
Monday 1 October 2012

Like-Minded Hearts.

Hi there, yes it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!  Just want to let you know I'm doing just fine.  So fine that when Gary, the human I so kindly allow to live with me, was typing on the keyboard earlier, I snuck up to him and dropped a fart!  Although, the little squeaky noise from my butt startled me and I ran out of the room!  

A few days ago, Gary took me to this place that had other animals waiting around with their humans.  I got a bit nervy because I thought those other animals and humans might recognise me.  I was sure one of the dogs over in the corner was a member of the pesky 'puparazzi' that always hound me.  As luck would have it, I wasn't recognised.  Or maybe all the animals and humans were too starstruck to make a fuss over me.

The lady at the counter called out my name.  "Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!  The vet will see you now."  Okay, slight exaggeration.  She only said the name, "Penny".  I went into this small room and Gary placed me on a table with a rubber mat.  Gary started telling the vet about this lump on my chest area.  The vet squeezed the lump and I got a bit agitated by it all.  The vet then spoke to Gary and I'm not sure what was said but I could see my human was looking very worried.  The next thing I knew we were leaving that place and Gary cradled me in his arms.  I could see tears welling up in his eyes.  I wondered what was wrong.

A few days after we had gone to that place with all the animals and humans, we went to another place with animals and humans.  This time Tristan, Gary's son, came along with us.  Gary drove up to this really nice old building that was set in lovely grounds surrounded by trees.  This place looked after all sorts of animals such as dogs, cats and equine animals.  I had no idea what the heck an equine animal was.  That would be until I noticed a horse in the waiting room sitting right next to me.  My human kindly informed me that an equine was an animal relating to or resembling a horse.  Knowing this made me realise that Gary could make an ass of himself.  Yes, I was only joking about a horse being in the waiting room.  Although Gary is another matter....

Gary talked to this very friendly man up at reception.  A few minutes later, Tristan and Gary took me into this room and placed me on a table with a rubber mat.   The very friendly man from reception started to check me out.  Gently and lovingly, Tristan and Gary got me to lie on my side.  The nice man stuck a needle into my lump twice.  I just lay there and wagged my tail.   We then left and Tristan took me for a wonderful walk through the park.  Half an hour later I was back in my home.

The very next day, I noticed that Tristan and Gary seemed calmer, more relaxed.  Everything changed after Gary had been talking on the phone.  I don't know who had phoned, but Gary was smiling and he gave me a great bid cuddle.  Tristan and Gary have been in a most cheerful and invigorated mood since that phone call.

What I do know is this.  That first place Gary took me to didn't feel right and the second place they both took me to I sensed was so much better.  Whatever happened, something very profound,  positive and heart warming has come of this.  Two humans who had been drifting apart through turmoil in such daunting times, showed a new and wondrous resolve.  For I saw Gary and Tristan, father and son, teaming together in like-minded hearts, united in their love for me.


  1. Ohhhhh now you have gone and done it! I am crying!!!! I am soooo happy that you went to the 2nd place and I am even happier that Penny is going to be ok!
    Kudos to you and your son for pulling it together for are NO "ass!!"

    1. Hi Caren and hi Cody,
      It's me, Penny! :) I wasn't sure why I had to go to those two places full of animals and humans. I do know that my humans Gary and Tristan are much happier after Gary got a phone call from somebody :)
      Whatever was happening, it was so nice to see Tristan and Gary both spoiling me with kisses and cuddles.
      Nah, Gary aint no ass. I was um just 'horsing' around! Arf! Arf!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  2. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!!! What a most cathartic adventure! I am just so glad you are ok! And best I am so happy you have two wonderful men to look after you!!! Yay!! Get better now and keep farting! LOL!

    Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Or if I was a cat like Charlie, a 'cat'hartic adventure. Get it? Arf! Arf! Of course, I'm um more 'dog'matic! :)
      Seriously, yes I am just fine. Good to have those two wonderful male humans in my life. They mean so much to me. And with that... *squeak*...ah, that's better!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  3. There's nothing like a common concern over a loved one to unite people. I'm so glad to hear, Penny, that you are going to be just fine. (I told Gary to give you a cookie from me, so I hope he did it)
    I do not believe there is any relationship with equine type animals in your household Penny....

    1. Hi Delores,
      It's been really neat to see my two humans being so nice to each other and actually having a conversation. I had that cookie, thank you. After that, I had a jolly nice British biscuit :)
      Gary does like to horse around :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  4. Penny,
    I am glad you are well and that your human feels better too. Your love has done a great thing and I am proud of your bravery.
    Maggie Mae the black lab.

    1. Hi Maggie Mae,
      You are very kind. Such a wonderful outcome to this seeing my humans being so kind, not only to me, as 'paw' usual, but to each other. My love, like yours to your humans, is unconditional. You should of seen my waggy tail at the vets! :)
      Thanks, Maggie Mae.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  5. And that is awesome news to hear, Penny! We can't lose our Internet star now. Gary would be lost without you. Totally lost.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Pawesome and pawsitive news all round. I have sensed some wonderful times happening in my life and I want to share my pawsitivity with all who understand that love conquers all.
      Gary and his loving son, cherish every moment they have with me.
      Thank you, my most excellent human friend.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  6. That was so sweet and I totally believe that Penny, the Internet star, wrote it all. After all, she is one of a kind. Glad all is going well.

    1. Hi Arleen,
      Absolutely! I am indeed Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! I take over this site to give my human Gary a break from his futile attempts at coming up with some writing that is of interest :)
      You may also realise that not only is their proof that I do this writing based on my photograph, but I'm also an accomplished pawblisher and author. My current manuscript is coming along nicely. The book will be titled, "I Can Read You Like A Bark."
      Thank you for your kind thoughts.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  7. Dearest Penny! I know sometimes life can be ruff but the love these two men have for you is something to make note of. What a pawsitive outcome to what could have been a terrible event. I am so thankful that you will be there to keep them under your paw, because they need that. Love you dear. Take care and don't leave too many surprises in the garden will you?

    1. Dearest Heather,
      Ah yes, sometimes things start to hound us. Those two incredibly wonderful,loving fine men that I share this home with, have displayed the most tender qualities to me and to each other. We found that pawsitive pawspective out of what at first appeared to be a negative. Love to you and your beloved creatures. Must go now for a little journey into the garden...
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  8. Oh my, I have been in your shoes! It breaks your heart. I am so glad you got another opinion. Our pets are family - they deserve the best. Your baby has the best.

    1. Hi Retired Knitter,
      I sure know my humans were going through a wide range of emotions over me the last few days. We animals are cherished family members and it heartens my doggy mind that you share such beautiful ideals. I know you will continue to take care of your beloved creatures as they take care of you.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  9. You go, girl! These humans have no idea just how important we are to them, do they?
    Have a wonderful, health-filled and happy week :)
    Your pal, CindyLu xx

    1. Hi CindyLu,
      Where should I go? BOL. I think more humans who didn't understand our importance to them, are truly starting to realise. You demonstrate that on your lovely blog and I do my best on here to bring further awareness of our gentle, loving, non-judgemental nature. We are a lesson to humanity.
      Thank you for your healthy wishes for the week. You look after you and that human Kim. She could use a cuddle :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  10. Good job on bringing those humans together. Hopefully you won't have to make too many more visits to that place.

    1. Hi PT,
      Thank you, kind human friend. I wouldn't mind going for another visit to that other place to see if the horse is still in the waiting room :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  11. I'm crying too, shish!

    But I'm happy, Penny. Very very happy!

    1. Hi Joylene,
      My lovely human friend, my thoughts are with you.
      Thank you for your happy thoughts and I know you cherish those tender moments with your friends in the animal world.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  12. What a sweet perspective. Sending good thoughts to you all. x

    1. Hi Dixie,
      Or even a sweet pawspective :) Thank you, dear human lady. We send peaceful, hopeful thoughts to you.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  13. I'm so glad your okay, Penny, and that your people have bonded over a shared concern for you. A Happy ending all the way around.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you very much, lovely lady. Such a magical time to see my two humans teaming together in their love of me. From what seemed dark, came light.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  14. Hello Gary, or should that be Penny?:
    All we can really add to this is that we are so very pleased that, after all of the worry and anxiety, there has been a happy and successful outcome. We do trust and hope that all will continue to be well.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance,
      Yes, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!
      After such confusing times when I sensed my two humans were going through such extremes of emotions, a pawsitive outcome was at paw. Thank you for your kind wishes.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  15. Oh Penny. I cried when Gary told us what had happened, and I am crying again. Tears of happiness.
    You do so much good for Gary, for Tristan and for everyone in the blogosphere who comes across you. Thank you.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      All these tears. So many tears I have seen and sensed the last few days. Your tears of happiness are deeply welcomed.
      I do my best to display the purest of love. I share my love, my ideals, my hopes to all who grace me with a visit. And thus, dear friend, thank you.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  16. Ah dear Penny I read this with more tears in my eyes. I know just what your Gary and Tristan were going through and the relief one of those phone calls can bring. Continued good health to you lovely girl xx

    1. Hi Teresa,
      It was wonderful just how much happier Gary and Tristan were after Gary got that phone call. I'm really pleased you got a phone call that brought you a sense of relief :)
      Thank you for the good health wishes, Teresa. My love to you and Indy.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  17. Dear Penny (and your hirsute humans, Gary & Tristan),
    I'm so glad that everything has worked out for you, Penny, and that Gary and Tristan can breathe a sigh of relief. Just keep a watch out for those pesky puppyrazzi who are always hounding you!
    Very Best Wishes to you all,

    1. Dear David,
      Thank you very much, my illustrious human friend. All has turned out very well and I shall now do a celebration fart. Those pesky puparazzi will, no doubt, keep hounding me. Maybe I should wear a better disguise.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  18. from wilma, skippy (beagles), chuckie, oscar, wilson. and murphy (dachshunds)
    Penny we are glad to see you are doing better and that you found a better doctor. We all wish you much health and happiness, We will see you for a run in the backyard!

    1. Hi wilma, skippy (beagles), chuckie, oscar, wilson. and murphy (dachshunds),
      Thank you, my fellow dogs. That second vet was very nice. Thank you for such kind wishes. May we all play in the backyard and watch the sunset :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  19. It always pays to get a second opinion. The first vet sounds like an ass. "Calling Dr. Fart. Dr.Fart, please come to the E.R."

    So Penny is going to be alright then?! :D

    1. Hi Static,
      I like your hat! :) The first vet must of been equine in nature. Arf! Arf!

      I'm alright, thank you. My human Gary, well that's another question....
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  20. Oh Penny! You have no idea how important you are to both father and son. And to the rest of us for the love you provide to them. We all appreciate it and we're glad you're ok.


    1. Hi Jai,
      I am starting to understand my importance to Gary and Tristan. My love to them and to all, is demonstration of my world. A world of unconditional, non-judgemental love. I share these ideals whenever I pawblish a pawsting :)
      Thank you for your kind words, my dear human friend.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  21. Dear Penny, (mom is teaching me manners and something called 'salutation') My mom once had a furchild named LUCKY. He was lucky. . . til the end. Mom was crying the day I met her. I was dying the day she met me. But I crawled up to this crying woman and heard her talking to the Rescue lady about how she couldn't do "it" again. Whatever "it" was, I laid my head on her foot and she picked me up and cradled me. The Rescue lady said "Don't take this one. He's dying."

    Daddy agreed with the Rescue lady.

    Then the crying lady picked me up and stood up real straight and stared them in the eyes and said "Then HE needs ME and he will know what love is before he 'goes'."

    I don't know where I was going, but the crying lady wasn't crying no more and she held me close and took me to her home and sat on the couch holding me for many, MANY hours.

    My tail has a mind of its own and it started wagging. Then I looked up in her eyes.

    And she loved me til I decided I wasn't going anywhere. I was staying right in her lap and here I am, three years later.

    So humans tell us how they feel with water coming out of their eyes and I think your daddy was doing his best to make sure YOUR tail would keep wagging too.

    Beau the Maltese. . . . and Lucky my Bichon grandpa (mom says he's on the bookshelf in a real pretty vase)

    1. Hi Beau,
      Wow Beau, what a touching and heart warming story. Many an inspirational tale along with your wagging tail.

      And with the belief in you, my fellow doggy pal, from that lovely lady, you know you aint going anywhere. Although, staying on her lap for three years is a long time. Arf! Arf!

      My dad and my brother Tristan have shed a few tears of sadness and of relief over the last few days. I know that their tears are droplets of love for me.

      Such a pawfect comment and I hope you do some pawsts on your human's site.

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  22. Glad you are feeling a bit more like your old self Penny! My old dog used to run away when he 'dropped' one too, used to have a look on his face as if to say 'who did that?'
    Your human did the right thing in getting a second opinion and I am glad that something good has come out of a bad situation, let's hope Father and son become even 'tighter'.
    Sending you lots of pats and tickles,
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

    1. Hi John,
      I feeling rather well, thank you :) Your old dog would have a similar look to mine, then. Which reminds me, 'who did that?'
      From all of this and such a bewildering few days, optimism reigns supreme. I'm keeping an eye on my two humans. They are getting along real well. Must make sure it stays that way.
      Thanks for the pats and tickles, John.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  23. Lovely to get a Penny's eye view of this experience, and so relieved it had such a happy ending!

    1. Hi Susan,
      I was hoping my pawspective of it all would be found interesting. And yes, despite some confusing moments, a happy ending :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  24. Penny, so very happy for you and those darling humans. You are indeed special and brave, not 1 needle but 2, and you handled it like the star you are. :)

    1. Hi Madison,
      I thank you for such a kind, thoughtful comment. A pawsitive result out of what started out to be most bewildering. The very nice man poked me with a needle twice. And yes indeed, I just lay there and wagged my tail :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  25. Beautiful and sweet Penny, you are a very smart and brave lady. Take care of your daddy who loves you so much and make him understand that an internet star such as yourself usually lives a very long and healthy life,'s because of the screaming fans and the positive energy. Kisses on the whiskers...

    1. Hi Petronela,
      This very smart and brave lady dog shall continue to look after my beloved Tristan and his daddy. They are family.
      Yes, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star is a happy, loving dog. I spread pawsitivity to all those who would understand that I am an ideal that humanity can learn from.
      Thank you, my sweet human friend :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  26. Dear Penny, modest internet star, i missed the last post written by your human, so I went back and had a quick read through. I'm so glad that you are okay, and have such good people looking after you. I'm pleased they took you to another place and had a nicer man look at your lump. I'm sure he was very gentle and the needle didn't hurt a bit. Sending hugs, because I love dogs.

    1. Dear River,
      Thank you for having a read of that last post written by my human. Very good of me to let him use the computer! :)
      Yes, I'm really glad my humans took me to see another man about my lump. The man was very friendly and gentle with the needle. I just lay there and wagged my little tail.
      Thank you for the hugs, my human friend. I love humans.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  27. Okay, now I need a tissue.... kay, that's better.

    I'm glad you took it so well, Penny, and are very brave. You really are a star. And I'm so relieved you're okay. XX

    1. Hi CarrieBoo,
      Thank you for such kind words. Yes, I'm Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! :) Please give Parker a cuddle from me. And thanks again, my lovely human friend.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  28. Ohh Penny you had us worried there but it seems everything has turned out all right. Our mum has told us about vets and vet hospitals because they looked after our auntie Looby when she wasn't well. It's good that your humans could both be there to hold your paw!

    1. Hi Mrs Midnite,
      Everything is just fine, thank you. I sensed that by the relief I noted in my humans. My humans held my paw and along with that nice vet, they made me feel so much better after such a confusing time.
      Lovely to see you again :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  29. I'm so glad that Penny is doing well! This was beautifully written Gary. It sounds like you've raised a wonderful son. Some of Penny's training must have rubbed off on you! Julie

    1. Hi Julie,
      It's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! :) I'm glad you like my 'pawblished' 'pawsting'. I think I've done rather well in raising Gary's son and the old fellow, for that matter :)
      I'm doing real well, thank you. Thank goodness this bewildering time has ended.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  30. Hi Penny .. and Gary and Tristan - am so pleased that you're feeling better Penny and that G & T .. are more relaxed - so pleased for you ... cheers Hilary

  31. Hi Hilary,
    Thank you for commenting on this posting. I am so pleased that Gary and Tristan seem calmer about how I am. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Hilary.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.