
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Penny The Jack Russell Dog And Modest Internet Star's, A To Z Alphabark Challenge.

Right then, time to type away on the peeboard, I mean keyboard.  I've noted that a bunch of humans have been getting involved in that challenge again this April that evidently brings further awareness of the alphabet.  Which means, just like last April, during that A to Z challenge that thrills a few humans, I submit my alternative pawsting or posting.  Yes, you lucky human and the millions of animals who read my pawstings um postings,  here is the 'A to Z Alphabark Challenge.'  And because I cannot be bothered with all the other letters, I reckon it's apt that I'm doing the letter "P".

Now some might think that the letter "P" might be, "P" for 'Pawmotion', pawdon me, "Promotion".  Well, in a way it is.  When I forwarded on my very own award, "The Gold Framed Dog Blog Award", it was to pawmote, sorry, promote  pawsitivity, okay, I'll stop with the puns, to promote positivity and bring warm wishes to all who received it, as it travelled out into the internet ether.

"P" is for the profound pride providing  pleasing pleasure placing photographic placards presenting positive publicity perchance.  However, "Hey lady, stop licking my face!  And, hey lady, stop sniffing my butt!"  Humans, I'll tell ya!

"P" is for  "pussycat".  This photo was sent to me by post from two of my huge legion of adoring pussycat fans.  I have a special Press pass that I use to gain secret information on the whereabouts of the 'puppyarazzi' who often try to hound me.

"P" is for "peace".  I sense the sadness in Gary's son, as a tired young man knows the comfort of my love.  "P" is for "pacify", as I do my best to see that smile return to his face.


  1. LOL!!! The peeboard...LOL!!! LOVE IT!...:)JP

    1. Hello A Quiet Corner,
      Sorry, I must type this very quickly because I think I need to piddle and I don't want to short out the peeboard, I mean keyboard :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  2. Lovely pictures...all of them. :)

    Look forward to the rest of your challenge run…can’t believe we’ve had 16 days already!
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. Dogs lick our faces - what's wrong with those ladies licking back?
    Wow, that sounds bad, doesn't it? Crap.

    1. Oops, sorry Damyaniti, somehow my comment got out of sequence and ended up down there somewhere.
      Anyway, Alex J, how are you? Indeed, my human friend, as a greeting, why don't you humans start sniffing each other's genitals?
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  4. Hi Damyanti,
    Help me! My human and myself are not part of the um 'challenge' that brings further awareness of the alphabet. In fact, the dude that started it all, you know, the cool dude with the funky hat and cool shades, good old Lee, has declared us to be the official and I quote, "You have been appointed as the official anti-A to Z spokesman.
    Or how about A to Z mascot?
    Whatever your role we all love you Gary."
    And thus, the irony is, despite the fact we mostly, do good natured fun, alternative postings, to the A to Z, I've kinda' promoted it through our hardly worth reading site. And not one to promote this blog. You might read the posting before this posting, that my human wrote.
    Thank you for thinking that all the pictures of me were lovely. Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  5. I would not mind alphabark either if I were as comfortable and peaceful against that pillow.

  6. Greetings, Penny, TJRDAMIS. I hope you enjoyed your Pawsitively Proud, Purposeful, Prolonged "P".

    Greetings, too, to your owner Gary, and I am hoping he will post news of his son and his endeavors to join the navy. I'm wishing him all the best.

    1. Oops, hi Ian, my comments keep going out of sequence. Let's hope this works.....
      Glad to see you, my human friend, tries a bit of alliteration.
      Thank you for your kind greetings, Ian. I shall forward on your wishes to my human, Gary. We await further notification from the navy for his son. There are a number of checks and procedures to go through first.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  7. Hi Munir,
    I am trying to be a modicum of comfort, bring some peace to a young human I care about very much. We both feel a bit of peace as we snuggle up together on the pillows :) 'Alphabark' is made up of a series of letters, starting with the letter 'Arf' :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  8. Your approach to the A to Z beats all, Penny (and your master seems to be of the same view, I note).

    1. Hi Susan,
      I have to 'arf', I mean, laugh at that silly um challenge. It was I, Penny, who made mention of it to my crazy human and he now understands that the alphabet challenge will never be as good as the 'alphabark challenge'!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  9. Replies
    1. Pawfect PT
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  10. It's risky to turn your peeboard over to a canine...but Penny sure posted a positively proper post after all! When I get my dog, will you train her for me? I know everything except for teacher her the typing, so maybe Penny will help her. Wadda ya' think?
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

    1. Hi Tina,
      It's risky to turn a peeboard, oops, keyboard over to a human. For us animals are proof pawsitive that we can pawst pawstings pawfoundly pawblished. When you get a dog, my dear human friend, I will get your dog to help you with the usage of the peeboard, sorry, keyboard :) Maybe your dog can get you to pawticipate in a real challenge, the 'A to Z Alphabark Challenge'!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  11. Hello Gary:
    Penny appears to have had no trouble in mastering the art of alliteration. Is she as good on other figures of speech, we wonder?

    1. Hello Jane and Lance,
      Not only have I mastered alliteration, I'm rather good at having lots of pun commenting back to all who so kindly pawst a comment. And with that, I heading to the London Underground to see what's up with the Tube.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  12. P is for 'just amazing'. Jazz n Jewel are cats and refuse to play by the rules.

    1. Hi The Elephant's Child,
      I shall have a chat with Jazz n Jewels. With my pawsuasion, they will be eager to do a pawsting on the 'A to Z Alphabark Challenge' :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  13. ~ pleasurable pawst ~ perfect pace ~ particularly playful ~ a pinup, my, my!!

    1. Hi Dixie,
      Pawsitively pawfect presentation pawhaps...
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  14. I applaud you Penny, and hope you're not hounded by the "puppyarazzi!" Julie

    1. Hi Empty Nest Insider,
      Oh, the 'puppyarazzi' are forever hounding me for exclusive photos to pawblish. Ah the life of a modest internet star!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  15. P for perfect precious Penny!! Awww please give Gary's boy lots of nose taps and tail wags!

    Take care

    1. Hi Old Kitty,
      Thank you, my kitty friend. I will do my utmost to see Gary's son back to the happy young fellow he once was.
      Grateful for your comment :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, to you and Charlie, Penny xx

  16. Dear Pretty Penny, what a lovely post from a lovely girl. I know you'll take good care of those that need you and your presence will be a comfort and a joy - we know how to make them feel better don't we? lots of love Indy xx

    1. Hi Indy,
      Oh, my beautiful dog friend. Thank you and we both show our humans the wonder of our unconditional, non-judgemental love.
      Like you, dear Indy, I will continue to show such love and affection to my humans in times of happiness and times of sadness.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, to you and your humans, Penny xx

  17. We're proud of you pretty Penny and your positive efforts to provoke happiness among your humans. Any blog would look so much nicer with pictures of your perky self on it.

    1. Hi Delores,
      And thank you for noting my message of love and caring for humans and my wish to see the young human who lives with me, be happy again.
      Thank you for the nice words about the photos of me :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  18. Lovely your pawst, ooops, post.

    1. Hi Sherry,
      Lovely, your pawmotion oops, comment :)

      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  19. P is for perfect Penny every time. Loved the photos. Penny, I adore you. Happy pats and hugs. Okay, hugs isn't a pee, but you still deserve them.

    1. Hi Joylene,
      Hi Joylene and we adore you. Thanks for the happy pats and hugs. Oh 'happee' days...
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  20. Dear Penny (and humans),
    Yet again you have wowed me with your pawsitivity. And the "alphabark challenge" seems like a lot more fun than the other one, which, I'm afraid, I have not had the pleasure of taking part in (or is that "arf in").
    Anyways, I hope you can pass on as much love and pawsitivity to both Gary and Tristan in the hope that a brighter, better future can be found.
    Very Best Wishes,

    1. Dear David and your human friends,
      Ah, my human friend, you have always noted the message of underlying pawsitivity within my pawfound pawstings. The 'Alphabark Challenge'is loads more pun, I mean, fun, than that other um 'challenge'. Maybe if those humans have that alphabet challenge again next year, your may delight them and take arf. Did you know they have passed the arfway mark in that amazing challenge?
      Thank you for your kind thoughts and I know my humans, especially the old hairy dude, take arf, I meant heart, in your caring wishes.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  21. A gorgeous post, as ever Penny. Love the photographs and told the hens they should take part some time, you have put them to shame! Lots of woofs and hugs to you, clever girl. x

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thank you for that and I'm glad you loved the photos :) Your hens would be an eggcellent eggdition to the 'Alphabark Challenge'. Just as long as they didn't use any um 'fowl' language :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  22. From Bazza’s cat Ginger:
    Hey who are those two dishy cats? What's that you say? They are both male? This cat ain't fussy! Even a table leg has it's attractions.
    Click here for Ginger’s owner, Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hello Ginger,
      Ah, your fascination with a table leg may lead you onto 'occasional' furniture. What that furniture is at other times, is beyond me.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  23. Well, if anyone can bring a smile to someone's face, it's Penny! Positively toP Place Post here Penny! :)

    1. Hi Jemi,
      Thank you very much. I like to make everybody haPPy and I was hoPing my Post would Produce Pleasing Pawsitive Pleasure :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  24. Penny, my dear pooch Lardy says she enjoyed your post very much and sends her regards. She would type this herself if she were not too lazy to get off her fat Pawsterior.


    1. Hi there All Consuming,
      And as I paw away on the peeboard, okay sorry, keyboard, please return my pawsitive regards back to your pooch, Lardy :)
      I'm sure if you put a doggy treat within the vicinity of the peeboard, darn, keyboard, Lardy would move her pawsterior and pawblish a comment. Arf! Arf!
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  25. Awww, Penny you are the perfect pet! If a pooch like you can't perk up Gary's boy I don't think any pup can.

    (very cool photos!)

    1. Hi Sharon,
      Thanks for that, my dear human friend :) I'm trying my best to see Gary's son have a smile on his face and a laugh in his heart.
      And I really pleased you like my photos :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  26. What a perfectly peachy pooch!

    1. Hi Susan,
      What a pawfectly pawsitively peachy pawception :)
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  27. Pugs and pisses Penny! Maybe I should rethink that greeting? It sounds like I've just invited you out to the tap room for some beer with those little smushy faced dogs. I really like your take on the letter 'P' Penny. You are indeed a pawsitive pooch!

  28. Hey THE SNEE,
    Ah yes, a beer with the pugs at the pub. I remember the first time I went in an ordered a beer in the local dog's pub. I asked the 'barktender' for a beer and he replied, "Bitter?" to which I replied, "Arf, not really. Why do you ask?"
    Thank you, Rebecca and of course, I sure wasn't taking the 'P' out of the letter "P" in that amazing um challenge! :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  29. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPEE...PEE...PEE...PEE. Sorry for that. I really had to pee.

    Wonderful, delight pawsting, Penny! It's great seeing you promoting this site's great alphabet challenge. Very great of you, indeed. personally, I've never learned the entire alphabet, myself. I always got stuck in or after the letter pee. I might also note, that for a dog, you sure know a lot of words beginning with the letter P. I like that one picture of you, too. The girl with the red shirt is obviously licking your ass, hoping to find some chocolate fudge. Did you giggle or pee in her face?

    Speaking of which, I have to go to the bathroom now to piddle with my twiddle. Have a doggy treat on me, Penny! Tee hee.

    1. Hey Kelly,
      Delighted to have a visitation from your good human type self! And doubly thrilled that you have gotten into the spirit of the 'Alphabark Challege'. Nice to see you worked your way up to a "P" in the alphabark!
      Somewhat like you, I'm fixated with things that relate to the letter "P". And good golly, I even helped pawmote that alphabet challenge that a bunch of those strange humans insist on doing. Amazing stuff.
      That young lady was sniffing my famous butt. She didn't get any chocolate fudge. However, I gave her a great gaseous cloud of Penny fart.
      Actually, after you possibly wash your hands, you will note just outside the bathroom door, a doggy treat from me to you. Enjoy and heckeroo, I have to poo.
      Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.