
Thursday 21 June 2012

The Second Anniversary Of The 'Wee Folks' Wedding.

June 21, 2012, marks the second wedding anniversary of Fidelina the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey the garden gnome. May we relive the joy of that most special and enchanting of celebrations. Below is the reposting. The events that led up to the wedding and the link at the bottom, takes you into the land of magic, where no judgement is ever made. Indeed, where stigma is an alien concept. Savour the wonder, the allurement of it all. Immerse yourself in such sweet innocence.

Today would be a day of magic, wonder and inspiration.  For today was the 'wee folks' wedding.  A joyous celebration of the deep, powerful love of Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey, the garden gnome.  The above photograph is Fidelina posing with her sister bridesmaid, Venetia, as they make final preparations in anticipation of the event.

Above is a photograph of Teagan, the best gnome, and of course, Geoffrey, the happy groom.

The wee folks were a bit reluctant to have the wedding in the day time.  Yet, the day and the starting time were symbolic of the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere.  As if by magic, the ceremony commenced and the sun hid behind the moon.
The wee folks would be most honoured if you have a look at the photographs from their wedding.  The wee folks wedding, a profound statement that true love conquers all.

Clicking on the link below will take you to this truly magical wedding.


  1. Anniversary wishes to the happy couple...may they live forever in peace and joy.
    faeries dance
    and dwarfs do prance
    as moonlight doth
    the bride enhance
    a dwarf and fairyland romance

    1. Hi Delores,
      Thank you for such magical prose
      The elves, the pixies and all the wee folks
      Bestow upon you
      A virtual rose

  2. Hi Y'all,

    Oh, I must hurry to see the wedding pictures! Please give Penny a big kiss from me. I'd say some gentle woofs and sniffs, but you humans prefer hugs and kisses. ;)

    Just hoppin' by to see how your week is going. Hope it's great! Wishin' y'all a great first summer day and a wonderful summer!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hey Hawk,
      You can be assured I gave Penny a big kiss from your good self. I don't think she was very impressed! :)
      Here's wishing you and your humans, a most peaceful, pleasant summer.
      Gary, Penny and the wee folks :)

  3. How wonderful that magical land must be! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to the happy couple :)

    1. Hi Kim,
      It is a wondrous and enchanting land. Fidelina and Geoffrey thank you kindly for the anniversary wishes.
      Peaceful, magical wishes, your way, the wee folks and Gary :)

  4. Oh, and yeah...a big HOWDY from CindyLu to Penny! xx

    1. Hello Kim,
      Please let CindyLu know that Penny appreciates the "big HOWDY". She sends back pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses xx

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Came back to tell you the wedding pictures reveal true magic and beauty.

    Thank you,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hey Hawk,
      Thank you so much for checking out the wedding photos of Fidelina and Geoffrey. They are heartened by your nice comment :)
      Thank you,
      Fidelina, Geoffrey and Gary :)

  6. Wow, I can't believe that didn't get as much coverage as William and Kate.

    1. Hey PT,
      I thought exactly the same thing. The 'wedding of the summer' happened in my garden and should have got much more media coverage. Thanks for that.

  7. Happy Anniversary and many more to come! Such a happy looking couple

    1. Hi Heather,
      I have forwarded on your kind anniversary wishes to the happy looking couple :)

  8. Your sense of whimsy is unbeatable!

    1. Hi Susan,
      My sense of whiskey, oops, whimsy! Some might say I'm on a flight of fancy.
      Thanks, Susan.
      Magical wishes to you,

  9. What an astonishing party Gary, I suppose you were invited and thus had the occasion to kiss the hand of the bride. She is a most graceful little fairy, I am sure her touch can turn rocks into gold. You're so dear to me :).

    1. Hi unikorna,
      It was an amazing, inspiring event. They quite graciously allowed me exclusive access to the wedding and yes, I bestowed a gentle kiss upon the tender cheek of the beautiful, blushing bride :)
      I must go and see if she can turn rocks into gold. Ah yes, make me rich, Fidelina :)
      You are a very dear lady and the world of passion, the world of magical possibilities, is better for having you and your kind, caring demeanour :) Thank you.
      Enchanting wishes, your way, Gary

  10. Hello Gary:
    How lovely it is to think of F and G living in wedded bliss at the bottom of your garden! We like to think that not even the endless rain has dampened their ardour and that their passion for all things fairylike and gnomelike continues unabated. Are there signs of the patter of tiny fairy-gnome feet yet?

    1. Greetings Jane and Lance,
      It is lovely that Fidelina and Geoffrey live in sweet wedded harmony within my magical garden. The rain has not dampened their spirits. Although they are spending a lot more time under the cover of rather large mushrooms.
      This is an ongoing series and the label 'wee folks' beside the title of this posting, if clicked upon, takes you, if you so desire, to the previous tales of wonder. They have a wee one and his name is 'Einahalk' If you wish to see their beautiful son, you can find it here :

  11. Hot from the desk of the fabulous Sir Tom Eagerly:
    I don't remember that wedding mr klahnie. My invitation must have got lost in the post. Was there booze available? I might never be able to forgive myself.
    I raise my glass to the happy couple; Cheers!

    1. Ah yes, it's the one and only, thank goodness, Sir Tom Eagerly,
      The wee folks were most puzzled why you didn't show up. Your invite was send direct to your mansion, via a fairy. You missed out on the booze. The goblins were goblin all the food and finished of the mushroom cider.
      They thank you for your bottoms up wishes. Cheers to you.

  12. Not much to say really, except "beautiful"! Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      You said it. A "beautiful" thought.
      Thank you

  13. And they've two years of wedded bliss!
    Hope no one took photos of the honeymoon. That's private stuff.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Two years of wedding harmony in their harmonious world.
      Actually, they kindly forwarded me some tasteful, exclusive honeymoon photos of they trip to 'Gnome' Alaska.

      And yes, 'Better Gnomes and Gardens' tried to offer them financial reward for the more private stuff. With their morals intact, Fidelina and Geoffrey, refused.

  14. That`s a coincidence Gary, it was mine and Lisa`s wedding anniversary yesterday, although it was our third! Hope Fidelina and Geoffrey have a great day!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

    1. Hi John,
      Wow and the wee folks and myself have noted your wedding anniversary. This is amazing. Fidelina and Geoffrey had a great day and they wish you and Lisa, peaceful wishes.
      In kindness,

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello John,
      Thank you very much. The wedding planner got some rather startled looks from his neighbours :)

  16. Aw you know how I love the wee folk. Happy 2nd to Fidelina and Geoffrey, may they have magic forever! Their wedding photos are the best captures of wee folk in existence!

    1. Hi Laura,
      And the wee folks love you. Fidelina and Geoffrey thank you for such kind anniversary wishes.
      Thank you so much for that lovely comment in regards to their wedding photos. That means a great deal.

  17. The pictures were great. :) Happy Anniversary to Fidelina and Geoffrey!

    1. Hello The Golden Eagle,
      Thank you for liking the photos :) Your happy anniversary wishes have been passed on to Fidelina and Geoffrey.
      Magical wishes, your way, the wee folks and Gary :)

  18. A wonderful and somewhat unusual post but was most enjoyable to read.


    1. Hi Yvonne,
      Thanks for that. I'm glad it was enjoyable to read. I like to do stuff a bit on the unusual side.
      May you have a peaceful weekend.
      Gary :)

  19. Stud entered the room to see what the laughter was all about and I showed him the photo of the bride getting closer and closer to the altar. LOVED IT!! Did they register anywhere for gifts? And where do I send the Congratulations card?

    1. Hi lotta joy,
      I can imagine that "Stud" may have been a bit bewildered by the photos on your screen :) So glad you enjoyed this.
      They were on the gift registry of 'Wee*Mart' :) The congratulations card can be sent to 'The Magical Garden Sanctuary' in Leek, Staffordshire, England. Yes, Leek a place frequented by JRR Tolkien and evidently, inspiration for his "Middle-earth". And noting some of the locals, I can see why! :)
      May you have a magical, enchanting weekend.
      Gary :)

  20. May the wee folk be with you.

    And also with you.



    1. Hi Pearl,
      Ah yes, the 'wee folks' and their ethos, are always with me :)
      Have a wonderful weekend in Minnesota.
      Gary :)

  21. Happy anniversary "wee folks!"

    Lovely photos, Gary - have you ever thought of turning the adventures of the "wee folks" into a children's book? Their innocent minds would love the sweet innocence of the "wee folks" :)

    1. Hi GEM,
      Your happy anniversary wishes to the 'wee folks' have been warmly welcomed :)
      I'm delighted you like the photos. And coming from a superb photographer such as your good self, is quite the compliment. Thank you.
      It is a intriguing idea to put the their adventures into a children's book of all ages. I believe that the enchantment of their sweet innocent love and their message of living in a non-judgemental world, works on many levels.
      May you have a wonderful Russian weekend :)
      Magical wishes, your way, Gary :)

  22. Dear Gary,
    Ah, we know Summer has come when the wee folks celebrate their anniversary. How wondrous, how enchanting their little world is, where no judgement is passed and stigma is an alien concept. If only life were more like this, my particularly hirsute pal.
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Dear David,
      Ah yes and those photos reveal a time when we almost had a semblance of a summer. It was nice to relive the magical memories of it all. Of course, you know the true meaning behind these tales of the 'wee folks'. Yes, if only our world would learn the lessons they teach.
      Now David, make sure you get a nice smooth shave.
      Enjoy your weekend and try to stay dry.

  23. Happy Anniversary to Fidelina and Geoffrey! Good memories ~ sweet photos ~ what a fun production of innocence and love.
    My best to you, Penny and the wee folks.

    1. Hi Dixie,
      I have duly forwarded your happy anniversary wishes to Fidelina and Geoffrey. It was a most inspiring event and it was such a privilege to be allowed to photograph the wedding of the summer. Although, I got some rather perplexed looks from my neighbours! :)
      Thanks Dixie and all the very best to you and your loved ones. Have a peaceful weekend.
      Gary :)

  24. Two years already? Wow, kewl. As long as it doesn't feel like 20 years. That wouldn't be good. But in the land of magic dreams and wishes, love abounds, eh? Of course. Why else live in the land of magic.

    Congratulations to the lovely couple. And best wishes to you and your family, Gary.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Indeed, two years have past. I couldn't believe it. I thought only one year had past. I'm sure to the happy couple it seems more like two days.
      This land of magic has the underlying lesson of peace and harmony that humanity could learn from.
      I have passed on your congratulations. Thank you for the best wishes to me and my family. May you and your loved ones have a lovely, magical weekend, eh :)
      Gary :)

  25. What a lovely couple! Two years--they pass so fast. He is a mighty lucky gnome!

    1. Hi Susan Kane,
      It seems but just a blink of a wee eye that the two years have flown by for the happy couple. And she is a mighty lucky fairy princess :)
      May your weekend be peaceful.
      Gary :)

  26. It looks like a scene from Snow White and the Huntsman I saw recently. No disney movie this time around. One would think it was a Grimm tale.All the best to the happy couple!

    1. Hi Ray,
      I can see what you mean. Speaking of films, the 'wee folks lawyers' are considering suing the producers of "Gnomeo and Juliet" :)
      We shall pass on your best wishes to the happy couple.
      Enjoy your weekend and have a nice beverage.
      Gary :)

  27. Beautiful celebration. Anniversaries and weddings. They are gatherings of love and promise.
    My congratulations, Manzanita

  28. Hi Manzanita,
    It was a most beautiful celebration of their love. True testimony that love can have no boundaries.
    I shall forward on your congratulations to the happy couple :)
    Thank you.

  29. I love a happy love story and weddings! Say, Gary, have you ever met Heather M. Gardner? You two have a few things in common. You should go pay her and Stormy a visit.

  30. Hey olmpic station park,
    Still noting the typo in your name, or is the 'y' supposed to be missing in "Olympic"?
    Gosh, you are sure getting around. One time, you tell me about bikes from London and now you are in Bradford! Gosh and good grief....

  31. Hi Nancy,
    A happy love story with the wedding of the summer, hopefully touches the hearts of those who view the photos.
    I have met Heather M. Gardner. In fact, I have left comments on her site and she is aware of the 'wee folks'. She has left a comment on one of my previous postings. I even invited "Stormy" to pay a visit on this posting. I think it would be an enchanting experience for Stormy and the wee folks :)

  32. My hearty congrats goes to Fidelina the beautiful fairy princess and Geoffrey the garden gnome on their 2nd wedding anniversary.

    'The wee folks wedding, a profound statement that true love conquers all.' It's a touching statement. I think true love does conquer all. And I would say that 95% of the time, love is all you need- along with the willingness to truly listen to your mate, spouse or significant other.

    1. Hi Kelly,
      I have duly forwarded on your hearty congrats to the happy couple :)
      And your profound comment is an ideal that more couples should pay heed to. The art of conversation and listening, is an art that needs to be revitalised.
      Thank you, my friend.

  33. Not long to go before the third anniversary now. I especially love the photo sequence of the bride walking down the aisle. I stopped believing in marriage when I saw so many unhappy ones, so every time someone asks me, I say no thank you. I've never stopped believing in magical unions though, and my sweetheart still asks me to marry him, esp. when he's had a little too much to drink, he even cries a bit when he tells me how much he loves me. We laugh about it the next day and just keep on loving each other, maybe one day I'll say yes to him. This marriage certainly looks like a magical union.

    1. Hi Ida,

      Firstly, I want to thank you very much for commenting on this archived posting. Indeed, on June 21, it will be the third anniversary of a marriage of ideals, of peace, of no stigma. I'm most heartened that you liked the photos and it was a magical union.

      I believe in the ethos of sincere marriage. Personally, after having my wife get pregnant by another man, while still married to me, has left me rather numb. Still life goes on. You two will do what is right in your hearts. All the very best, whatever you choose, to you both.

      Your friend,


    2. I hope your beliefs numb the numbness. Thanks for your best wishes.

    3. Hi Ida,

      Thank you for your supportive follow up comment. My spirituality and my belief in myself, has seen me through. My confidence was rocked, but my positivity grows ever stronger. Thank you and the warmest of peaceful wishes, your way.



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.