that exceeded the sound barrier.  So what happened to the balloon?

Fastest man to earth - Felix Baumgartner- 833.9 mph.
Fastest man on earth - Usain Bolt - 27.78 mph.

Felix may have started a new craze.  I can see it now.  Folks trying to go even higher and go that little bit faster.  Yes indeed, if it really catches on, they could have designated 'drop-in centres' worldwide for those trying to get up there and  get down here, at an even faster speed.  Of course, this could cause problems when you hear a crash through the roof.  Looking rather startled is some dude in a pressure suit , lying on your living room floor, wondering what went wrong.  Predictably, you say, 'Glad you could drop in.  Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?'

I was wondering if Felix was listening to music inside his pressure suit.  If so, was he listening to "Jump", by Van Halen?  "Free Fallin'", by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers?  Or  an updated version of  "8 Miles High", by The Byrds titled, '24 Miles High'?

Speaking of skydiving, you know you're having a bad day when the following situation occurs.  You are about to make your first ever parachute jump and just as you leap out of  the plane,  the guy linked up with you asks how long you have been a skydiving instructor......


  1. That would be bad!
    Very happy to host Penny! Think she had the best response of any guest. She may have started a trend.
    I think he was listening to Pantera. Fast music for a fast ride.
    Now, go give that Superstar a hug!

    1. Hi Alex,
      Wow, that was fast. Your comment um dropped in seconds after I published.
      Penny, who is having a nap, will be delighted that she got such a positive response to her guest post. More animals doing blogs, perhaps. The start of a trend...
      I deliberately only mentioned three possible songs. I knew you would come up with something appropriate. Upon her awakening, I shall give the Superstar a hug!

      Thanks for um, dropping in.

    2. You give her a hug.
      And just checked - almost 170 comments! Penny rocked the Ninja Army.

    3. Hey Alex,
      Okay, Penny, let me hug you. Penny?...Penny? Come back here! :)
      Indeed, Penny rocked the Ninja Army and I know she tried to reply to all those very nice humans etc. Good stuff!

    4. Uh, yeah, Penny rocked the Ninja Army! If it wasn't for Alex, I wouldn't be coming back here...

      Now, I am. A proud visitor of cute, adorable and the internet superstar, let's say that again, INTERNET SUPERSTAR, Penny! :)

    5. Hi Livia,

      Penny is delighted to have shared her advice over at Alex's site. And I hope it's a combination of Alex and Penny that bring you here :)

      I'm starting to get slightly jealous of Penny. I write this posting and she gets the attention. Yikes! :)

      Glad you dropped in for a visit, Livia.


  2. Teehee! I think Gary if the guy "dropped" into my living room, he would be a puddle that I would have to mop up. I can't imagine there would be much left to offer refreshments to. I'm glad to see you're back writing again. Penny is such a good friend. How nice to have Mr. Cavanaugh interview her. Very exciting my friend. Have a great time reading your reviews in the world papers claiming what we all already know. That Penny the Jack Russell dog and Internet Star has reached Superstar status!

    1. Hi Heather,
      That would be well inconsiderate of somebody 'dropping' in and leaving such a mess. More tea or coffee, for you!
      It was jolly decent of Penny to give me the chance to actually use the computer and attempt some writing :)
      Me thinks that Mr Cavanaugh was amazed by her advice. Penny was grateful for the opportunity to guest post.
      Ah yes, the headlines the world over, 'Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest Internet Star, reaches Superstar status!

      Thanks for um, dropping in.

  3. The things people will do to get, I mean, experience new heights...Personally, I'm guessing he was listening to the pounding of his heart! LOL Happy Monday to you, and hugs to Penny!

    1. 'Hi' Kim,
      Yep, "I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation.." You may well be right about his heart pounding. Listening to that must have been quite reassuring for him.
      Happy Tuesday morning from England. Hugs to CindyLu and you, from Penny.

      Glad you could drop in.
      Gary :)

  4. Well we all have our dreams Gary.....mine is to not be underneath one of these high jumpers when they land...isn't there enough c*** falling out of space on to the planet now? Falling nuts...just what we need.

    1. Hi Delores,
      Okay, just marking off your location as a possible 'drop-in centre'. Right then, with that, I shall be very careful under the coconut tree.

      I shall drop by, sorry, I shall come and visit your site.

      Thanks, Delores.
      Gary :)

    2. I'll keep my eyes peeled on the sky.

    3. Hey Delores,

      Happy peeling! :)

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's too funny! I must say, I am a consummate thrill seeker, but I would NEVER jump out of a perfectly good plane. Still, that was a remarkable feat. That guy must have some pretty big cojones!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      First of all, Nancy, Wahoo! Glad to note your book, "The Mistaken" just went live on Amazon and B&N: @SapphireStarPub.

      He might have needed some pretty big cojones in case his parachute didn't work! :)

      Thanks Nancy and well done, you. Your starstruck fan, Gary :)

  6. I heard about it and thought the guy was crazy! It was all very amusing but there's no way anyone would catch me pulling stunts like that. I wonder what kind of damage breaking the sound barrier at that height would cause the human body. Yikes! Life is just too short for that kind of crap.


    1. Hi Jai,

      Just think, maybe you might have considered going up in the balloon while playing on the balloon's stereo was "..would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon...."

      Seems his pressurised suit countered the impact of the sound barrier. Hey, I think being in an egg and spoon race is scary enough for me!

      Thanks, Jai.

    2. Haha, I was always one for the three-legged race myself!


    3. Hey Jai,

      See, you are a thrill seeker! :)

  7. Penny was brilliant on Alex's blog!
    And Felix's drop was amazing too. I like your playlist to listen to on the way down

    1. Hey Heather Murphy,

      Thank you for that and I shall let Penny know you thought she was brilliant on Alex's blog :)

      Felix might just drop in for some lunch :) An appropriate playlist, for sure. I bet folks could come up with lots more.

      Thanks, Heather.


  8. I know you are always around and you cant know how much I appreciate it. I wish you well. Kisses!

    1. Hi middle child,

      Bless you and I shall always do my best to be of support. Thank you for your well wishes and may a more positive life embrace you.

  9. Penny, Internet Superstar." Yes, that sounds right. What's after Superstar? Cuz she's not a girl to rest on her laurels.

    And even though I wanted to be an astronaut, I'd never jump from up there. 833 mph? Insane. Ignorance and ambition flow in equal parts, they say.
    Stay comfy and famous,

    1. Hi Laura,

      Oh yeah, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) Super superstar must be within her reach!

      Actually, if possible, you might still consider being an astronaut. Might not work, but there's a rumour they are placing diving boards on the side of the space station! :)

      I shall tell Penny to stay comfy and famous. I shall just sit here and get more jealous of her :)


  10. Oh that did make me laugh - the thought of would be Felix's dropping through the roof!

    But I must say I wondered what became of the balloon too!

    And Penny is the most lovely of Modest Internet Superstars :-) x

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Yes, dropping in becomes a literal situation :)

      Evidently the balloon was recovered. Not sure where. Did you look in your garden?

      And Penny thanks you and she keeps sending pawsitive thoughts to Indy.

      Gary x

  11. Just watching him jump off the edge made me feel giddy. I ain't good with heights! Give Penny a rub behind the ears for me - if that isn't too presumptious of me. She is an internet superstar after all.:)

    1. Hi Suzanne Furness,

      Oh no, aint good with heights. I wonder if this means you wont be flying on 'Blog Air'. Penny is the pilot :)

      I shall give Penny a rub behind the ears on your behalf. She is always appreciate of the warm gestures of her adoring fans! :)

      Thank you, Suzanne.

      In kindness, Gary

  12. I love all animals but I must say Penny is something special.
    A big hug from me(Penny ) not


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Penny is something special and her writing is representative of the loving ideals the animals share with us.

      She will receive a big hug on your behalf. Me, I shall sob in a darkened room and give myself a big hug :)

      Thanks for dropping in.


  13. I read about Felix Baumgartner, and wasn't envious at all. I suspect that Penny would advise anyone thinking of emulating Felix's feat to think again as well. She is very, very wise as well as modest. (And a superStar.)

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,

      Penny, being the pilot on 'Blog Air', would suggest that Felix stay in his seat and keep his seatbelt fastened. A superstar such as her is very wise, indeed! :)

      Thanks for dropping in.


  14. I felt dizzy just watching Mr Baumgartner and dizzier still trying to keep up with Mr "blink and you miss" Bolt!!

    Penny is truly a star!!! No longer the need to be modest! Yay!! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,

      A dizzy kitty or what, eh! Very good and before I bolt out of here, I must fix the hole in my ceiling :)

      Penny says she will continue to be shy, humble and modest. Rather like I am! LOL

      All the best, Gary

  15. I'd like to see Penny skydive from 24 miles. She'd be the World's Fastest Dog!

    1. Hi PT,

      Penny is in negotiations with the folks up at the space station. Although it might not work, she might try out one of the diving boards on the side of the space station. She'd like to surpass Felix's speed. Then again, maybe she aint that crazy! :)

      Thanks for dropping in.


  16. Did my post get eatten up but the blog-eating-monster?

    1. Hey Kendal,

      Have been checking out your blog and I commented on there just fine. Your posts are showing up, no problem at all :)

      Take care and keep smiling.


  17. LOL!!! You are always wonderfully funny and truthfully. I was reading very briefly about this free falling guy. The quote was something like follow your dreams, I don't know for sure, but anyway, my question is "Why do some people feel that doing life threatening stunts are following your dreams. How about sitting and talking to a loved one and really getting to know them. HUMMMMMM!!!! Dreams don't need to be crazy!!! Anyway, I could go on and on. But this guy did something that now most of popular will feel unworthy and will now have to throw themselves out of a plane to feel good about themselves. It is really a comedy and tragedy rolled up into one.
    And of course, CONGRATS to Penny for her amazing superstar status. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let her jump out of any planes. :)
    Kind regards from sunny, but rainy Victoria

    1. Hi Suzanne Bean,

      Thank you for such kind and flattering words. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions when he thought he was following his dream. Maybe he fell for the hype that some folks think that adrenaline rushes are the ultimate dream. Jumping out of a balloon at 24 miles would be my ultimate nightmare.

      Yes, he may well have started another fad. Somebody will probably see if it's possible to jump from an even higher elevation. However, too far up and they would become just another floating piece of space junk.

      Ah yes, that Penny! Thanks for your congrats to her and her thoroughly deserved superstar status :) She wouldn't jump out of a plane. Being the pilot on 'Blog Air', that would not be a good idea :)

      Rain in Victoria? Say it aint so! :)

      Take good care and happy drawing.

  18. My husband wants to jump from outer space now! Shish! And he's an old man. Shish.

    Does this mean Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star will rightfully be named Penny the Jack Russell dog and internet superstar?

    It has such a nice ring to it.

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and internet superstar!
    Yup, I like it.

    Yay, Penny... and Gary too!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Maybe your husband wants to become the space cowboy. Yep, get him on the next rocket to the space station. Diving boards at the ready!

      According to that Ninja Army dude, Penny has been reclassified to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! Gosh, eh!

      Yes, a very nice ring to it. A ring and a doggy whistle.

      Gee, thanks for the yay for me! :) Yay to you, eh...

      Your starstruck fan,


  19. Hi Gary. I think Penny should start her own Blog. You could be her manager and get very rich!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi bazza,

      Penny has considered doing her own blog. However, she realises that if she did so, nobody would visit this site. Bless her, she's thinking about me and my ego. Although, now that you mention me getting very rich.....

      Thanks for dropping in.


  20. your first jump and the person linked up to you asks how long you have been an instructor...HILARIOUS!

    1. Hi Caren,

      I can just imagine the looks on both their faces when they realise that neither is a skydiving instructor.....

      Thanks for dropping in.


  21. I'm also still laughing from your last line! I just realized that it would probably be that person's last line too! Julie

    1. Hi Julie,

      Probably so. Perhaps a brief romance occurred and they um fell for each other :)

      Thanks for dropping in.


  22. Excellent! I watched Felix with a mixture of envy and horror.

    I will sky-dive someday. when the Dr. tells me that I have less than a month to live, I will take that leap and experience all the things I fear.

    1. Hi Susan,

      That sounds like quite the plan. I hope that leap brings you joy in leaps and bounds :)

      Thanks for dropping in.


  23. Have to say I have never, ever seen the point of skydiving. But it is the kind of adventure people could never have had until now, and I find that idea fascinating. I often wonder what future thrill seekers will do which we can not imagine because they will rely on technology that hasn't yet been invented!

    1. Hi Jenny,

      In the future, technology may well have reached the point that we will have the tingling thrill of being teleported. Of course, this could cause problems if we teleported to the wrong location and startled total strangers.

      Thanks for dropping in.


  24. I have to admit that I had butterflies in my stomach even watching a rerun. I mean I am sure he has loved once who probably had their hearts in their throats.

    1. Hi Munir,

      I can imagine his loved ones had some anxious moments when he span out of control for a short time.

      Thanks for dropping in.


  25. Oh, you made me laugh out loud, Gary! I can't imagine dropping from space to Earth. Crazy!

    You are so lucky to have a pup that types. Macy just wants to lick my computer. Must have something to do with the chocolate chip cookies I eat while writing. :)

  26. Hi Sharon,

    Okay, I assume you wont being using the diving boards on the side of the space station! :)

    Penny gives me the chance to take a break from writing. You be careful that your keyboard doesn't get too sticky. Then again, Macy might end up licking the keyboard and end up typing the most
    'pawfound' 'pawsting', ever! Thanks, Sharon.

    And yes, thanks for dropping in.


  27. H Gary .. I wonder if Usain would be able to run at 833 mph or faster if he had 24 miles to do it in? Also as Felix got rather hot and bothered .. I wonder if he was singing "Cry for me Argentina"? he was steaming up a little - could be anxiety creeping - now getting stressed at 24 miles up is not a good idea .. especially with no-one to talk to ... perhaps next time they'll have a group jump??!!

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I'm sure Mr. Bolt will give it a try. Don't think he likes knowing somebody has gone faster than him! I think a group jump would be excellent. Perhaps Richard Branson could start the group and that would be um 'virgin' on the ridiculous :)

      Thanks for dropping in :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.