
Friday 23 October 2009

Fall For The Fairy Princess.

I watched as the leaves floated down in gentle whirls. Autumn, glorious autumn. A magical time in my magical garden.
The 'wee folks' were at play; frolicking amongst the fallen leaves. With childlike curiosity, I heard them sing, I watched them dance. The beautiful fairy princess and the garden gnome, at peace in the tranquil haven.
Leaf after splendid leaf, fell like splashes of golden flakes. The breeze gently sighed through the waving branches. The remaining birds sang a haunting tune that echoed all around. A tune in perfect melody with the wind chimes and the the cheerful singing of the wee folks. Sweet sounds, sweet music, sweet vision. A celebration of contentment, happiness and harmony. All was right in their world. The world in my magical garden.
We dream, we pray and we hope. We wish for our world to be a happy place. A world where no man passes judgement on his fellow man. A world, where like the world of the wee folks; a garden gnome can fall for the fairy princess and a fairy princess can fall for the garden gnome.


  1. Wishing you many fairy princesses in your lovely garden...hugs, night, night...

  2. Thanks Carole,
    Sweet dreams, my friend. Hugs to you and to all a good night....

  3. I've learned in this life, Gary, all things are possible!(smile) What a wonderful post! It seems magically poetic, and I truly enjoyed reading this delightful tale of the gnome and fairy princess. Aren't you lucky to have such a magnificent garden?(smile)
    And such a compassionate heart? We should all be as fortunate...

    Blessings always,

  4. How I do wish for that world...
    thanks Gary for taking me there momentarily. --V

  5. Hi Mattie,
    How wonderful to have you drop by. I so hope you are feeling better.
    Thanks for such a nice, magical response.
    My garden was a creation of love. What was once unsightly squalor, is now a peaceful sanctuary for the 'wee folks, the wonders of nature, and what the heck, even me:-)
    You do a wonderful blog, Mattie. I send you positive wishes.
    In peace and respect, Gary

  6. Hi Victoria,
    I have been reading your inspirational blogs, Victoria. From reading them, I sense that your 'inner child' takes you to such a magical world.
    Now, if only our world could just embrace the wonder that lies in the hearts of the 'wee folks'.
    Thank you Victoria. I'm really enjoying reading your excellent postings on your site.
    In peace, Gary:-)

  7. Hi folks,

    For those of you who are not aware; this has been an ongoing tale in regards to the fairy princess and the garden gnome. If you click on the label for 'wee folks' it will bring up the previous three stories.
    I thank you kindly, Gary.

  8. We loose so much of the magic we have as children when we grow up and I think that is sad - nice to see your garden fairies are well and enjoying life!

    Julie xx

  9. Dear Gary,
    Ah the gnomes and the fairies and Fall. Such a wonderful continuing tale of love and inspiration.
    But don't stay "off with the fairies" for too long, Gary- you may never return!
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  10. "A new love" is like this, no matter what age we are. To hold each other in freshness of spirit and beauty... so hoping it will last forever. Finding a 'soul mate' who can accept us after out faults are revealed is true love. A garden setting and the beautiful way you describe the season... 'leaves' me sighing... ah.
    Wonderful posting Gary. I found myself crying, "wee, wee, wee, all the way home."
    Love and peace, Dixie

  11. Hi Julie,
    If anything, as I get older, my childlike curiosity, my 'inner child', has become stronger.
    I know you embrace that magical place that lies in your heart.
    I celebrate in the joyous place that is my garden. A garden full of beauty and 'wee folks':-)
    Thanks for you comment, Julie. I wish you more success in your ongoing writing quests.
    Magical wishes, your way, Gary:-)

  12. Dear David,
    Good point David. At this rate, I might just be away with the fairies a 'wee' bit too long.
    I'm glad you have been enjoying this ongoing tale of magic and wonder.
    Thanks David. I must go now and see what the wee folks are up too.
    With best wishes, Gary

  13. Dear Dixie,
    You are so right about 'new love'. The thrill, the hearts a flutter; is a magical time that one hopes and dreams will last forever.
    To be accepted for who we are and to be loved unconditionally, is a beautiful way to be.
    I'm so glad you liked the post and the magical meanings that lie within it.
    Love and peace, your way, Gary xx

  14. Dear Suzanne,
    I so glad you could sense the magic that lies within my garden. The magic of the fairy princess and the garden gnome. The magic that they hope will inspire mankind.
    Thanks Suzanne.
    Sending you magical wishes, Gary x

  15. Thye colour is exhilerating isn't it. Especially when you get that special low autumn sun.

    We have a great big Ash tree in our garden that doesn't go such a nice colour but those that we have platned do. So we have a fairly plain umbrella presiding over splashes of colour all over the place.

  16. Hi John,
    It has been a spectacular autumn here. That low autumn sun most certainly enhances the colours.
    Thanks for your comment. Always a delight to read that excellent blog of yours.
    Kind wishes, Gary


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.