
Saturday 22 October 2011

Paw Attention.

Greetings.   Yes, tis I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star.  Here's a photo of me talking to  one of my many admirers.  Yes, even cats recognise my obvious writing prowess.  Hey cat!   Calm down.   I do understand you are starstruck seeing my awesome self.

You may have noted in the post before this post that the human I so kindly allow to live with me,  put up an award announcement.   Yes indeed, it was the 'Friendly Blogger Award.   However, the friendly blogger who bestowed this award to this site, included me as a friendly blogger.   So, in fairness, it's my turn to add some more friendly bloggers to the list.   Thanks again Teresa, who can be found here,  A Likely Story , for thinking of me and that human, Gary.  

Here goes, the Friendly Blogger Award to these bloggers to do as they wish with.


And just like my human noted,  we think of all of you who so kindly visit our site, a friend.  We are very grateful.

Speaking of friendly, honourable mention must go to Casper the friendly ghost writer.

And of course, that famous Canadian, 'The Friendly Giant'.

In case any of you doubted that I do my own posts.....well, here you go, the above photo is of me formulating  this article.   All I have to do now is press...... "PAWBLISH POST".......


  1. Oh, Penny, there's no doubt you have oodles and oodles of starstruck fans! I, for one, can attest to your writing prowess. I've enjoyed conversing with you, and so has Mom. Reminds me, you have now given us some more pawsome friends to make - I have to get Mom right on that!
    Peaceful Paws to you! :)

  2. No surprise Penny that you would be awarded the friendly blogger award...and many congrats to those upon whom you confer this honour. And oh....the Friendly I loved that show as a kid. I watched it with my daughter too. Gerome and Rusty and Friendly....what wonderful memories they bring back. I remember reading in the paper, many years ago, about a little boy that got lost and walked up to a house with the Block Parent sign in the window. Can you imagine the tale he had to tell his friends about how the Friendly Giant took him home? True story.

  3. The Friendly Giant!!!! I LOVED him as a child. The little rocking chair & the giraffe & the stories! Loved it all.

    Congrats to Penny & Gary on the award! And thanks for the memory push! :)

  4. Penny, you are quite the writer and passer outer of awardser. did I say that right? My brains are kinda malfunctioning due to that cement block someone dropped on my head earlier. Don't worry, though. I'm fine except for the blood gushing from my eyes, ears and nose.

    More importantly, you're proving once again what a good friend you are. When I'm able, I'll be sure to check out the folks on your list and pay them a visit. They'll feel all special n' stuff when I come to their blog. Yep. Take care. Here's a big white bone for ya.

  5. Well done Penny, what a well deserved award. I love the photo of you at your computer. You look very cretive in it, or are you just doing some shopping on on ebay? Lots of love to you and please send my best wishes to Gary too - Di x

  6. Awwwww beautiful Penny!! Me and Charlie are staring at you all wide eyed and in AWE at your PAWSOME writing abilities! You are truly a star!! Yay!!!

    Congrats with your fab award!! Take care

  7. Hi Penny - I'm seriously concerned there's an intruder on your picture .. your boss man is using your photo for Facebook .. are you allowing that? Oh actually I guess you are considerably prettier than Gary?!

    Gosh and you can write too and post, and realise who the Friendly bloggers are - you are sure one brilliant doggess .. "Penny the Queen of Dawgs" ..

    I hope you get a lovely walk today .. we have glorious weather down here - take care and look after yourself ..

    I heartily approve of Lenny's name being in your list .. he's one little positive star .. and he's only 12 ...

    Cheers for now and have a good week ahead of you both .. Hilary

  8. are a rock star!! Is there a "Penny Fan Club" yet?! Where do I sign up? And thanks for the bestowing of the Friendly Blogger Award! Tell your human, Gary, "Thanks, hoser!" =)

  9. Dear Penny,
    I hope Gary, your human, is OK. And I do love that picture of you pawsting this blog. To actually see the seat in which your many creative postings are written is quite something.
    Now, I hope you are looking after Gary. After all, these humans can be troublesome. When, for example, to take them for walks, give them baths, and so forth. I can only hope that Gary isn't too much trouble.
    And so I wish you goodbye, hoping that both human and dog are fine.
    With Very Best Wishes,

  10. Hello Penny, and thank you for considering me a friend. When I saw your admirer peering out of the screen, I had to run and see what Tigger was up to. I reckon he must be sneaking on to my laptop when I'm not looking. Who'd have thought?

  11. Congratulations, Penny! You're pawsome and quite a handful for Gary to handle. We have a Beagle who lives with us, but he is a barker rather than a
    writer. Happy bones. My best

  12. Oh Penny, I do love your thoughtful pose! Such concentration at the computer desk :)

    Keep up the good work and congrats to you and your lovely dad!

  13. Penny, what a privilege that you included PD in your list! Thank you so much. Our warm regards to you and to our good friend Gary!

  14. Penny, I understand the cat's adoration. I'm awestruck by you. And I think your paw is pretty special too. Congratulations on the well-deserved award. You're the best.

  15. I thought I would "paws" for a moment to thank Penny "modest internet star" and his human Gary for this award. I humbly accept it. I always look forward to your posts.

  16. Hello Penny:
    What an absolutely terrierific post!! You are so fully deserving of your Blogger Award, there is really no other canine in the Blogosphere to come within a paw print of you.

    And, how very kind of you to bestow upon us a similar honour. We are, of course, completely unworthy as, first, we are mere humans, secondly we have not the slightest idea how to put an award in a sidebar (if that is indeed the correct term) and, finally, as we cannot begin to command as adoring an audience as you so clearly have from the feline world. We are, nevertheless, deeply grateful that we should have been considered and should enjoy dressing up for the red carpet if attendance at an award ceremony should become necessary!!!

    BTW, as your keyboard skills are obviously second to none, would you like to join our typing pool? We have no other dogs on the payroll as yet so the possibility of a supervisory role (Top Dog) could be on the cards for the future. An expense account for dog biscuits would, naturally be included. Pawse for thought?!!!

  17. Hello humans, awesome dogs and ummm....cats,
    Normally I try to respond back to each individual comment, give the 'pawsonal' touch. Heck, I even told the human Gary, who I tolerate and allow to live me, to endeavour, when 'pawsible' to comment back to each person, dog or ummmm cat.
    However, after a rather longer than usual nap, I have noted eighteen comments and my poor paws can only type so much.
    Thus, I wish to thank, from the bottom....I mean, I wish to thank from the bottom of my heart, Kim and CindyLu the adorable dog, Delores, Jemi, Kelly, Diane, Old Kitty, co-starring Charlie the cat, Hilary (I allow him to use my face on Farcebook because I'm so cute), Michelle aka The Reckmonster, David (the Robin Hood lookalike), Ian aka Botanist, Bazza's cat Ginger (and yes Ginger that is you looking all star struck), COUNT SNEAKY, Wendy (congrats on NZ winning the rugby World Cup), Susan, Joylene, R. Jacob, Jane and Lance Hattatt and to, Cat Chat With Caren And Cody.
    My friends, it was my pleasure to forward on this award and I want you all to know, whether you were on this list, or not, I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, plus my human, Gary, are truly blessed to have your friendship. Thank you. Now then, paw attention. How pawfect was this? Arf! Arf!
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx

  18. Awww, Penny! Thank you for giving me an award. You are so sweet. :)

    I've always believed you were typing the posts. (pat)

  19. ((((Penny)))) <3 =)

    Gary's the man!!

  20. That's pawsibly the loveliest Penny pic I've seen so far. Awh bless! Thanks so much for bestowing the award one me and congrats to you and all the other awardees. x

  21. Penny, you are quite the accomplished writer. And such a star. Me thinks it's your brown eyes that "gets em."
    I try, but alas, I'm just a cow-dog who loves her Frizbee, in lieu of cattle. Your loyal fan, Cody from Montana

  22. Hi Sharon,
    My dear human friend, you are very welcome for the award :)
    Ah yes, you've seen the 'proof' that I type my posts! 'Arf! arf!

  23. Hi LilPixi,
    Awe thanks for the hugs, my lovely human friend :)
    Gary's the man I so kindly allow to live with me...
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx

  24. Hi Madeleine,
    Why thank you, dear human, for realising it's such a lovely photo of me, yes me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star.
    You are very welcome for the award and all those who got the award are really neat. In fact, pawsonally speaking, I think everyone who visits this site, is a friendly blogger :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx

  25. Hi Cody,
    Awe gosh, thanks. And yes, I'm the true talent on this blog and my brown eyes are an added bonus :)
    Hey Cody, you're wonderful. I bet you've got loads of room to play with your Frisbee in 'Big Sky Country' :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx

  26. omg..did your human pet, Gary bring home a new kitty friend? Or was that a 3D portrait of a fluffy cat that was drooling after you Penny? Your pawst (post) never fails to make me chuckle! Are you planning to take over this blog for good or do you have a contract signed with your human pet? Do send my warm regards to your human Gary and don't forget to tickle his toes for me. xx

  27. congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me

  28. Hi Shanaz,
    My dear human friend, that was one of my many cat admirers trying to contact me via 'Scamp', our equivalent to 'Skype' :)
    I was considering setting up my own dog blog, but I thought that would be unfair on Gary. For, if I did that, nobody would visit his shy and humble site. Thus, to help him out, I shall do the occasional guest 'pawsting' :)
    Tickle his toes? Hmmmm....more like piddle on his toes :) Arf! Arf!
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! xx

  29. Hi becca,
    Thank you and you are very welcome for this award :)
    Happy writing, my friend.
    In kindness and pawsitive thoughts, your way, Penny :)

  30. Cute post, Penny! Perhaps you could convince my fuzzy gal & guy, Jack & Maleah, to do a guest post or two. They love showing off for the camera! They love to sing, too!

    I got your email. Thank you so very much, Gary & Penny, for bestowing the Friendly Blogger Award on me. It means so much coming from you. I apologize for not coming back around sooner for a visit. I'm working through 10 separate college applications for my son, plus the financial aid stuff, so I've been very distracted lately. But I'm trying to reconnect. I've missed ya!

  31. Wow Penny..I am amazed that such a star like yourself would have even noticed me a mere mortal let alone bestowed on me an award! I am very flattered and grateful. I will have to introduce you to our newly acquired puppy, Charlie who like you, is adorable and ever so friendly.x

  32. Dearest Penny, "mild mannered internet star" one who shows his 'pawest' compassion upon humans such as ourselves, and of course your "roomie" Gary, who does benefit from your 'leadership' skills, a mentor who from the 'pawness' of heart gives so much. And you still keep on giving as shown by rewarding other "friendly" bloggers with an honourable award. You are just so cute in all of your humility and profound taste in which you reveal yourself in your 'pawstings'. Congrats to all who have been bestowed with such honour. Your follower forever.......Later......

  33. Hi Penny,
    my Vickie has been gone awhile and she turned off the computer when she left so I missed out checking in on you and Gary.

    First tell Gary for me and
    my Vickie to hang in there. We are very sorry to read that things are really tough for you right now. Were thinking of you and sending all the good luck fairy dust we can muster.

    Second, keep your head about you dear Penny. This popularity and stardom can go to your head. WE don't want you to get so famous that you forget us.

    You do deserve the Friendly Blogger award though. You two are the best adn you are the cutest.

    Talk to you soon


  34. Hi Nancy,
    What a pawesome idea. I think it would be really nifty neato if your fuzzy gal and guy, Jack and Maleah, would like to do a guest 'pawsting' or two. I wonder what they'd like to 'sing'...something by 3Dog Night :) Arf! Arf!
    We very much understand how hectic life can be and everyday distractions can make it very difficult to get some writing done. You are most welcome for this award. It is our honour to consider you a good friend in the wonderful community of bloggers.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx

  35. Hi GEM,
    My dear human friend, yes I'm a 'celebrity', but I never let it get to my doggy head :) It was my great pleasure to bestow this award on you, a mere mortal :)
    I look forward, very much, to you introducing your puppy, Charlie. I know that Charlie will be loved and he will love you.
    In friendship and pawsitive wishes to you and Charlie, Penny xx

  36. Hi The Manic Chef,
    Dearest human, 'paw' of heart. Indeed, despite my modesty, I know that I'm a pawfect example of how Gary, the roomie I allow to live with me, on just how to write. If only he would paw attention.
    I thought it only right that I also bestow this award upon some deserving friendly humans and some dogs and um...even cats! :)
    And yes, thanks, congrats to all those who have been flattered by me forwarding on such a thoughtful and friendly award.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star xx

  37. Hi Bert,
    Ah yes, a good time in British Columbia, eh :) Delighted you have notified your Vickie in regards to this award.
    Thanks for that. Gary has been experiencing some daunting times and thus, because he is so distracted with personal matters, I kindly did an article for him :)
    We all greatly appreciate the "fairy dust".
    Bert, I would never forget you No matter how 'famous' I became. You and your humans are truly valued friends :)
    Thanks for thinking we deserved the Friendly Blogger award. And very much, likewise :)
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.