
Saturday 19 March 2011

Coffee For One.

I went into my kitchen and grabbed my cup of coffee.  Yes, my coffee, a moments distraction from the depressive thoughts that fill my mind.  I've been feeling very sad.  Saddened by recent events in our world where the forces of nature have caused such unimaginable grief, unbearable pain for mankind and the precious creatures of our fragile planet.   I needed to get out, out of the kitchen, out of the house and down the steps.  So off I went, coffee in hand, up the slope to the back of my garden.   Time for a few fleeting moments of gentle reflection amongst the serenity of whispering wind through creaking trees.

I strolled to the top of the garden and looked upon yon further field.  It was early evening at the end of a perfect sunny day.  And above the horizon was that beacon of hope.  Twas the upcoming night of the supermoon.

With my cup of coffee grasped firmly in hand
I look to the skies to understand
Ah, tis the night of the supermoon
And I listen so closely to nature's tune
Supermoon grasp my heart
Tell me our world is not torn apart

And through the denseness of thicket bush, I saw so clearly that supermoon.

And the supermoon cast its glowing light upon a darkened world.

I was back inside and I gazed upon the supermoon.  A moon that was making its nearest approach to our delicate planet in eighteen years.
I sat there alone and had another coffee for one.  I thought about the children with tears in their eyes. 'What has happened to mummy?'  'Where is daddy?'  I thought about the little old lady, bemused and confused, as she wandered through the rubble that was once her home.  I thought of those who are cold, scared and huddled together in temporary shelter.  Devastation, trauma, grief and heartbreak, beyond my wildest comprehension.  I think of those who lives have been shattered by the shaking of earth and swirling sea.  And I think of those who've known nothing in their lives but the ravages of war.  And I cry.


  1. We try and imagine their suffering, their grief, but in all honestly, we know nothing of it. And that hurts so much =/.


    It feels wrong saying "have a good weekend" in light of what others are going through

  2. Wow.

    True, heartbreaking, beautiful, awful.

    Sending you hugs.

  3. This is so sad.
    Sadder still when it involves children.

    Last week I left The Farm in the pretext of searching for faster internet, but in reality I missed my grandchildren, just wanted to be sure they were safe, even though we were thousand of miles away...

    On my return to The Farm a tropical storm had created havoc...

    Stay safe my friend. I join you in remembering those not so fortunate.

  4. Hi Gary,
    It's been heartbreaking to watch those poor people suffer when all we can do is just watch and give to their aid. Nature can be so cruel yet so beautiful just like your supermoon. I shall be watching out for it tonight and make some wishes for those suffering. Hope you are ok, it's been a while since your last post.
    Take care, love Di xx

  5. Dear Gary,
    Sorry that you are feeling a little low at the moment. And, like Grandpa above, I join you in remembering those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.
    I think you do right to distract from all the sadness around at present by taking a little trip around your garden and having a nice cuppa, marvelling at the delights of the "supermoon".
    It kind of reminds me that the world can be both terrible and beautiful at the same time. Which also reminds me of the poem by W.B. Yeats, "Easter 1916", in which he uses the phrase "a terrible beauty is born". There I go again with my little quotes.
    Anyway, stay well, Gary, and just remember, "we are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" (Oscar Wilde said that, and I've done it again!), or in your case, the "supermoon".
    From your friend,

  6. Hi Gary.

    It's always difficult to find any good when things like this happen. When I read today how people in Japan are dealing with their event I was amazed and uplifted. Seems they're not angry and are helping each other. There's no looting of stores as people share food and other supplies. They are the epitome of graciousness. Make a wish for them on that 'supermoon'. Know that it shines on them as well.

    Best wishes working through your sadness. Come back strong where you belong. Thanks for sharing such a heart-warming moment.

    Peace and good wishes,

  7. Hi Gary .. love the thoughts you pose here .. the photos are amazing .. life is cruel at times .. it's just now we see it in all its ghastly technicolour .. whereas the rocks of ages tell us the same but without the hurt shown ..

    My thoughts are for the Japanese .. especially their immediate future .. be at peace .. Hilary

  8. Hi Gary,
    The events in Japan are truly awful and my heart goes out to all those involved in this natural disaster.
    We, as humans, in our conceit think we can control whatever is put in our way. Nature will teach us that she is all powerful with devastating effect.
    The concern now is for a nuclear disaster, a man-made problem that has been caused by this deceit.
    The natural world is a beautiful and terrifyingly violent place, as Chief Seattle said in the 1800`s, "Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. whatever he does to the web, he does to himself"
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  9. Hi Gary,

    I love how you interfaced the supermoon into the melancholy, yet inspirational message of this post. It reminded me of rhythms, cycles and the power of nature. I share the intensity of your feelings about the devastation around us. One of my favorite writers, a holocaust survivor, Eli Wiesel, wrote "Because I remember, I despair. Because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair. A paradoxical balance between anguish and hope. You have a raw emotional integrity that I can really relate to.

  10. Beautiful! I look forward to the supermoon or maybe I missed it (was it yesterday or is it tonight?!) whatever, last night's full moon was just glorious.

    I do like your poem.

    Take care

  11. Home again, and found your post. Crying is very a wonderful release. Shall be looking for the moon tonight. Hugs xx

  12. I'm teary most mornings. I swear I'm not going to watch the news, but I do the very next morning. They deserve a moment of my time. A moment to say a small prayer, wish them well on their journey. It seems little compensation considering. I know no one escapes death, but I can't help wondering why so many have to die so violently. Beautiful post, Gary. You are such a keeper of wisdom and love.

  13. What I've come to is to try always to remember that, even if we are unable to help out in a specific situation, there is always a way to be helpful somewhere. I really do believe that even the smallest acts of kindness add up to a better place for all of us.

  14. wow beautiful, heartbreaking and so true

  15. Hi Nas,
    It does hurt to observe the suffering of our fellow man and creatures of this fragile planet.
    We must still endeavour to have a 'good weekend', be grateful for what we have and do our very best, in our own way to help those who so need our help and our love.
    Much respect, your way, Gary.

  16. Hi Stephanie,
    And yes we are struck by a variety of emotions.
    Sending you hugs and may we all embrace the ideals of caring for those whose lives have been torn so tragically apart.
    Much respect and kind wishes, your way. Gary.

  17. Hi Grandpa,
    It is all so sad and to see those scared and innocent children, is truly heartbreaking.
    I hope that you now have faster internet and that your grandchildren are safe and sound. There can be a most profound connection via the internet.
    Grandpa, I hope all is well with you upon the aftermath of the tropical storm.
    My good friend, may we all spare a moment and find it within our hearts to help all who need our help in these sad and tragic times.
    In peace, Gary.

  18. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for your kind and thoughtful comment. Indeed, nature's forces can unleash such devastation and I was, of course, reflecting on the magic of the 'supermoon' to give some minor semblance of balance in this sometimes perverse, scheme of things.
    I've been somewhat out of touch with the blogging world, just lately. My personal problems, put into perspective by the plight of others, have been getting the better of me. However, I shall try and return to a more positive focus and interact on the sites of other bloggers more than I have been doing so.
    Thanks Diane, May we both look at the supermoon and spare a moment for all of those who are going through such awful trauma.
    With kindness and respect, Gary

  19. Dear David,
    Thanks for your thoughtful and interesting comment.
    My low moment shall pass. It's a feeling of being almost helpless. As if I cannot do enough to help those less fortunate than me. I try to exude such positivity to others and sometimes I forget that I need to be positive for myself.
    And you have picked up on one of the underlying themes in the posting. For it does demonstrate the powerful extremes of nature. The supermoon, a cup of coffee and a quiet moment in the garden, made me realise just how much I have to be thankful for.
    David, nothing wrong with the occasional quote and especially when it's so fitting.
    May you have a reflective moment marvelling at the supermoon. Yes, we must all do whatever we can to show our caring and concern for all of those who are going through times beyond our comprehension.
    Thank you, my friend.
    In peace and positive wishes, your way, Gary

  20. Hi Dixie,
    Thank you and you make a most inspiring observation. For despite all that the Japanese have endured, during this awful time, the dignity and the resilience of those people is a remarkable lesson in the finer attributes of human nature.
    Your kind comment so eloquently describes that through such adversity, these noble people are pulling together, rather than being tempted by the more despicable sides of human nature.
    Indeed Dixie, let us all make a wish for them as the supermoon shines down on all the world. Let's make this a symbolic gesture of hope for all of humanity.
    And thank you for your words of encouragement as I challenge and thus shall defeat my latest bout of dark and saddening depression. I know I have much to find gratitude in. I am grateful for your comment.
    With peace and respect, your way, Gary.

  21. Hi Hilary,
    Thanks for your inspiring comment. I'm pleased that you liked my photos which try to convey a form of a more gentle ambience on a troubled world.
    May all our thoughts be with the Japanese and all those in this world who are going through times of pain, that no words could do justice too.
    With peace and respect to you, Gary.

  22. Hi Gary ... the moon is brilliant tonight .. when I drove back from seeing my mother at dusk .. it was just above the horizon - ie the English Channel - sitting in a deepening blue sky and Cornish cream colour .. just gorgeous .. still here now - just higher and looks further away to me .. sure it's not ..

    Just glorious to have that clear night sky ..

    Enjoy your views tonight .. and here's to Spring tomorrow .. cheers Hilary

  23. Hi John,
    There are many lessons still to be learnt that mankind cannot tamper with nature and torment the natural balance. Hopefully, there are enough people like you to see this madness and conceit end, before it's too late.
    And now, even more lessons must be learnt from the ongoing situation with the nuclear reactor. It's time for a major rethink on what we use for our energy supplies. Let us hope that all will be okay with that and an important message is finally learned.
    And with the wise words of Chief Seattle, resonating, I wish for you, for all of us, a cleaner, greener, more peaceful world.
    May we spare that moment for the people of Japan and all who are feeling such awful pain.
    In peace and hope, your way, Gary.

  24. Hi Rebecca,
    Thank you for such thoughtful and empathetic response to my posting. I know we both can relate to what must seem like opposing forces in nature. From the horror that the power of nature can perform, we can also realise the stark beauty in a supermoon that shines down on a world of such extremes.
    And those deeply wise and profound words of Eli Wiesel, ring so very true. It sums up the paradox that we call life.
    Rebecca, you have a beautiful quality and if more could discover that quality within, this world would be a better place.
    In peace and respect, your way, your friend, Gary.

  25. Hi Old Kitty,
    Thank you so much. The supermoon is more prevalent over Saturday night, Sunday morning. Weather permitting, you should be able to marvel at the moon being at its closest orbit to earth in over eighteen years.
    Hey, thanks for liking my attempt at a bit of poetry. Not something I normally do.
    Hope you have the chance to see that glorious moon, tonight.
    In peace and positive wishes, Gary

  26. Hi Carole,
    Shedding a few tears can be most cleaning.
    I hope you get the chance to marvel at the supermoon.
    Hugs, your way, Gary xx

  27. Hi Joylene,
    Thanks for your heartfelt words for all of those who are suffering such awful grief and devastation.
    They do indeed need a moment of time in our thoughts and our actions to try and be of some form of help. The cruelty that so many have endured is truly heartbreaking. May they have a moment of peace.
    Thank you Joylene.
    Here's wishing you and your loved ones, a peaceful and reflective weekend. May the supermoon shine down on you in beautiful British Columbia.
    Respect and warm wishes, your way, Gary.

  28. Hi Raining Acorns,
    Absolutely. Couldn't agree more with your thoughtful words. Even the smallest acts of kindness, make this world a better place and help create a positive environment so vital for the well being of all.
    In peace and respect, Gary.

  29. Hi becca,
    Thank you and the contradiction of nature, of life itself, makes us ponder and reflect.
    May you have a positive, peaceful weekend under the glow of the supermoon.
    In kindness, Gary.

  30. Hi Hilary,
    Thank you for taking a moment to leave a follow up comment. Very kind of you.
    What a wonderful visual you describe and the vision of the moon must be truly breathtaking. It will be a magical moment, forever captured in your mind's eye. What an experience.
    I have just looked out my window and the moon is glowing through hazy cloud over the peaceful little town of Leek. Truly a marvellous vision.
    And yes, the birth of spring and a new beginning. May the first day of spring be a wonderful and inspirational time for you.
    Thanks for that, Hilary.
    In kindness, Gary.

  31. Gary this is a sweet and beautiful post! I just sent an email to my friend Jen in Tokyo since I have not heard from her in several days.

    Your photos are wonderful! And thanks for the tip--I am using "lift" from now on!!

  32. Gary, such an honest and reflective post. I feel your thoughts through your words as my own. Let's pray for the lives of strangers who are presently going through these upheavals. The supermoon is peeking out at our side of the world, here. But it's been raining in the afternoons. As long as the birds still do chirp, I know all's alright.
    Warmest regards your way. =)

  33. Greetings Judie,
    Thank you for your very thoughtful words. I do so hope you make contact with your friend Jen in Tokyo.
    I was so hoping that my photos would create some sort of reflective and soothing ambience. I greatly appreciate what you have noted.
    May you, may all of us, find some peace and send our love to those who are in such pain and turmoil.
    With respect and kindness, Gary.

  34. Hi Shanaz,
    Thank you, my dear friend, and for sure, let us all spare some time, take some action, to help our brothers and sisters who are going through such horrible times.
    I hope you did manage to get a clear view of the supermoon over there in Malaysia.
    Warm regards and the gentle sounds of little British birds, your way, Gary :-)

  35. Beautiful post! Recent world events have been devastating. Mother nature, greed, out of control politicians... It's overwhelming.

    While I watched the super moon - I wondered how many were doing the same thing at the same time. Made me feel slightly less insignificant.

  36. Hi Jemi,
    Thank you. Indeed, my friend, the events that have occurred on our fragile planet are very worrying and very saddening. It can make me feel so helpless.
    I like to think that the supermoon was somehow, even if it was just a fleeting moment, a unifying, glowing beacon of hope on our troubled and perplexing world.
    In peace and hope, your way, Gary.

  37. Hi Gary I think what makes this posting even more poignant is the fact that this could happen anywhere. No one is out of reach of the fury of nature. I feel for those people especially the elders who won't understand and who won't adjust very well. I pray for them and all of us. I hope that we have courage when it's needed and compassion when it's wanted.

  38. Gary, It is absolutely awful to imagine the magnitude of the devastation in Japan. I have been glued to the news - always looking for the "good" stories - where they found someone alive after several days - or the ones where people are relieved to find their loved ones are okay.

    The moon was FABULOUS last night. I hope some of that bright shining light helped you feel just a little better.

  39. Hi Heather,
    Exactly and that's something those of us, who have not experienced such devastation, should bear in mind, that life and nature can suddenly turn on any of us.
    Yes, the old, the children, the bewildered, the scared and confused, we must think and take action for them all. And yes, we never know when it might happen to us.
    Namaste to you, my friend and all our friends on this precious planet.
    Take care, Gary.

  40. Hi Michelle,
    This is incredible timing. I just left a comment on your most recent posting, just as your comment came up on mine.
    Ah yes, that uplifting story of the Japanese grandmother and her 16 year old son, found alive under the rubble of her home nine days after the devastation. They were trapped in the kitchen and survived on what was left in the fridge. And those stories of reunion are small shreds of feeling good in a very bad time.
    And of course, I asked you about the 'supermoon' in my comment on your posting. Glad to know you got to see that fabulous sight.
    It did make me feel rather reflective and yes, a little bit better about the world, for a few magical, fleeting moments.
    Take very good care Michelle and may you have a peaceful week.
    With respect and kind wishes, Gary.

  41. It is depressing. I feel sorry for those in Japan. The fear of possibly losing someone forever and not being able to find them. The shock and depression of know you've lost someone. The thought of someone holding they love, dead in their arms, sickens me. To lose someone they shared their lives with in such a way is to be dead, yourself, in a way.

    This devastation is such an ongoing nightmare for them. No place to live. Homes gone. Loved ones missing. Just trying to survive everyday. I can see why you created those thoughtful words in your poetry. I can see why you wanted to be at ease with the company of the recent super moon. In times like these, you must seek comfort in any way you can. Take care, Gary.

  42. Gary, your photos, your words - and your amazing thoughts touched me so deeply! It's ironic, those who feel most deeply for others also hurt the most. You, it seems, have been given that legacy. May you find peace in the uplifting stories coming out of the tragedy, and know you are never alone. (I'll have a virtual cup of coffee with you anytime! ;) )

  43. Hi Gary,
    Yes it was a wonderful moon, with sarchasm I said to Julie that it must have moved closer so she could get a better look. Surprise. Turned on the news and lo and behold it had done. Perhaps I am out of touch with current affairs.
    The rubble is piling up across several continents now, some due to nature, which have an excuse I guess. but now we again to blame, does every new prime minister have to start a war for us?

    Well a nice piece of writing, I enjoyed it very much.

    Your friend
    Philip x

  44. My dear friend Gary, what a touching poem, and the photo with the small lighted path, which so happens to pass by the 'wee' ones. Your garden is a place of imagined wonder, an escape, a place of solitude. I often find when in a lowered depressed mental/emotional state that it would seem we are more inclined to be creative... more in tune with the suffering of others, but in this world, we all do suffer in one form or another, it's all very humbling. I would only hope man would not think himself to be 'all powerful', for the ways of nature has the capability to correct us when we do. We can 'never' be in total control. Be blessed my friend. This poem really touched me, your sensitivity brought tears of empathy and compassion and a touch of comfort. My thoughts are with you.... along with hope of brighter days ahead for all.

  45. Hi Kelly,
    Thank you, my good friend, for so eloquently expressing your thoughts, your emotions on this most awful of times for our brothers and sisters in Japan. Indeed, for all of those whose lives have been ruined by acts of nature and by the evil of man.
    And thank you for understanding that I needed some time, to go outside, contemplate the beauty of the supermoon and hope that somehow, the supermoon would shine down on our troubled planet and we all could spend a moment and admire nature at its most beautiful.
    Thanks again for your kind and thoughtful words. May we all find those special moments of comfort on this confused and crazy planet.
    With respect and positive wishes, your way, Gary.

  46. Hi CindyLu,
    Thank you so very much for your warm and heartfelt thoughts.
    CindyLu, you are kind and caring soul and I know your heart goes out to those poor folks, those poor creatures that are being subjected to such horrendous trauma.
    And through these tragedies, we have also seen inspirational moments of hope that bring us tears of joy, mixed with the tears of feeling so sad.
    I like to believe we are all in this together, being here for each and like you say, "you are never alone."
    I savour this virtual cup of coffee we share :-)
    In peace and hope, your way, Gary.

  47. Hi Philip,
    Indeed, twas a wondrous supermoon that doth shine upon this ravaged world. I'm so pleased that the moon moved a little bit closer to earth so that Julie could get a better look :-)
    There is not much we can do when nature displays its 'fury'. There is no excuse for the blood thirsty antics of our politicians.
    Cheers Philip and may we someday realise a better world for all us living creatures.
    Love and kindness to the both of you, Gary x

  48. Dear Manic Chef,
    Thank you for such a thoughtful comment. I'm very pleased you liked my attempt at some semblance of poetry. And well observed, for yes indeed, the pathways and the hidden spots in my garden, are the magical playground of the 'wee folks'. My garden is very much a sanctuary where I go to reflect and contemplate life.
    I too believe that during times of what can seem a daunting depressive state, that creative distractions can be just the tonic to lift the mood. And for sure, more in tune with those whose right to a positive environment has been severely challenged. Of course, those of us who have been humbled by our illness, can perhaps have a greater sense of 'empathy' for those who are going through incredible mental trauma.
    Nature can teach mankind many lessons. If only we would pay heed. To continue the way we are will lead to even further devastating consequences.
    My friend, my thoughts of caring and compassion, I send to you and to all those humans and fragile creatures that are going through such terrible times.
    In peace, hope and empathy, your way, Gary.

  49. I too love coffee and this is a terrific tribute to those that lost so many loved ones in Japan.

  50. Beautifully and thoughtfully written.

    My heart and prayers go out to those in the stricken countries.

  51. Hi Michael,
    May we both savour a cup of coffee and think about our friends in Japan and all of those in the world who are enduring such awful agony.
    Take very good care and thank you.
    With respect and peaceful wishes, Gary.

  52. Hi Misha,
    Thank you, my friend.
    I know we all send our thoughts and prayers to our fellow man and the blessed creatures of our planet who are suffering beyond belief.
    In kindness and peaceful wishes, your way, Gary.

  53. Finally, someone writes something of substance. Having glanced over hundreds of blogs over the last week, not one person has made mention of the horror in Japan - in any detail worth reading ...

    I find the blogging community rather shallow at times. Hence, I've decided to commit the cardinal sin and 'not' blog for a while.

    I too, have shed tears over what has happened. Dark days for so many.

    As some people flippantly say, 'life goes on'. Well, for thousands, it does not.


    Worthy post, Gary.

  54. Hi Wendy,
    I thank you for your thoughtful, provocative and deeply emotive response to this posting.
    Sadly, you are right, there are indeed a number of shallow, self-interest, attention-seeking bloggers who might use the plight of others as a way to promote their insensitive slant on the troubles happening on our beleaguered planet.
    Thankfully, the mood and the respect conveyed within the comments from the blogging community on my site have been from caring and compassionate people. People who care and want to extend a message of hope and love to our brothers and sisters in Japan and everywhere that is experiencing pain beyond any tangible measure.
    I know that you have, many have and I have, shed a tear for those people and the precious creatures of our planet who have endured such horrendous trauma.
    And those who flippantly say, "life goes on", they might have a think and realise that tragedy can happen to anyone.
    Peaceful and hopeful wishes to you and to all of us.
    In peace and kindness, your way, Gary.

  55. I am also aware of the suffering of the world and at times I have to remember these words from "The Brothers Karamazov": It's not God that I don't accept, you understand, it is the world of God's, created by God, that I do not accept and cannot agree to accept." There is no appeal against the laws of nature or, it seems, the laws of human nature which are at times impersonal , cruel, harsh and brutal. Mercifully, we seem to have one redeeming ability...the ability to love sets us apart. This quality and the ability to laugh are the only weapons we have against the darkness that surrounds us. My best.

  56. from the ashes rises love and survival... your post is beautifully expressed, and from what we are seeing of the response in Japan, we all could learn a lot about the power of working together, of helping one another, of putting one self aside to lend a hand, and finding that no matter how great the tragedy, sorrow or devastation, hope always prevails.

  57. Even the beauty of that special moon could not assuage the hurt and anguish one feels over the devastation in Japan. I can tell you are greatly affected by the tragedy, as well, Gary.

    This is a great post - may those involved in this tragedy find everything they need to recover. I wish them peace, comfort, and solace.

    Blessings to you,

  58. Greetings Count Sneaky,
    Henry, indeed, those are wise words from "The Brothers Karamazov". Most certainly a provocative statement.
    Love and laughter can be powerful forces. During these times of crisis on our battered and bruised planet, we must extend a hand of love to our fellow man and creatures that have endured such horrendous suffering.
    In peace and hope, Gary.

  59. Hi joanne,
    Thank you for such a kind and thoughtful comment.
    Our brothers and sisters in Japan have demonstrated, in the face of great adversity, humanity at its finest and most profound. The dignity, the pulling together as one that they have demonstrated, can be lessons for us all.
    We do live in hope.
    In peace, hope and gratitude, your way, Gary.

  60. Greetings M,
    Absolutely, the wonder of the supermoon did not diminish the intensity, the pain I feel for our friends and the terrified creatures of Japan. I believe we must and will do whatever it takes to extend our hands of caring and compassion to all in the world who are being subjected to any and all devastation.
    I thank you for such a warm and caring comment.
    Blessing to you and to all of us.
    In peace and hope, your way, Gary.

  61. Gary;
    beautifully and achingly spoken from a soft and loving heart. It is almost always the very worst of situations that bring out the very most inspirational acts of selfless thoughtfulness. There is power in disaster and I'm not treating this lightly. Just because we don't hear about it yet doesn't mean it's not happening. Be of good heart my dear. Send positive loving thoughts to all those who are so needing it and be amazed at what comes of it.

    1. Hi Heather,

      And a beautifully, thoughtful, articulate reaction by your dear self. Yes, there are times that the worst brings out the best, as people unite to be there for each other in the most challenging of times. And may we all learn the lessons of inspiring and selfless acts. Your words are cherished and may the positivity of your thoughts, all our thoughts, create a peaceful, caring world. A legacy for our children and all the precious life on this fragile planet.

      In peace and goodwill,



I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.