
Wednesday 21 February 2007

Challenging the 'Inner Critic'.

Greetings friend,
This is my first blog. This is another positive step forward in getting on with my life. I challenge my 'inner-critic.' The 'master' that dictated that I had no self-worth. The master who told me not to impose myself on society. Now I question this negative authority. I have given myself permission to be positive. I shall no longer be a recluse. The world has so much to offer.
Have you ever woken up from a dream and didn't like the way it ended? Did you ever try to go back to sleep and change the ending? Many a time, my life felt like dreams with sad conclusions. The more positive me visualises a better ending to my dreams. I focus in my mind on just how good life can be. We all have the right to a happy ending. Our dreams, our goals, our aspirations are valid. Our spirit and our empathy will encourage us to make our positive plans an exciting reality.
In my postings I shall endeavour to be transparent. I will verbalise my thoughts in an open and honest manner. I must be true to myself and I must be true to you.
I look forward, with positive anticipation, the sincere interaction that we will share. When we help each other, we help ourselves.
I thank you for your time. Warm regards klahanie.


  1. What an open and honest blog - I look forward to the next instalment.

  2. Thanks for such a positive blog Klahanie! - it's SO good to have you mind bloggling. Keep challenging that inner-critic. If you think it will happen it's more likely to, so think the outcome will be good and it's more likely to be! :-) But FANTASTIC to have you along on this journey. Em.


I do try to comment back to each commenter individually. However, I might have to shorten my replies or give a group thank you. That way, I can spend more time commenting on your blogs. Thank you and peace, my friend.