
Sunday 21 August 2011

Where The Sea And The Sky Embrace.

Down through the field, through the field of maize....oh how I love to gaze....Down through the bay, on a summer's day, where little boats rest and wait for the crest.... that's just over there....there to the west.  If you click to enlarge on this tranquil scene, you, my friend, will know what I mean.

And thus, there they wait, wait for the waters of yonder sea.

And the tide rolls in.  Some are free.  Some are yet to be.

And through the leaves, beyond the sea, there is a magical place, for you,  for me.

Let your thoughts drift away.....drift through the green....drift through the sand and take my hand....come with me to that magical place....where the sea and the sky embrace....


  1. Beautifully said. I could almost feel the sea breeze on my face.

    Thanks for the moment


  2. There really is something special and magical about areas where the tide comes and goes. Beautiful.

  3. Hi Gary; I don't know why but I feel like skipping. Hmmmm. Great pictures. Looks hot and lazy. Gotta love that salt air though, eh?

  4. Hi Bert,
    And nothing like the sea breeze on your face as you race across the sands and fetch the stick :)
    Thank you.


  5. Hi Jemi,
    Special and magical moments by the sea.
    Thank you :)


  6. Hi Heather,
    Skipping stones, perhaps? As you find that perfect stone to skip and skip, across a rippled sea....
    Thank you :)


  7. I don't know what was more beautiful, the pictures or the words but, put together, they make a song.

  8. Hi Delores,
    Very kind of you to say. And, my friend, there is sweet music in your words.
    Thank you.


  9. To think all this beauty is in a place called Cardigan! :-)

    Take care

  10. Hello Gary:
    What a marvellous place to escape to on a Sunday morning, or indeed, at any time in our view!

    We have a great fondness for the Pembrokeshire coastline, where the land just falls down to the sea, and used to visit quite often when we lived in Herefordshire. The sea is just so endlessly fascinating in all its moods, although we must confess to liking it best when really rough and the weather bitterly cold!!

  11. That's the one thing I miss living on a lake, yes it's beautiful and tranquil, but there's no tide. Ah, lovely photos, Gary. Thanks for showing parts of the world I may never get to see otherwise.

  12. Absolutely beautiful. I'll come back here to escape again. Thanks Gary.

  13. Very Nice... it is what I nedded.

  14. These are amazing photos and the words accompanying them did take me to the magical place where the sea meets the sky. Wonderfully written, Gary and thank you for sharing!

  15. Lovely scene. It's somehow endlessly appealing to see beached boats, and to watch the sea's rising tide making them waterborne again. I see you're labeling this as Wales. Are you vacationing there, and if so, lucky fellow!

  16. Hi Old Kitty,
    And where the local police say 'cardigan' instead of 'pullover' :)
    You and Charlie, take good care

  17. Hello Jane and Lance,
    Indeed, any time is a good time to be at such a lovely place. Whether for real on through the vision in our mind.
    It is a wondrous place. I felt a sense of calmness when I was there. And, I can relate to going there when the weather is bitterly cold. Perhaps I shall go back there on a cold winter's day.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences. May you have a peaceful and positive day.
    With respect and good wishes, your way, Gary

  18. Hi Joylene,
    I have some inspiring memories of camping beside a lake near Seventy Mile House. No tide but, my goodness, what a visual delight as the moon cast an eerie shadow on rippled waters.
    Glad you liked the photos. My pleasure in sharing with you a part of the world you have not seen.
    Hope you had a peaceful weekend.
    In kindness, Gary

  19. Hi Austan,
    Thank you, Laura. I'm really delighted you visited and absorbed yourself in the tranquil ambience.
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
    With respect and warm wishes, Gary

  20. Hi Jeff,
    I'm encouraged by that and I wish for you much success in your ongoing writing endeavours.
    With respect, Gary

  21. Hi Shanaz,
    That's very kind of you to note, my dear friend. It was my pleasure to share with you my thoughts and experiences
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend in Malaysia :)
    Peaceful thoughts, your way, Gary

  22. Hi Susan,
    Thank you and I love your added thoughts. The photos in this posting and the previous posting, are from early July when I spent a few days with some very dear friends who recently moved to Cardigan, Wales.
    I was and am, a lucky fellow :)
    Take very good care of yourself, Gary

  23. Dear Gary,
    Ah, another post full of beautiful pictures and a nice bit of rhyming verse to go with them.
    Personally, I'm a little bit scared of the sea, and am not a very good swimmer. So, if you ever see me out amidst the waves as you look on from the shore, I'll definitley be, in the words of Stevie Smith's poem, "not waving, but drowning".
    A very beautiful posting, though, Gary.
    With Very Best Wishes,

  24. Magical picutures and words Gary. We are going to this area for our Writers retreat this year so looking forward to seeing it.
    A lovely post. Di x

  25. Hi Gary .. I love those photos - brings back my memories of our Cornish creeks .. gorgeous ...

    Thanks .. just to be able to ramble amongst the bracken, the grass topped rocky outlets, down the steep stone strewed path to the shore .. and then the amble along the dry sand, into the damp tidal areas, and the odd paddle .. or dash back out to avoid the incoming tide as it seeps towards us.

    Great - loved it .. Hilary

  26. Hello Gary! You do take such splendid pictures!
    Thank you for sharing them. I hope you have an excellent and productive week ahead.
    Sorry for not visiting recently, I've not been on blogger much.

  27. I don't trust the water. :-)

    But I do love the beach.


  28. Dear David,
    Thank you for such a kind observation. I suppose you have noted my rather twee way of formulating my last two postings. I've had this urge to try dabbling in a bit of poetry.
    And, my friend, to use one of my own quotes, "...if you were drowning, some would throw you an anchor. Whilst I would throw you a life jacket..."
    With Very Best Wishes,

  29. Hi Diane,
    Wow, that should be quite the inspiring place for you writers to retreat. I'm sure you will have a most uplifting time.
    Thanks for your kind words, Di.
    In kindness, Gary x

  30. Hi Hilary,
    Thanks for your nice words in regards to the photos. And yes, it reminds me of some similar views I've seen in Cornwall.
    What a wonderful description you have noted and I have experienced such moments along the shores around Cardigan.
    Thank you, Hilary.
    Here's hoping we have some more pleasant weather.
    In kindness, Gary

  31. Hi Nas,
    I thank you for the compliment in regards to my pictures. It was my pleasure to share them.
    I hope you have a most peaceful week ahead.
    Never any need to apologise, my friend. I appreciate your interaction whenever you have the time to visit my blog. After all, us dudes have a lot of multitasking to do :)
    Take very good care.

  32. Hi Pearl,
    How are things in Minnesota? How's your cat?
    Well then, my much loved and adored comic genius type blogger friend, guess you could always compromise, go to the Sahara desert, pretend it's a beach. And remember, any water you think you see, will just be a mirage, or maybe an oasis....
    Thanks Pearl and may you have a most peaceful day.
    With respect and kind wishes, your way, Gary :)

  33. You are turning this blog into a travelogue. Nothing wrong with that say I!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  34. Hi bazza,
    Or maybe I'm turning this blog into a 'traveblogue'
    Then again, you never know what to expect from me, or the true genius of this blog, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star....

  35. It's like a beautiful ghostly journey to take a stranger's hand into the mysterious unknown. A Piscean delight.

  36. Hi Manzanita,
    And may the mysterious unknown bring you soothing thoughts of peace, love and tranquil contentment :)

  37. WoW! what a wonderful place to be.=D

  38. Hi rift platinum,
    Thank you and what a precious place to be :)

  39. Lovely. There's a sort of gentle peace in the words and photos that's caught me there in that magical place.

    I do so miss the ocean.... Thank you for taking me back there tonight.

    1. Hi Leslie,

      It's such a peaceful location and the ambience within the words tried to capture the soothing thoughts I had as the waves lapped the shore.

      May you soon see the ocean. Thank you for visiting this archived posting and may 2013 bring you much joy.

      In kindness and beach dreams, your way,


  40. Beautiful Photos!!! Makes me want warm weather even more.

    1. Greetings My Journey With Candida,

      While my human and I dream of warmer times, we thank you for the compliment and taking the time to comment on this now archived posting :)

      Peaceful and warm weather wishes, your way,

      Penny :)


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.